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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. He is a Pakistani posing as a Brit posing as a tour guide. Deport him. i think most will agree it was a mistake for us invading Pakistan.
  2. I think it is important to get the Pattaya dolphins squirting again.
  3. that is a lot. They only charge 1,000 where I am staying now.
  4. well I think that all depends on the type of girl. some girls are very promiscuous and some are not. They are. It is nature. it is the way it works. My dad was not either. and I think you will find that Christian countries women are the most promiscuous of all. If you not what you are doing the woman also receives pleasure and are often the instigator in sexual relations. It sounds like you missed that in your books.
  5. Failure is not an option. If other people can do it I can to. I am already up to กขคฆงจฉ My NZ mate says you will fail if you do not learn the alphabet first. Maybe that is where you went wrong. Ps i assume there is no keyboard key for the bottle and the person as they are not used anymore?
  6. Calm down Freddy. My dad used to encourage that sort of behavior to his boys. By 15 I already knew how to undo a bra in a second using my thumb and index finger. it is an international school so your bizarre theory on absent fathers is just a bizarre theory unless a whole lot of single mothers are earning enough cash to send them, which I doubt. correct, it was probably a fair point Absolute rubbish. Stop making things up.
  7. Done it thousands of times. Do I get a trophy? Not if you can handle your drink, it is a lot of fun usually. Plenty of worse things I can do.
  8. I don’t think a translator would cut it. i want to be able to hear what is being said, and social events etc
  9. A bit harsh to expel students for this I think. Surely should be dealt with so they know not to do it again, but expelling 15 year old boys ruining their education, or involving police, media and lawyers is a bit much. They are just learning. If a teacher did it then castrate him, but 15 year old boys pulling at girls bra straps need to be given a second chance. Part of growing up. If I was the father I would give the boys a good clip around the ear and a stern warning after school one day. But not involve all the others.
  10. I have only just left there and moved here. Believe me when I say the worst place for misbehaving Brits is in Great Britain itself. Never ending. The current group of 20-35 years olds are just a pack of posing, drunken, drugged out, entitled aggressive animals always looking for trouble while crying the victim. And that is just the women. While it is embarrassing for me for the constant incidents here and in just about every other country we travel to in numbers it still beats the hell of living amongst them 24/7. I am moving upcountry soon and am praying there are not any others up there who have jaded the locals.
  11. Only because his two mates jibbed it, so I don’t know if that really counts? That is one of things I admire about Thais, they are not cowards and stick together to get a win, even against bigger opponents. I would rather be in a war with Thais trained in Muay Tai and a life of hardship by my side than the current crop of mouthy younger generation Brit posers who are obsessed with posing for Facebook, manscaping and beauty products. God help us next time we are in a war, we would be better off with our women fighting the enemy than men like those three.
  12. No wonder the Thai police were laughing at this guy. Gee those girls have a hard job, servicing desperados like this monkey.
  13. Apologist? No just based on the facts. There was no bill padding, no 10 thai on 1 farang, nobody put in a coma as was claimed by the farang apologists. Just a simple case of a tourist running out on his bill for sexual services after he probably prematurely ejaculated. And a wannabe tough guy covered in tattoos starting a fight who turned out to be a dismal incompetent fighter who was whipped by someone half his size and only saved from a more serious beating by girls. Embarrassed to be from the same country? Yes. But I never apologize
  14. We come from a land where people are encouraged to be idiots because it is funny, the drinking culture has evolved into a drug culture, the people can slag off police with little consequence, people can commit crimes with little consequence, people slag off each other with little consequence. That style doesn’t blend in well with Thai culture so many get a reality check. We just don’t travel well.
  15. Just met with one. we are doing the bank accounts tomorrow at Kaskorn. Once again, thanks to everyone for advice. Will update as we go.
  16. You are the one who is dreaming if you believe Pimp’s security are there to ensure your safety. They are there solely for the pimp to be paid and perhaps to ensue the girls have a certain level of performance. You seem very naive on how the game works.
  17. It was an accident. No intent to kill anyone or smash his truck. He might have been a contractor so no company to pay your 40 million. Cost of living is fatigueing many these days just to put food on the table. Probably a hard working decent man who would be feeling terrible now.
  18. I think they are there to make sure that the customers don’t run off after having sex with their girls. They are hired by the pimp (who was a fellow Brit) to protect his girls, not hired by the Thai government tourist department to look after tourists safety. I hear all those Pattaya bars have been taken over by the Brit gangsters? Little Britain?
  19. If they gave a reward I would hunt him down personally. i would start in Pattaya and fan out from there.
  20. Nah, they absolutely love us. what they don’t like is when you do a bill runner and then pick fights when asked to pay. I don’t think anywhere in the world would be any different, you start fights you better know how to actually fight. Younger generation Brits are all showy with their tattoos, but I life plying on computer games has not helped their street fighting capabilities. Those soft boys would not have stood a chance at the football in the 70-90s. They should be deported for embarrassing us so much.
  21. Because our British press reported it as “Sex tourist refuses to pay bill for sex and ends up in a coma” Sex, money, violence. Good clickbait. If he is married he will have some explaining to do when he gets home.
  22. Who said tattoos don’t make you tough! After watching the videos it appears it was the farangs who started it all. They tried to run away without paying one of the bills. And it was for sexual services as well as drinks. That is pretty low. And then the white shirt farang was goading them for a fight in the street. But he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag and went down in a heap to the much smaller Thai guy who knew his stuff. Guess all those tattoos didn’t help his fighting ability. if you want to start fights you should actually learn how to fight first. looks like white shirt guy hasn’t changed his shirt after all these days?
  23. Good advice. I learnt piano as a kid. Repeat and repeat until it gets perfect is the way to do it.
  24. The way I see it is she (her mother) is giving us the land and I will be paying for the building. So in for half each. So IF, and it is a big if, we divorce I am happy to sell it and give er half of it anyway. seems a lot fairer than in England from a man’s prospective
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