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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. In other news today, Norwegian couple bought chicken on a stick from a roadside vendor
  2. I have always been told that nature sorts itself. Seems to be not true then
  3. Nothing but bad economic news from Thailand for the past year, yet the baht get stronger. Looks as if someone is pumping it again today. Today, USD get stronger against all major currencies, including Asian, yet the USD weakens more than 0.5% against the baht in a single day. https://finance.yahoo.com/currencies
  4. Hmm, I don't know Willie Brown, but seems he had an issue keeping his Willie in his pants. That some others had an affair with him, doesn't make JonnyF's claim that Kamala slept her way to the top inaccurate
  5. I think you are telling a lot of porkies in your posts. Less than 5% body fat is unrealistic, very unhealthy and for sure not maintainable for 45 years. In another post you claim to have over 40.000 CD's. You either live in a dreamworld or are a professional troll.
  6. I visit that "well known" mall almost daily, and for the past year I have had an eye at that ceiling, and wondered when it would come down entirely. That roof, or actually I think it are the rusting water pipes above the ceiling, show more leaks than a strainer
  7. Nope, the shop he refers to is a professional watchmaker, as I know several high-end watch sellers in Europe who send their repairs to this person. I agree he doesn't sell the high-end watches, like Rolex, rather the mid-markets like Citizen - Seiko - Casio
  8. Google is not an email client, it's a company that provides services like an internet browser
  9. That's what immigrants to the US do, because they have to support the democrats for their open borders.
  10. You mean when you have access again to the free food kitchens? This thread is about diet, not about living the life of someone who has no money for food
  11. I don't see the Royal palace on the list, is it closed?
  12. The bank fees they are mentioning are those from your own bank, but I have never seen that mention anyway. You click on the fees tab, and it will show the different fees Wise will charge depending on which method you use to transfer the money to them.
  13. That WU does the conversion isn't a guarantee that the recipient bank doesn't deduct any additional fees. I can send Thai baht (my home bank doing the conversion) to my account by swift but the Thai bank will still charge the same fees as if I sent foreign currency. I once received a payment by XE from a friend in Australia, and although XE email me with the exact amount in Thai baht my friend had sent, I got charged quite high fees once it arrived in my account. Have a look here where I posted this in another Wise thread.
  14. Yes but are you sure there are no fees at recipient end, because no service will show those fees, as they are unknown to them
  15. I have a hard time to believe that WU would be cheaper, as they are infamous for being the most expensive way to send money overseas. So I wonder what is missing in that comparison chart.
  16. If line is installed and activated on your phone, you can just insert whatever sim, and continue using it anywhere in the world. You can use Line on your PC and login with Email or QR code
  17. There is no need to give them a call, just login to your wise account and check notifications.......................or have a look at the other ~10 similar threads in the last month on this forum
  18. Send him a message or give him a call, he speaks perfect English
  19. https://fb.watch/twehMxeKK9/
  20. This guy in Pattaya is a professional, used him twice to repair a Cartier eyeglass frame, and I know professional watch sellers in Europe send their repairs to him. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054369287223
  21. Such a statement in the morning on an empty stomach 😅
  22. But after 5 years that 800.000 baht is still 800K, more actually if he put it in a term deposit, and which the foreigner can withdraw. Your 1 million you spend on your elite visa is gone after the first day already
  23. Don't Elite via holders need to extend every year?
  24. You obviously haven't read many of the OP's posts
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