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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. You call that nice tatts? To me looks more like they allowed a 3 year old to be creative with a tattoo machine
  2. No, the lady took a mortgage from me, which was all drawn up by a lawyer, and registered at the land department. So my name is on the back of the land title as the mortgagee. Land title is also in my possession, and don't get your thoughts in a twist. I know the lady for 30 years and trust her 100%. If she had bad intentions, she would also not have informed me about the possible repossession of her house
  3. She can not sell the land with a mortgage registered on the back. She can't even lease it or whatever
  4. Not sure if something was lost in translation. We talk about 2 separate properties. The bank has a mortgage on the house where she lives only. On the land where I live, I'm the only one who has a mortgage, bank was never involved
  5. You have reading issue John? Didn't you see that it made clear in the OP that I am very well aware of the fact that I don't own the land? So why you feel you need to repeat it. But it is clear that you are not the brightest light in the shed, if you think that a lease or usufruct would mean you own it
  6. Thanks, I plan to visit her today and find out. You think that even if the bank can not recover by selling her house, they can touch land that has a mortgage registered on it?
  7. Yeah looks like a real Jewel. Another example of what money can buy
  8. https://channel3now.com/2024/07/29/17-year-old-ali-al-shakati-arrested-in-connection-with-the-stabbings-in-southport-england/ https://rumble.com/v58xwsd-17-year-old-ali-al-shakati-arrested-in-connection-with-the-stabbings-in-sou.html 17-year-old Ali Al-Shakati arrested in connection with the stabbings in Southport, England
  9. I own a piece of land with a house on it. Yes, I know I can't own land in Thailand, so let the pedants please give this topic a miss. The land is registered in the name of a long time Thai friend, and has a mortgage in my name registered on the back of the title deed. The friend in question also owns a house in a moobaan, and is behind on the payments. She just informed me that she received a letter from the bank that they will foreclose if she doesn't pay within the next 60 days. I think she is 150.000 baht behind in payments, but not sure how much she owes the bank in total. She lives in that house for about 15 years, I think. So the question is, what are the risks for my property if they foreclose on her house?
  10. I can see they got promised the boxes in 6 days, they conveniently didn't include what happened on the 6th day. Sure, most who have ever done business here know how that went
  11. So this maybe a tricky question. I live in a house, 15km outside the Pattaya district. The land is of course in the name of a Thai, but the building is in my name. Building license and everything in my name. I have a yellow book. Until today I have never received any request to pay the property tax, and neither the landowner. So am I exempt from the property tax or not? And since I never received a bill, should I let sleeping dogs lie? Edit to add: The landowner doesn't live here, and has another property, where he lives and is registered.
  12. Until they are there for a month, then you can't get them removed anymore even with 2 horses pulling
  13. bump
  14. Doesn't even have to be a hotel, even a guesthouse would do, as long as it is clean
  15. Don't encourage us to make wishes
  16. I jumped off the FB page of the 'EV Club Thailand' to get to this..... I hope the below link works: https://www.facebook.com/jkrisda/posts/pfbid02ECdgMSvcaqRmqRmJegGSAAvtAGTnRwWKNUunRiYXBHsTAKQu7MqcdukS2J9AhRFvl or directly to the EVAT FB page: https://www.facebook.com/EVAT2015 OK, we get it now. It's a post from a FB poster, who even makes clear that he can't voice for the credibility of what he REposted, but it is taken as a truth by the EV wokes.
  17. Oh, so you reposted a post without a credible source, as a fact? Wait a minute, that is what all your post are about, posting some hearsay as facts
  18. Of course there isn't, but how about some police enforcement? Oh wait I just realize where I am
  19. Maybe because the Chinese sent 566.000 cars and only 76.000 were sold?
  20. Yes I see your post, and the one from Mistral53, but where is the link to EVAT's post ?
  21. High guys and girls, I plan to travel to Phuket soon and stay there for about a week. I live in Thailand for decades but haven't been to Phuket for about 20 years, so I have no idea about accommodation, and will appreciate your suggestions. What I'm looking for is of course the cheapest option available 🙂 No serious, I will stay in the room only to sleep, as it is a business trip, so it certainly doesn't have to be 5 star. My main requirements are that it is clean, has a car parking or parking on the street nearby isn't an issue, and it has to be in the Patong area. I look forward to your suggestions. If possible, include a link to the place
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