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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Your comment doesn't make any sense, as usual, because while Tesla sales declined, BYD sales increased by a multiple of that. You do know that both brands sell those 3 ton behemoths?
  2. To me it looks that Trump clearly wasn't interested in letting Altman make any announcement, and that he sidelined him. Do you really think he will allow Altman to take any business away from his pal Musk?
  3. You can not get 500Mbps unless you have fibre. VDSL caps out on about 100 Mbps max, ADSL about half of that, but I don't think ADSL is still used. 2gb or 8Gb is the RAM, has nothing to do with speed, and 8GB speed doesn't exist in Thailand. And here you say it has 4GB RAM.
  4. CallumWK


    As explained in the OP, that probably should be the last place I consider, because it are these people that granted the license. Complaint should be made outside the local government, but I don't know which department would be interested in this.
  5. Yes it contradicts your scaremongering and conspiracy theories, as it is clearly mentioned in the video that there is NO mention from immigration or IRS that a tax return will be needed. At the beginning of the video is mentioned that is friend was told by a lone IO, who just voiced his OWN opinion.
  6. I believe this guy is far worse than Diddy, and it's just a matter of time before he joins him in his current residence
  7. CallumWK


    In my neighborhood, a shooting range was opened a few months ago, catering to the buses with Chinese tourist. In itself not a problem you will say, but the shooting range is constructed in corrugated steel, seemingly without any sound insulation, as every shot can be heard about 1 km away. Sound is all day as if they drop such a steel sheet from a height. Would you think this is allowed, and where I should be to file a complaint? The answer obviously should not be with my local government office, since they will be who issued the license and got the kickbacks.
  8. No need to wait for your next troll topic Bob.
  9. How strange, in a previous troll topic of yours, you posted it was almost in the bag. And it will be granted soon.
  10. Obviously in Pattaya wearing a full face helmet is required even when walking on the footpaths.
  11. And he doesn't give up yet, although that hole in his foot must look like a crater by now. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-trump-told-gop-lawmakers-160217180.html Trump says he will announce reciprocal tariffs on many countries next week
  12. And the orange man caves in again. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-signs-order-delaying-tariffs-172305688.html Trump pauses de minimis repeal as packages pile up at US customs
  13. I know on the elevated highway between Chonburi and Bangkok are automatic gates. You just pass through them, no need to take a card, and where you they know where you entered and you pay cash. I assume there are similar gates on other tollways
  14. Impossible a tollpoint without cash boot, as you would not have been able to pass.
  15. Read : Constructors will never get paid
  16. That is great that you already know inflation rate 4 the next 4 years. That is sorted then. Anyway, I see something very different from a 1.22% inflation in the supermarkets
  17. You obviously not. To know if a poster is posting anything of value, which is appreciated by other members, or if most of it is just pure drivel, I usually look at his reputation score. No words needed
  18. No you are missing the point. 800.000 baht x 8.88% = 71.040 baht 42400 baht - 71040 baht = -28640 baht
  19. Sure Trump has got on his high horse the first 2 weeks, bullying everyone like he promised, though has caved in on most of it already. Now as soon as the US consumer start to feel the consequences of that, and it won't take long for that, it will be a different story all together. Any news on that? He said the war would be finished 1 day after taking office, but so far there isn't any news yet about talks. I'm sure he would not refrain from bragging on that, if there were any talks happening.
  20. By the time the midterms are due, conservative voters will have woken up to the fact that this isn't what they voted for
  21. What do you think the difference would be? The difference being that he probably isn't interested in the uneducated drivel you have been spouting on this topic for months now
  22. Yes it is, but it is argued by renowned "investors" who don't have 800K to show, and live hand to mouth year round
  23. In theory I can spend 400K of it for 6 months I think, just have to top up in time, but that is not the point here, as I leave it untouched. I live from other funds already in Thai bank accounts, transferred here when the exchange rate was favorable, instead of withdrawing living expenses monthly by CC or transferring, each month getting a worse exchange rate.
  24. You are obviously not up to date with UK legislation, £1,000 ( 42,000 baht) of savings are tax free... definitely saves a lot Tax free or not, so you consider 5.3% interest minus 6.12% exchange rate loss during the same year a saving? Maybe back to school for you.
  25. Certainly they can see what device you are using, the MAC address of the device, and the IP location. While it is correct that you can use at other locations occasionally, if they notice that your locations and devices switch too frequently, they will know you are sharing your subscription.
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