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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Here we are. Food advises have become woke. Is there any source that tells you how many years longer you will live if you avoid all foods you like and have eaten all your life? BTW, if they said I will live 20 years longer, it would encourage me to eat even more of them. My mom died at 92, my dad at 96. Both were healthy until the last year, but I have seen what they went through the last 10 years of their life in the retirement home. Thanks, but if that is my future, i will pull the plug myself
  2. By coincidence I was looking up fruits and Keto diet recently, and the results showed me that sweet fruits are to be avoided because of the sugars/carbs
  3. As the title says, I consider buying a second hand PCX - Nmax or something in the same class. I don't use the bike much, maybe once every fortnight, since I live out of town and have a car, but it should be a comfortable ride for the occasional 20 - 30km trip and have some storage under the seat. What should I look for, what age and what price? Are there any negatives on either of the models I mentioned which I should look out for? Any suggestions where to get it at the best price, I'm east of Pattaya, are welcome.
  4. With 108+ I assume you mean the dollar index, which is the dollar value against a basket of 6 major currencies. Thai baht is not included in the index. How the exchange rate evolves has no influence at all on my, because firstly I'm not an American, and my money is already in Thailand, so I will not have to transfer again. Only thing I worry about is, that I want to buy gold to beat the 2% interest you get in the bank, but lately gold price and USD/THB exchange go hand in hand. When gold price increase in USD, the THB get stronger at the same time, and vice versa, thereby limiting the price movement in Thai baht.
  5. I don't know how to calculate average exchange rate over 10 years, but I estimate it is somewhere in the low 30"s
  6. The OP doesn't say that. and sliding further to 35.50 IN 2025, Do you see somewhere the words BY 2025 in the OP? I see it says that in the thread title, but as usual these days, title doesn't corresponded with what is in the OP.
  7. The OP has a Canadian PR himself. From the website links I posted it is clear what the qualifications are for PR, and you can't comply with any in 2 weeks, which is the time the wife was in Canada, posted here by the OP in another thread. We all know you always know everything better, only you don't realize you are the one that is trolled.
  8. Here is the official Canadian government site, same same but different. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/who-can-apply.html
  9. And you are so dumb to think that I don't have access to the Canadian government sites. You can only receive the card AFTER your permanent residency has been approved. https://www.careercanadaimmigration.com/canada-permanent-residency/ How to get a permanent residency card in Canada? Once individuals pass through the Canadian immigration requirements with an approved Canada PR, they become eligible to receive a permanent resident card. And those requirements for PR are.........................
  10. I don't know about Lazada, since I stopped ordering from them long time ago because of the scams, but Shopee has an option "give the seller more time", which then also extends the time you can send back. Sure, if it is shipped there must be a tracking number which shows the status.
  11. From the not so dumb Callum, that can be everyone's residency card. Most likely your own. And more from the same not so dumb Callum. Which one she complied with in those 2 weeks she was there, and admitted by you in your own thread? https://www.careercanadaimmigration.com/canada-permanent-residency/
  12. Oh, so sorry, I posted an about figure and left out the SIX SATANG, I was only pointing out your ridiculous cherry picking. https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=THB
  13. Nope, he's jealous of Bob's ability to create troll threads which people keep feeding into.
  14. From your previous thread , she was in Canada for merely a week or two. How she can get Canadian PR without staying there? Another evidence of you're a troll
  15. It was 32.30 in October
  16. It might be the OP is a troll, and this is just his umpteenth troll thread. On second thought, it isn't might be, but definitely is
  17. So you know who the real Nakamoto is?
  18. Spanish place
  19. Another one of your creative calculations. I assume your EV - solar installation - land and house all came for free?
  20. Thanks for delivering proof that you are mentally disturbed, something we were aware of for a long time already
  21. Glad someone else noticed that the OP is our latest AI member. I did notice this for while already from his other threads
  22. Get an IQ. It doesn't say the buyer is required to open the parcel on delivery
  23. Probably because the buyer is not obliged to open the parcel while the driver is present, and has the freedom to just take delivery and open later.
  24. I guess everyone has found out already why the price reductions in Makro. They are sold out already, and Makro will not sell those products in the future, so even smaller assortment will be available, and fewer reasons to visit Makro.
  25. If every owner in your complex was that generous, I guess they would earn a year salary in 1 day
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