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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Then how are they traded on the HK and Shenzhen stock market?
  2. Thanks for the correction, I was misinformed
  3. For a good reason. This is also a motorbike by definition, just imagine you have one of these in front of you in an underpass. He might even stop to serve a coffee
  4. Which is significantly higher than most countries in the west. In Belgium your savings guarantee is 100.000 Euro (~4 million baht) per individual, so that is all banks combined.
  5. Yes it does, same as they are not allowed on flyovers either
  6. You also still believe in Santa Claus?
  7. Very few, and for a very good reason, because only half of the functions in their current system would be available, because too many restrictions , while the system in itself would cost multiple times from what Windows cost.
  8. I have never been to a Homepro where they said, waterheater no have
  9. Close at midnight today till midnight on Sunday, so actually it is 3 days (evenings), because many will not bother going out for only a few hours tonight
  10. Curiously, waiting for that answer as well, because I thought @Tropicalevo owns his properties
  11. How there can be 461 votes with 314 mp's attending?
  12. Maybe it was the same guy who shot JFK who sat on the water tower.
  13. I heard you can buy follower accounts on those sites. When I see his face and hear his voice my stomach already turns, and I assume I'm not the exception
  14. Yes you get 5.35%, but you first have to buy $ and at the end of the term exchange them to baht again. The difference between buying and selling rate is about 2%, so that is already only 3.35% left, and that is if the dollar remains stable. Have you looked at the exchange rate this week? And I forgot, I guess that interest is subject to 15% withholding tax, so with the baht getting stronger, and the withholding tax, your 5.35% may actually be a negatvive end result
  15. Posters in this thread must be confused. Thai government claims that inflation is less than 1%, and the US claims 2.7%, so price increases should be barely noticeable, even if it was all imported produce
  16. You can't change your hardware MAC, but you can change your WIFI MAC, which is what the websites see. There are free apps for that
  17. Well, we all know that you probably never attended English language classes, but this should be easy to understand, even for you too corrupt to serve.
  18. So, little bit corrupt is still OK in Democrat circles?
  19. Agree, it usually start with the very first reply in those threads, who always seems to be the same poster, as if he's waiting for it
  20. Yup, that's how party donations work everywhere in the world. They donate if they support their policies. Glad you finally worked that out for yourself
  21. Have you tried without VPN or any addons that hide your real IP?
  22. Using VPN or not will make no difference in what prices you get shown. The inflated prices occur because the website stores tracking cookies on your PC, and most likely sees the MAC address. If you want to avoid that you should remove all cookies from your browsers and in the future use private browser only, and frequently change your MAC address. When you use VPN you will always get a different IP, but they probably detect you are using a VPN, and that is what they block
  23. Yes, unbelievable that she ignores classified documents to be stored in a garage next to a corvette..........................Oh wait, that was the other guy who got dismissed on the base that he's dement
  24. So you bought only 1 car in your entire life, and you assume that if she bought property she did in the first year of her working career? Thai bashing at its best is what you are trying
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