Shopee just had the guts to send me a questionnaire rating the support they had provided in the refund. I have given them my opinion, knowing very well that it will not be read anyway. (I wrote them in Thai, but this is the English translation)
You should be ashamed to send me this questionnaire. All your support is in Thai language only, yet your business caters, and takes money, from foreigners.
Your staff has been LYING for 1 week now, claiming the refund was deposited in my account on January 30, but fail to prove any transfer has happened.
At the same time they dare to intrude on my privacy by repeatedly demanding I send them a statement of my bank account which shows all transactions and balances.
When I contacted Kasikorn bank, they told me ask them, for the transaction ID, which they will have IF they actually did a transfer. 48 hours and 2 emails later they still fail to provide me with that transaction ID. SHAME YOURSELF.