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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. This is why we have licensed Chiropractors. I've had idiot GIRLS try to do that to me, and I always yell at them.
  2. Name and shame them. I have read the relentless bull$$it from these idiots. Most of you morons aren't American. What did you know? Nothing. Step forward.
  3. Screaming insults from the audience breaks the rules. Next.
  4. They hardly win, but they are great chess opponents.
  5. How many of the idiots and morons here supported and defended Biden? Name and shame them. Better, if you are on of the morons, step forward, admit it, and beg our forgiveness.
  6. The Oxford Union has rules. Why aren't the rule breakers ejected from the debate? Answer this question.
  7. Thailand is a country where thinking is optional.
  8. Neither my son nor I have received this email. Good. I would ignore it.
  9. I'll write it again: I was born in the United States of America but I am not a US person.
  10. They are not. They are effortless compared to other banks. Sometimes misinformed, but most of the time, very easy.
  11. It is legit from the bank, but it is also a scam. Will you bite on the bait?
  12. Why marry? It's too much trouble.
  13. Exactly. What is a US citizen? Not me. I was born in the United States of America.
  14. Definitions are different in every title of United States Law.
  15. I just had an extensive colliquay with ChatGPT which is programmed with a lot of crap. I will post ChatGPT's answer when cornered by me, a legal professional. Conclusion and Clarification There is no formal statute or regulation that defines "US person" without periods in the same way it defines "United States person" within the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) or other core legal sources like the Securities Exchange Act. The shorthand "US person" is commonly used in regulatory and compliance contexts, but it is not explicitly defined in the same way "United States person" is in the IRC. While the two terms refer to the same category of individuals and entities, the term "US person" is shorthand and widely used in regulatory texts. However, the precise legal definition for "US person" without periods appears only in regulatory frameworks like the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). To answer your core concern: There is no statutory or regulatory definition explicitly uniting the shorthand "US person" and "United States person"; instead, the term "US person" is a shorthand commonly used in practice to refer to the same group of individuals and entities defined by the term "United States person".
  16. Almost 18 years ago the wife opened an account at BB. She is Thai. They gave her a questionnaire in Thai and English and she still didn't understand why they were asking her all these intrusive question. I took the paper and ripped it to shreds before the BB employee. She said nothing.
  17. I am not a US person. I am a citizen of the USA. There is a difference. หากท่านไม่ให้ข้อมูลที่จ าเป็นต่อการพิจารณาสถานะความเป็นบุคคลอเมริกัน (U.S. person) และ/หรือ ผู้มีถิ่นที่อยู่เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ในการเก็บภาษีอากรของประเทศอื่น หรือข้อมูลที่จ าเป็นต้อง รายงานให้แก่กลุ่มธุรกิจทางการเงินธนาคารกสิกรไทยหรือไม่สามารถจะขอให้ยกเว้นการบังคับใช้กฎหมายที่ห้ามการรายงานข้อมูลได้ กลุ่มธุรกิจทางการเงินธนาคารกสิกรไทยมีสิทธิใช้ดุลยพินิจแต่ เพียงฝ่ายเดียวที่จะยุติความสัมพันธ์ทางการเงิน/ทางธุรกิจกับท่านไม่ว่าทั้งหมดหรือบางส่วนตามที่กลุ่มธุรกิจทางการเงินธนาคารกสิกรไทยเห็นสมควร If you fail to provide the information required to determine whether you are a U.S. person and/or a resident for tax purpose of another country, or to provide the information required to be reported to KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE, or if you fail to provide a waiver of a law that would prevent reporting, KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE shall be entitled to terminate, at its sole discretion, the entire banking/business relationship with you or part of such relationship as KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE may deem appropriate.
  18. When I came here 10 years ago, I had a Thanachart account, which was still good. I opened 2 accounts in Bangkok. I got a call from the branch saying I forgot to sign some papers. I went to the branch and the lady pushed IRS forms at me. I slid my chair back and stood up. "What is this," I asked her? She said "Obama wants to know about you." I told her that Obama can go F himself and I won't fill in or sign any of those documents, I will close my account first. I transferred all my money to Kbank. I waited 3 months. Nothing happened. I move the money back and never heard about it again. They are fishing. If you want to bite on the bait, that is your choice.
  19. Are you here or not? Go to a different Kbank.
  20. Are you here or not? Go to a different Kbank.
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