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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. What a contrast:

    Thailand a bunch of middle age women waving their little plastic hands at a world class airport and complaining about the return of a criminal X PM

    India a bunch of Muslims burning down the Taj hotel, over 100 dead, more than 100 hostages hundreds wounded.... and the fighting is continuing.

    Now lets see.......Thailand or India :o where am I not going to go???

    In the USA continuous coverage on many news channels about India, Thailand, a 30 second bite every few hours (sometimes).

    Did anybody (that watches ASTV) see the group of American travelers that had accepted the hospitality of one of the women protesters to sleep at her house last night. She told them she was returning in the morning to the airport to protests, so they could just stay there at her home...NO NO they said we want to come too. There were pictures of them wearing the head band "WE FIGHT FOR OUR KING" :D

  2. The Tourism Authority of Thailand will take care of the expenses and logistics of transporting tourists who have been left stranded at the Suvarnabhumi Airport back into the city after the airport director has cancelled all the inbound and outbound flights from the Bangkok international airport.

    The TAT will arrange for transport for the stranded international visitors to travel back into city. They will also take care of the expenses to arrange for overnight stays for tourists who are unable to leave the country.

  3. I just watched an interview on ASTV.....a man who had just come to join the protest...

    He told his wife he wanted to come and fight for his country.....his wife really objected and wanted him to take her on vacation...

    His reply was memorable........I am going to fight for my country.....if I loose a wife I can get another, if I loose my country I am lost.

    In the PAD I find a lot of very patriotic feelings, they truly believe the country and Kingdom must be saved from this corruption.....They are not trying to take over the government, just have a just government (for the 1st time in a long time).

  4. FLASH NEWS: Thai Airways International Flights to Land at Don Muang Airport

    UPDATE : 26 November 2008

    Thai Airways International has ordered its international flights to land at Don Muang Airport instead of the Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    To avoid the People's Alliance for Democracy who have closed off the Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thai Airways International has ordered its international flights to land at the Don Muang Airport instead.

    Meanwhile Thai Air Asia has cancelled its 106 outbound flights today.

  5. You are watching to much ASTV.

    I doubt it :D ubonjoe.

    Strange nobody mentiond the square headed one's rant against England being so "UN-DEMOCRATIC" for revoking his visa, :D and how <snip> is for Thailand. He goes on the state he wishes to return and become PM to bring back the happiness of Thailand. He assures all the poor people they will be much happier under his leadership. :o His full interview will be published on Sunday, but there are excerpts floating around on the net at this time. :D

  6. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly or something like that. I think we can all see this is about power it must be an addiction, having people bow to you constantly. I'm sure he doesn't get that kind of treatment in exile,no matter how much dough he has.

    But those little perks like the cute little singer he like to play (golf) with are not bad. :o Sure beats that pudgy (x?) wife of his.

  7. I and my wife (she much more so than me) are very much supportive of PAD......and I am so glad I am 5000 miles away today...

    But I see the tactical situation clearly, I can see how they could win, but with the current leadership, and people, vs the PPP, Police, and Military, it is likely they will just stain their country with their blood and be pushed aside.

    With the appointment of Gen Apupon (who is clearly in Thaskins pay), the moving out of local police earlier this week, and bringing in border police who actively suppressed the protesters (in Ubon), unless there is an internal upheaval in the military against a few of the top Generals I fear the worst for the PAD.

    Watching on ASTV the pride and passion of these patriots makes me so sad, and I want to yell at them to tell them how to win this fight, but it is not my fight, so I will just observe from afar, with a sad heart.

  8. Has one of the PAD's own bombs exploded?

    Harry 2,,,,please wipe the crap out your eyes, and read this quote from above:

    Earlier, Major General Khattiaya Sawasdiphol, an expert attached to the Army head office, threatened the PAD with bomb attacks, saying if the protesters did not leave the Government House complex soon, they would be attacked with bombs daily.

  9. 1 killed, 11 injured in explosion in Government House

    One protester was killed and 11 other were injured when a bomb exploded inside the Government House complex in front of the main stage of the People's Alliance for Democracy early Thursday morning.

    Sujitra Chaiphet, 55, a protester from Lampang, said she was woken up by the explosion sound. She then heard a lot of people screaming painfully and saw many people covered with blood on their arms and body, most of them women. Despite the explosion, she said she would continue her protest at the Government House.

    Earlier, Major General Khattiaya Sawasdiphol, an expert attached to the Army head office, threatened the PAD with bomb attacks, saying if the protesters did not leave the Government House complex soon, they would be attacked with bombs daily.

    The explosion also came after Jatuporn Promphan, a personal spokesman of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, quoted the ousted leader as saying there would be no more peace in Thailand.

    - The Nation / 2008-11-20

    My Thai wife who is completely vitriolic against Pojaman and Thaskin and still has scars from the '92 protest she took part in, is again begging me to allow her to fly to Thailand and take part in this protest. For 2 or 3 months she spends her days and nights in front of the television tuned to ASTV. I have not directly asked her how many thousands of dollars she donated, as it is her money that she makes from her farms, but I know it is a lot.

    I watch this forum and opinions flow back and forth, however, it is my belief that until either the Shinawatra Clan is no longer on this earth, or in jail, there will never be any peace in Thailand.

    Being an old warrior that is way too long in the tooth to get involved, but if somebody were to get involved, they should take the fight to the Shinawatra Clan, and quit playing defense.

    Enough of the little pawns getting killed and maimed.

    While it's admirable that your wife is charged up to go defend a righteous cause in person, It's probably best she give support from afar - as it sounds like she's been doing.

    Well after having gone through too many wives, and I now has this one that has been able to put up with me for almost 13 years, so I certainly do not want something to happen too her.

    I don't have a horse in this race, or I might get involved. It is not my country, or my cause. However it is my belief that a few dedicated "Patriots" that are willing to sacrifice everything for the cause they strongly believe in, can be far more effective in ending a situation like this, when there are only a small handful of people that if they were no longer around to lead, their following will fade away.

  10. What a great article that clearly states the minds of the 2 factions.....

    One of the more interesting quotes:

    Jaturon : Our position is that we would like to safeguard democratic principles. We would like to remove all adverse consequences that have arisen from the military coup. We will not be the defendants any more. We can't wait for the death sentence.

    We have to fight back to restore justice. So far we have been unfairly treated. We won't bow again. If we can't live in peace or have justice, then we should not have peace . We will fight by every means to bring out justice in this country.

    Clearly an advocate for old style Thai politics, where votes are bought, judges are bribed, and nobody with money or connections gets punished for anything...

    If this had come from the party not in power, it would be a little bit understandable, but coming from the PPP with Thaskins brother-in-law as Prime Minister....

    It appears that the judiciary will move to ban the PPP in the next few weeks, and he sees the hand writing on the wall.

  11. 1 killed, 11 injured in explosion in Government House

    One protester was killed and 11 other were injured when a bomb exploded inside the Government House complex in front of the main stage of the People's Alliance for Democracy early Thursday morning.

    Sujitra Chaiphet, 55, a protester from Lampang, said she was woken up by the explosion sound. She then heard a lot of people screaming painfully and saw many people covered with blood on their arms and body, most of them women. Despite the explosion, she said she would continue her protest at the Government House.

    Earlier, Major General Khattiaya Sawasdiphol, an expert attached to the Army head office, threatened the PAD with bomb attacks, saying if the protesters did not leave the Government House complex soon, they would be attacked with bombs daily.

    The explosion also came after Jatuporn Promphan, a personal spokesman of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, quoted the ousted leader as saying there would be no more peace in Thailand.

    - The Nation / 2008-11-20

    My Thai wife who is completely vitriolic against Pojaman and Thaskin and still has scars from the '92 protest she took part in, is again begging me to allow her to fly to Thailand and take part in this protest. For 2 or 3 months she spends her days and nights in front of the television tuned to ASTV. I have not directly asked her how many thousands of dollars she donated, as it is her money that she makes from her farms, but I know it is a lot.

    I watch this forum and opinions flow back and forth, however, it is my belief that until either the Shinawatra Clan is no longer on this earth, or in jail, there will never be any peace in Thailand.

    Being an old warrior that is way too long in the tooth to get involved, but if somebody were to get involved, they should take the fight to the Shinawatra Clan, and quit playing defense.

    Enough of the little pawns getting killed and maimed.

  12. Interesting thread....................

    No one has yet speculated where the "Lovely Ms Pojaman" is going to live now.....(and I wonder if her outlaw brother, and personal secretary were in HK as well??? They all also have outstanding jail terms awaiting them).

    As I mentioned in previous post, to bring down Thaskin, pull away all those around him that are awaiting incarceration.

    Once those pieces fall he will be very vulnerable. Sort of like playing chess....capture the little pieces, (especially the queen), and the rest is easy.

    Got to be somebody that can give some insight as to Pojaman's next move.

  13. How about the REST OF THE STORY::::: :o

    I am sure you all remember this: :D

    Potjaman Shinawatra Guilty

    10.47am : The Criminal Court on Thursday found Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra guilty of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5 million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares worth Bt738 million. Also found guilty in the historic trial are Pojaman's brother Bannaphot Damapong and her personal secretary Kanchana Honghern. The court sentenced Pojaman and Bannaphot each to 3 years in jail.

    - The Nation

    Where is Bannaphot and the arrogant and less than charming personal secretary Kanchana????? (I think Kanchana got 2 years??)

    For myself I feel a lot more attention should be given to Pojaman, and she is really the motivational power behind Thanskin.

    Also in the candy caper. (Another relative and assorted camp followers). After they were thrown under the bus and got to enjoy the enticements of a Thai jail, seems like they should be coming back for a re duc as the 1st sentence was just for contempt of court, the criminal charges that could result in 5 years has yet to be tried.

    Potjaman and Bannaphot were both sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. Kanchana was sentenced to 2 years. Both Bannaphot (and his wife Bussaba) and Kanchana all fled to the UK along with Potjaman. I've not encountered any articles relaying that they ever left.

    The lawyers for Thaksin sent to prison over Pastrygate are due for release on Christmas Day for their contempt of court case. Their bribery of judges case is still pending.

    Thanks for the update......I believe if we start to get a few more of these rounded up...(Where is Dog the Bounty Hunter???) it will help a lot.

    Certainly someone like the arrogant little Kanchana cannot be having too good of a time in chilly England, and I can see her being thrown under the bus without a second thought.

    I hear from my wife the son of Potjaman and Thaskin is currently running round Bangkok with his little group....Last week he had a pretty good time in a club, and when confronted by some of the other people his defense was...."do you know who my father is.....I can make you disappear" Sort of a chip off the old block I'd say.

    If I was planning stratigy, I would shift my focus to Kanchana, Banaphot, and naturally Potjaman, then getting the cases completed against the children (God I hate that word as it makes these people seem little and defenseless, which they are certainly adults and responsible for their actions).

  14. How about the REST OF THE STORY::::: :o

    I am sure you all remember this: :D

    Potjaman Shinawatra Guilty

    10.47am : The Criminal Court on Thursday found Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra guilty of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5 million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares worth Bt738 million. Also found guilty in the historic trial are Pojaman's brother Bannaphot Damapong and her personal secretary Kanchana Honghern. The court sentenced Pojaman and Bannaphot each to 3 years in jail.

    - The Nation

    Where is Bannaphot and the arrogant and less than charming personal secretary Kanchana????? (I think Kanchana got 2 years??)

    For myself I feel a lot more attention should be given to Pojaman, and she is really the motivational power behind Thanskin.

    Also in the candy caper. (Another relative and assorted camp followers). After they were thrown under the bus and got to enjoy the enticements of a Thai jail, seems like they should be coming back for a re duc as the 1st sentence was just for contempt of court, the criminal charges that could result in 5 years has yet to be tried.

  15. There have been a number of cases of the USA refusing entry of diplomats that wanted to visit the UN....So a diplomatic passport does not grant you entry forever anywhere.

    Some years ago I was traveling with a Korean girl and she had a diplomatic passport. When we returned from Monte Carlo to the USA, she was granted only a 30 day entry to the USA, unless she provided additional proof of finances.

  16. One of the most interesting facets is the Supreme Courts voting......The only mention was the 5/4 vote....However take a look at the total case:

    Voting on key points of the historic verdict

    9-0 - The 1999 anti-corruption act is effective.

    9-0 - Appointment of Assets Examination Committee is constitutional with authority to investigate cases.

    9-0 - Financial Institutions Development Fund, the land seller, is a government agency.

    6-3 - The prime minister has oversight of FIDF.

    5-4 - Thaksin Shinawatra violated the 1999 anti-corruption act.

    7-2 - Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra is not guilty and her arrest warrant will be cancelled.

    7-2 - The Ratchadaphisek land plot and transaction money will not be confiscated.

    9-0 - Thaksin is sentenced to a two-year jail term. Sounds pretty solid too me.

    I had mentioned in an earlier post about Pojaman is not guilty, BECAUSE SHE IS NOT UNDER THE JURISDICITON OF THIS COURT! The court is expressly for people of high political office.

    As too the land case, I believe the government bought this piece of land for about 2 billion baht, and sold it for 1/3 the value....it was not just a piece of land the government had owned for hundreds of years....

    Where is Dog the Bounty Hunter?? We need a group of mercenaries to bring this family back to Thailand. Until some solid action happens to this elete corrupt group there is little hope of changing the som num nah attitude here in the Kingdom.

  17. Read this carefully:

    The court found that Thaksin had violated Article 100 and Article 102 of the National Counter Corruption Act, which states that government officials, including prime ministers, and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts with state agencies under their supervision.

    Now why wasn't she considered for guilt. They stated she wasn't a gov't employee.

    I read the above taken from the constitutional law as stating" AND THEIR SPOUSES"

    I cannot beleive the framers of the constitutional thought all spouses both husband and wife would be working for the government .

    I , personally , do not interpret the written statement to discount her from prosecution.

    Tell me if you read and understand differently.


    Ok Gonza et al,

    The reason the court found Potjiman (I refuse to add the honorific before her name), not guilty was because the court only has jurisdiciton for those peiple holding high government office.......This is the Supreme Court only for those with high political office...

    She could be tried in a regular court and would be found guilty.....however it lack jurisdiciton to rule and pass sentence against non-government people...which she was not.

    There are a lot more cases comming ujp, and the judges (those that do not like chocolate) have the bit between the teeth, and even with the attorney general trying to slow them down, they are going to keep adding years...Soon to come with be Thaskins and Potjiman's children....they are a long way off the hook. The very next is his brother-in-law....

    The wheels of justice grind oh so slowley, but extreemly finely, when not mucked up with chocolate.

  18. Well sitting here in my Europe this rainy evening, got to wonder what if??????

    What is Thailand would put a bounty on Thaskins and Potjiman's head....for return to court....

    Where is Dog the Bounty Hunter??

    Would some sort of long in the tooth, expat adventures try and grab the cash???

    What a fun adventure that would be.....and all for the good of Thailand as well.

    Until we see scum like Potjiman and Sinawat in jail for these crimes, we will never see Thailand change and move toward a free and just society

  19. Funny thing about languages...... :o all in how to interpert a comment... :D

    I personally would love to see Thaskin return....then stand in front of the various courts that have arrest warrents for him, thence to jail where he certainly belongs. :D

    And let us not forget who I call the "Puppet Master"....that little rolly-polly wife of his....Pojiman. :D There is certainly a person that already has a reservation down at the jail house...

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