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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. I think they have it in about every supermarket
  2. So you think Ethiopia is colder than the UK. https://www.ukri.org/who-we-are/how-we-are-doing/research-outcomes-and-impact/bbsrc/uks-first-crop-of-homegrown-designer-beans/ British baked beans Navy beans, a specific market type of common dry beans, are the key ingredient in the British staple, baked beans. However, producing this factory processed food relies entirely on the importation of thousands of tonnes of dry beans each week from the US, Canada, Ethiopia and China. Navy beans need a warm climate, and the UK is too cold for growing them. https://extension.usu.edu/yardandgarden/research/beans-in-the-garden Beans are warm weather vegetables that require soil and air temperatures above 60ºF for best germination and plant growth. Start planting beans one week before the last frost-free date for your area. Seedlings will emerge in 7-10 days when planted in soil that has warmed to 65-85ºF.
  3. Downloading it right now from 1337X in high quality. You have subs? Ignore my request, file descriptions says has subs included.
  4. Anyone found English subs yet for Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F ?
  5. The price, same as with the alcoholics here, the cheapest beer with the highest alcohol content is the best. I'm with you on this, but you know where we are, don't you?
  6. It is 101 baht at Tops for a 415gr tin and around the same price elsewhere. I know Lazada and Shopee are often promoted here, but never found any food items cheaper than what it cost like for like in the local supermarkets. And as @steven100 already pointed out, the price in the OP is for a pack of 4. Pure clickbait OP, and the guy had his 2 minutes of fame.
  7. This one 120 baht for 1 Kg at Big C extra
  8. They are 49 baht for a large tin and 36 baht for a small tin at Big C
  9. That looks like a price ticket from the green supermarket. I don't know if anyone else has noticed the price inconsistency at that particular supermarket lately. Their prices fluctuate heavily for the same product every day. Looks almost as if in the morning, someone throws a dart at a board with numbers to determine the price of the day. I have noticed their house brand muesli at a whopping 470 bht for 500 grams, and a month later at 125 baht for the same thing. Other products I also see double or triple in price overnight, only to come back to the normal levels a few days later.
  10. More like Thaksin calling. Wonder if they gonna shoot them in droves again
  11. Looking in the mirror much, don't you? Phuket also has an international airport, and it is actually closer than the one in BKK is to Pattaya. Why you not just admit it that you are one of those you're talking about in your post?
  12. Yes motors are easily accessible, only 3 screws, so will try out your suggestions. I know plenty of motors available on Ali, but to find one with the same mount will not be easy I guess.
  13. I have a motorized top-up cover for my pickup. It has 4 motors, and while they all still work, it seems that one of them is losing some strength. It still works once it is going, but it needs a little help. Is this something that can be fixed, as maybe just a capacitor that needs to be replaced, or should I start looking for new motors?
  14. How many times they now have postponed / delayed / set another date for this case? Are they playing a game to get a ruling too close to a next election, so that the MP's don't have enough time to form a new party?
  15. Just for your info, since you obviously still haven't figured there is no need to quote a full page OP each and every time to add a one-liner comment.
  16. Another bright light. If the bankbook mentions an interest rate, that means it is fixed term deposit, which paid 1.5% at the time you opened it in 2019. Term deposits end on a specified date, and then the balance either get moved to a regular savings account at probably 0.3% or thereabouts, unless you go to the bank and start a new term deposit.
  17. Correct, they not gonna bother with those that send a few hundred thousand in a year, but those that have their pensions transferred, of course can not deny its income. And that is where the snake is hiding in the grass. Someone who buys a property will most like remit several million in one go. So if they call him in, how he gonna proof if it is income or savings? You will recall that I spoke with the top guy of the legal department of the revenue office, and asked him that question a few times. I'm still waiting for the answer
  18. OP has a post history of banks "cheating" him, but looks more like he isn't the brightest light in the garden shed. As another poster already pointed out, the e-savings is only available for Thai nationals
  19. First reply and already deflecting. This topic is not about Trump. He doesn't have to let us know, we all know since long he's mentally ill
  20. And how would that extend the overall tyre life, knowing that front tyres wear out faster than rear tyres? So swapping the existing tyres to the front will actually lower the overall tyre life.
  21. You get 100k out of a set of tires? I'm lucky to get just over 50K
  22. 3BB is owned by AIS, they still use the same network with the same engineers as before the takeover, so nothing changed in that respect
  23. So you have any info that they are repaired already, or that they actually never were damaged, and all the reports on the websites dedicated to submarine cable issues were just lies?
  24. Which service you are using? It will depend on where your service is based. If it has Thailand or Asia based servers it will not be affected by the undersea cables. If based in Europe, the issues should occur in the evenings, not in the morning.
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