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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Sure +5.3%, before taxes, minus -6.12% saves you a lot. Not?
  2. I hope they gonna do a better job than the Afghanistan evacuation.
  3. What reason would shop owners have to complain because people park on the public road at the side their shop is located? Oh wait, I forgot where I am, and that shop owners think they own the road in front of their shop.
  4. Why you think tv channels have anything with the device you use? You said you bought the best the lady had, though Allwinner processors are the worst of what is available on the market.
  5. Definitely not, since it has the S905X4-J processor, which has issues with some codecs. There are 3 versions of the S905X4 processor, B - J and K, and only the K version supports all codecs. Better to go for a box with S922 or S928 processor. Nvidia Shield TV Pro, although outdated OS and overpriced, is still one of the better boxes available
  6. I would think every kind of oven is useless to cook more than one food item at the same time, as they will need different times in every oven
  7. Because you have claimed many times you are a MAGA supporter, so it is expected you support their policies.
  8. Why not ask your MAGA leaders? Everyone here already knows the answer you will get, but we also know that MAGA stands for one policy for some, and another for us.
  9. Your own claim, not mine. A trans man (short for transgender man) is a man who was assigned female at birth.
  10. You said you are a trans-man, which means a female pretending to be a male, something MAGA is policing against.
  11. Shopee just had the guts to send me a questionnaire rating the support they had provided in the refund. I have given them my opinion, knowing very well that it will not be read anyway. (I wrote them in Thai, but this is the English translation) You should be ashamed to send me this questionnaire. All your support is in Thai language only, yet your business caters, and takes money, from foreigners. Your staff has been LYING for 1 week now, claiming the refund was deposited in my account on January 30, but fail to prove any transfer has happened. At the same time they dare to intrude on my privacy by repeatedly demanding I send them a statement of my bank account which shows all transactions and balances. When I contacted Kasikorn bank, they told me ask them, for the transaction ID, which they will have IF they actually did a transfer. 48 hours and 2 emails later they still fail to provide me with that transaction ID. SHAME YOURSELF.
  12. That is something you made up. Stop making up things about what I didn't say, or I will have to report you again
  13. Exactly, every time he uses the ATM or sends money over for living expenses, he has been losing money over the last year at least. Actually he has lost about 40% over the last 15 year, but hey, he's the smartest one on here 😂🤣
  14. Most old Thai people own large plots of land, which they got free or almost for free, and which is now worth big dosh . The old people from who I purchased my plot 16 years ago, cut the 1 Rai out of the 17 Rai plot they owned. The old people have passed away since, and most of the land has already been sold by the heirs, at between 3 and 4 million a Rai
  15. The realist in me is thinking, similar as with every government department, each office will make up their own rules on the spot.
  16. In another post you say you put 18 million in that account. Anything above 2 million is paying only 1%, and above 3 million only 0.55%, and the EZ savings account isn't tax free either. EZ Savings ( E PASSBOOK) (Account opening via every channels) / Savings E PassBook (Online Account) for new customers to open first deposit account with SCB Up to Baht 2,000,000 (A) 1.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - More than Baht 2,000,000 up to Baht 3,000,000 (B) 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - More than Baht 3,000,000 (C) 0.55 - - - - - - - - - - - -
  17. Where did I say that the taxing isn't happening??? You are scaremongering that it WILL be linked to visa extensions. Where is your source?
  18. Are those two coming out of the closet, or what dirt does Thaksin have on Anutin?
  19. Nothing has to go away, as it has never been applied or even announced that it will be linked. The only thing that should go away is YOU
  20. He's a wind up. has made the same claim at least 50 times in all threads, without any evidence or source. Why do the mods allow this scaremongering to continue is beyond me
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