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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. My father’s accountant and lawyer sorted all that out. I don’t mind paying tax in Thailand, only seems fair if I am living here. i am not going to work ever again. I am runnin free.
  2. Hi, I was directed here from the Visa section. I am getting married later this year and would like to be able to do a speech in Thai. I have just started learning the thai alphabet, chicken, egg, bottle, buffalo etc. Any good tips about how to learn quickly. Online courses etc. My girlfriend speaks good English so I am lucky there, she will help me. It should take about 3-6 months I think.
  3. Thanks for the advice. i am 100% certain now I will do the Retirement visa on an O type. And use an agent to make it easier as you say. I didn’t even know that some people thought they were illegal. You sure hear a lot of contradicting opinions about stuff here. This forum is so helpful.
  4. Thanks for the tips, but I have known her for five years now and we talked everyday video on Line. Best woman I have ever met. i heard you if married can send the money from England tax free and you just say it is a gift for your wife. 2 million per year. All my money is an inheritance so I think that is exempt from the tax also. i am meeting the agent later, he will probably know. I think after living in London all my life that living up country in Thailand will be like being reborn. I want to fish farm, have chickens, grow vegetables and some rice, eat all organic natural stuff and slim down a lot.
  5. Best pig I ever ate in my life was in Pattaya. suckling pig on a spit. i can not find it in Phuket. maybe to many Muslims?
  6. Failure is not an option. I met a New Zealander the other day who has lived here for six years who speaks fluent Thai. He did it during Covid. He was adamant that the best way is to learn the Thai alphabet and learn that way. The romanization way he said doesn’t work. I tend to believe him. He was excellent. Last night I learned the chicken. today the egg. Tomorrow is the bottle. Will take about a month.
  7. Yes I will need to speak Thai when I live up country. Wife says most can not speak English up there, but I heard that they learn English at schools, so not really sure until I get there.
  8. Ok. maybe pay the agent to open one at Kaskorn. Then I could open a second one at Kaskorn without an agent because they already know me. Three would be best for me I think, one for living, one for building the house and one for immigration. Depends on the fees I guess.
  9. ok. Thank you. i am meeting the agent today. I will ask if he can do Kaskorn. I might open one of each, just to be on the safe side.
  10. Your information is wrong. Girlfriend and others tell me you don’t get married at temples. And you don’t get married at the district office either. You just have to send them the forms at that office to get the certificate when you are married. You have a lot to learn.
  11. Thankyou, but I think the retirement is best for me now.
  12. It is a bit confusing. You say Bangkok Bank, Dr Jack says they are not good and Kaskorn is better. The agent will know. i hope.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion but I think I will go with retirement O visa.
  14. No please keep it open until I get my visa. Really helpful. Thank you very much.
  15. I can not see any ludicrous questions from me? Strange forum this one? Meanwhile the other happier half answered solved my visa issues within two hours after I have spent the last two weeks in confusion as everyone I spoke to had a different story. I can not thank you enough. Simply 1) I must go to an agent tomorrow which I have already googled. 2)He will open my bank account and sort the visa paperwork. 3)I must go to Saigon to the Thai embassy to get an O visa 4) Take O visa to Thailand embassy (not in Phuket but in girlfriends hometown) and swap it over for a retirement visa. 5) no need to change visas when I get married. 800,000 THBin the Kasikorn bank. Agent 5,000 THB Too easy. One more question. Do I need to go to the British Embassy also in Saigon or do the Thais do it all for you?
  16. I googled it. and was directed by my friend google to here. which is why I am asking here. to all those who have helped me today thank-you very much. I will sleep better tonight and will be off to Saigon soon. To the Germans and lizards, you were half the reason I left the west to come to Thailand. You are just reinforcing to me I made the right decision. So thanks to you also. And a tip. good manners go a long way in Thailand, being rude will get you nowhere.
  17. One last question. if I do the retirement visa and then get married I then have to change it?
  18. Sorry if my questions make me sound a bit stupid. You must admit it is a bit different here. Must take the good with the bad, and so far the good is winning by a mile.
  19. I want to get the suckling pig. i had it in Pattaya years ago and never forgot it. Best pork I had ever tasted.
  20. Thanks. if I learn 20 words a day it won’t take long.
  21. Ok The girlfriend said we have the wedding at her house, but I will tell her for the visa we will do it at the district office. Is it expensive? Do they do catering etc?
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