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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. Exactly. There is zero takeaway. Nothing to be gleaned from this.
  2. Congratulations, 100% AI drivel. Zzzzz
  3. Ah, there we go. Now the real truth comes out. Has already thought it all through, but more likely has already done it dozens of times and had both.
  4. You asked: "Tell me were I can get same in Thailand for $4-6 a gram, small amounts." And he politely told you, and in fine detail. Then you unappreciatively complained about his answer. You can't make this sheet up. Get a grip dude. Are you schizophrenic?
  5. Sure, every dealer just gives away half kilos of ganja to anyone who wants it. That is exactly what every smart business person does. Must be ditch weed and bunk AF. Use your brain and at your own risk.
  6. Ok, ladies, I'm off. Ciao.
  7. sliced?
  8. For receiving deliveries?
  9. happens all the time. I was just cleaning it the other day when it went off.
  10. do you normally use one of those scrunchie fabric women's hair ties to cordon off your sack first so it doesn't get in the way?
  11. I can only show you the door and then you need to walk through it yourself.
  12. That's what she said!
  13. I did it in a church last week. But here is the better play, since many of the birds these days aren't even wearing panties anymore. So I bring my own lacey knickers to the event and use them to clean her up when I'm done. Then hang them from the side mirror as you're driving home and they'll be dry and ready to go when you reach your sweaty little hovel. Then tie them tightly around your nose and mouth as a mask. Then the rest of the gig, well you know what to do...
  14. I usually head out, push the first one out with a tart, then knock out 2 more on my own when I get home with her panties wrapped around my head as a blindfold.
  15. Zeppelin watching from above.
  16. Don't know him. But then I should be at the bottom of Soi 11 by around 3AM for a slice of pizza.
  17. Try this:
  18. Midnightish
  19. I won't miss it for the world bob. So many untamed growlers, so little time. We are all gonna be dead soon, so gotta make the most of it, right smithy?
  20. looks just like this guy named bob smith that I used to know. he was a bit of a bell end, but, eventually, he started to grow on you, like mold.
  21. Don't kill the messenger. You should be thanking me. I just added a whole bunch of unchecked boxes to your floundering to-do list that you didn't even know were missing. And you'll figure out for yourself that once you get past the smell that you've got it licked.
  22. More info about the Zep film here: https://ledzepnews.com/2024/12/24/full-press-release-becoming-led-zeppelin-will-be-released-in-7-more-countries-in-february/
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