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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. https://fb.watch/twehMxeKK9/
  2. This guy in Pattaya is a professional, used him twice to repair a Cartier eyeglass frame, and I know professional watch sellers in Europe send their repairs to him. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054369287223
  3. Such a statement in the morning on an empty stomach 😅
  4. But after 5 years that 800.000 baht is still 800K, more actually if he put it in a term deposit, and which the foreigner can withdraw. Your 1 million you spend on your elite visa is gone after the first day already
  5. Don't Elite via holders need to extend every year?
  6. You obviously haven't read many of the OP's posts
  7. As I understand that the poster you reply to is in his fifties, that mean you were using PC's early 1970's? Shows actually how smart you aren't
  8. I'm all for keeping traditions, as long as it serves a purpose. Maybe you can enlighten me about the single purpose this has ever had.
  9. Time to stop with this comedy. What purpose does it have after all..................oh wait we are talking about the civilization where they still watch 50 year old soaps as if it is real life
  10. Shouldn't we wait until Kamala is nominated before we start talking about a running mate?
  11. You must be lucky then, because these reviews, and many more 1 and 2 star, tell me another story. And at 30% less than other sellers of the same product it is all too obvious. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/18650-liitokala-ncr18650b-3400mah-2-i1704920103-s4829984450.html?
  12. Maybe try to read my comments once again, and then answer the question. Everything with a brandname, but which is more than 10% cheaper than from the manufacturer, will 100% be a fake. Are they brandname batteries and more than 10% cheaper than buying from the manufaturer?
  13. Very hard to find anything that isn't fake on those sites these days, and then I don't mean just batteries. Everything with a brandname, but which is more than 10% cheaper than from the manufacturer, will 100% be a fake. Reading reviews doesn't help, because when you return a product for a refund on Lazada and Shopee, you are not allowed to write a review.
  14. Casein powder is more expensive than protein isolate powder. I buy 5.28lbs ultimate nutrition - prostar usually for ~1700 baht after discounts. Would like to see a link for casein that is cheaper for the same amount. Disclaimer; Prostar has sucrose added
  15. He managed to mention Biden personally in one brief passage, albeit absurdly as of the worst presidents in history: “The damage he has done to this country is unthinkable,” he said, “just unthinkable.” I heard this before, but then it was Biden about Trump. Trump did indeed tell his delegates at the RNC the other day: “I stand before you … by the grace of almighty God”, US President Joe Biden indeed has said only the "Lord Almighty" could convince him to end his bid for re-election,
  16. 😅😅 You ever considered a job as standup comedian?
  17. Roaches enter the condo through the drains
  18. Sorry should have read the whole thread. I confused the 180 days with those to be considered resident for tax purposes or not.
  19. Are you just a wind up or that ignorant? The 180 days is per calendar year, not per stay
  20. You seem to think that if you pay 1 million for that glorified tourist visa, you live for free. And you can retire at any age, just depends on your financials, not your age
  21. Why would Anuthin have to meet with Thaksin to discuss anything related to the government. Is Thaksin now in the government?
  22. I have had that silly quiz game with every bank as far as i recall
  23. Maybe it's you, not them?
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