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Jethro Tull

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Everything posted by Jethro Tull

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 63 seconds  
  2. It will be interesting to see what they are going to implement in this 3 hours downtime. If they do include a reservation/booking option maybe it will be time limited, i.e. max charging of 45 minutes, or up to 80% which has been discussed before . In the case of time limit you will know how long you have to wait before your turn and you could possibly see the queue time on the app ? Could be remote booking like PTT reserved charging schedule but that was always a little contentious, or you have to turn up and scan your phone to put yourself in the queue which would be preferable in my opinion.
  3. The Rêversharger app will be down tomorrow morning and, if I am reading this correctly, so will free charging .
  4. After a few days in Spain he will be back with a new name: Juan Kerr
  5. Your “friend” is certainly well informed 😉
  6. A stock photo, if you reverse search the image you will find the same photo used for reported killings in Indonesia and Washington.
  7. This coming soon to a CC near you:
  8. The big box stores should all stock them or Mr DIY. They will generally come in a set of “ bits” or the Allen Key type and come in various sizes. Check the fitting you are using it on as some are security type and have the added hole on the tool.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 80 seconds  
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 72 seconds  
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 37 seconds  
  12. a) Go back to the scene of the crime and together with the owner of the car visit a repair shop to get an estimate. b) Decide whether to pay in cash or through the lady’s insurance. Don’t blame the son, while his attitude might have been OTT he is the innocent party and deserves to have his car repaired FOC.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 34 seconds  
  14. In my humble opinion: The OP’s lady friend is at fault, she clipped the stationary bike that fell into the other car. While the bike rider’s act of parking his bike in an unorthodox manner is annoying he is not to blame. The son is seeing only baht signs and the op ‘s lady friend should have ignored him and called her insurance. The bike rider is not interested, don’t even try to involve him. While the son may have tried it on a little he is an innocent party sitting in his house when his car was hit, he deserves some compensation. Conclusion: Get your friend to contact her insurance or negotiate with the son a reasonable amount to cover the repair.
  15. Or this “ poem “. "Icy wind of nights be gone this is not your domain" In the sky a bird is heard to cry Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds Belied the deathly silence that lay all around Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox Gone to ground See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees Laughing as it passes through the endless summer, making for the sea In the lazy water meadow I lay me down All around me golden sun flakes covering the ground Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox Gone to ground See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees Laughing as it passes through the endless summer, making for the sea”. PF Always made me want to visit Grantchester to see if it as magical as it sounds. Apologies for the off-topic comment, just revisiting 1969.
  16. Those Thai friends who didn’t even acknowledge you when they walked past carrying the girl ?
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 30 seconds  
  18. That is interesting as it gets some terrible reviews on IMDb (5.7 rating) , but I am always willing to give something a go and will see for myself.
  19. Its all good, i hadn’t seen this one before so you brought it to my attention 👍
  20. Not exactly new ! 20 years old ! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0426341/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk
  21. The Daily Me granola ( 250 and 200 gr bags ) is 82 baht on Lazada but on offer at my local Lotus for 80 baht, don’t remember the normal price but yes it is expensive usually. Have mixed muesli and granola in the past as i find muesli a little bland. Used to buy the Weeta bix in Lotus ( short squat box ) on offer for 81 baht ( normally 111 baht ) but they stopped stocking them. Could eat those with sliced banana and a little granola or muesli.
  22. Biden resisted dropping out of the race until it became blatantly obvious it was the right thing to do, who is going to stand up and tell big Don it is time to pass the baton ? I don’t think it is going to happen, it should but i doubt it will !!
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 36 seconds  
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