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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. Whether this is just somebody trying to stir up trouble, or a mis-quote, I cannot say.

    What I can say with absolute certainty, listening to ASTV and the broadcast from the airport, is all those speakers are telling people to prepare to leave in a few hours.

    A lot of discussions about being careful about the DADD, but all the protester are preparing to leave.

    In some organizations, there are always a few hot heads, but 99% or the PAD realizes that to continue at the airport would accomplish nothing but bring the wrath of hel_l down on them.

    There is no legal basis to stand on, nor moral basis as well.

    You sure about this?

    From TOC:

    PAD Leaders to Meet Tonight to Discuss PAD's Next Move


    The People's Alliance for Democracy has cheered and clapped wildly after the Constitution Court had ruled this morning to disband the People Power party. The leaders are scheduled to meet tonight to discuss the PAD's next move.

    The People's Alliance for Democracy protesters are to remain at Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi airports even after the court has ruled to disband the People Power party. The PAD hosts have told the protesters that their fight isn't over even after the brief victory this morning.

    The next step is for the MPs to convene to nominate a new premier. With most People Power party MPs escaping the political ban, they will most likely vote for another People Power party sponsored candidate. Some of the names which could be nominated to replace former PM Somchai Wongsawat are Chalerm Yoobamrung and Mingkwan Saengsuwan.

    As I said there are a few hot heads in every organization, All the protesters at Suvarnabhumi were told they were going home tonight...even joked about taking the souther delegations home by plane except the battery was dead.

    They will not have the internal support....look at the casualties, the time and effort and money the people have put into this.

    I do not believe even if some of the leadership wanted to continue, they could muster the support, either internally or externally to continue at the airport.

    What is being suggested would stretch out several months 1st to get the new PM, and see what back room deals are made to band together which groups, then the elections for the 109 that are red carded....Nope just do not see it in the cards.

    If a small cadre stays...they will just be swept up and pushed out.

    Remember even if they nominate somebody for PM, there is that gorilla in the corner that has to accept him....I don't think it will be easy this time.

  2. Here is a little good news""

    Air cargo terminal to open soon


    Transport Minister Santi Prompat plans aggressive moves to ease the burden of air freight operators by commanding police officers to clear the way to enter the cargo terminal in Suvarnabhumi airport as he aims to start operations by tomorrow.

    "The cargo terminal will be ready to provide services to the private sector in a day or two, and it will run at its full capacity," he said yesterday.

    Mr Santi said discussions with the Foreign Minister and business leaders yesterday revealed that the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has not blocked all airport entrances. Mr Santi wants to use the one open entrance left to transport cargo.

    He also stressed that three related agencies - Airports of Thailand (AoT), the Civil Aviation Department and the Customs Department - were told to be ready to start operations in two days.

    He said that King Kaew Road had not yet been blocked by protesters and police officers needed to be stationed there as soon as possible, adding that police would take responsibility to protect the road from the PAD and ensure a clear path for cargo.

    The Thai Airfreight Forwarders Association (Tafa) asked the Department of Civil Aviation yesterday to co-ordinate with AoT to allow freighters to land at Suvarnabhumi. It also asked the government to rent aircraft from neighbouring countries to serve its temporary needs.

    The PAD seized both Bangkok airports last Tuesday. The damages to the Thai economy to date are estimated to have been at least three billion baht a day in lost shipment value and opportunities.

    But the damage to the country's reputation has been "incalculable", in the words of one official.

    Vallop Vitanakorn, the vice-president of the Thai Garment Manufacturers Association, said the private sector desperately wanted both sides to end their standoff."In the meeting, someone suggested a company should volunteer to negotiate with the PAD, but no one agreed. You have to admit, we have no idea what will happen to your assets or business if the PAD gets upset with you," he said.

    "Even if the government could open cargo operations in Suvarnabhumi, I would not dare enter."

    Exporting though Singapore's Changi Airport is an option for some businesses but it would raise their costs by 20%.

  3. People's Alliance for Democracy leader Somsak Kosaisuk on Tuesday vowed to continue rallying at Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports and demanded the departure of the entire Cabinet.

    Following the verdict on party disbandment, Somsak said the PAD would not allow the Cabinet to work in the caretaker capacity until the formation of the next government.

    He said every minister must depart along with Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

    Of 36 Cabinet members, 22 are not affected by the party disbandment and can carry on in the caretaker administration.

    The Nation

    Whether this is just somebody trying to stir up trouble, or a mis-quote, I cannot say.

    What I can say with absolute certainty, listening to ASTV and the broadcast from the airport, is all those speakers are telling people to prepare to leave in a few hours.

    A lot of discussions about being careful about the DADD, but all the protester are preparing to leave.

    In some organizations, there are always a few hot heads, but 99% or the PAD realizes that to continue at the airport would accomplish nothing but bring the wrath of hel_l down on them.

    There is no legal basis to stand on, nor moral basis as well.

  4. I think now we see the true face of the PAD. They clearly stated they would immediately leave the airport if the PPP and its allies were disbanded. Sondhi and Chamlong said that themselves on several occasions. This happened and they're not leaving.

    You seriously expect them to pack up and leave the very instant the court made their ruling? You must be high!

    At the very best, they will leave en-masse a few hours later, once the PAD leaders have gloated in their glory on stage and made a song and dance about it.

    You cannot just expect them to start leaving straight away, with the grenade attacks against them, various shootings etc its not exactly safe for them.

    There is also the small issue that its very possible for a new party to be formed (of the ex-PPP and other party members) and have enough seats in parliament to take control of the government, effectively putting us back i nthe very same position we are in now. So Far Thaksin's sister and his cousin are being touted as possible leaders of the PTP party (see, its even got a name already!)

    So no, i very much doubt they will be leaving the airports until tonight at the earliest....

    Also would you jump in a taxi with your yellow shirt on??

    You got a whole bunch of pretty upset people...they are calling for re-enforcements to burn Bangkok down...

    So if you did not like the "peaceful" PAD protest, you are really gona hate the PPP protest.

  5. One of the things to consider is the safety of the PAD people....

    In case nobody noticed, there are a whole lot of people wearing red shirts that want to take their loss out on somebody.

    And furthermore, anybody that has watched much ASTV and the protest sites, can see the majority of the PAD are not fighters.

    I was watching ASTV as the verdict was being read, tears streaming down the faces of a lot of the protesters.

    So when will they vacate the airport....in the next few days....Friday is the Kings birthday, so before that I believe.

    However DADD is calling for all members to come to Bangkok and burn it down....(So you did not like the peaceful protest at the airport, lets see how the other side protest??? :o )

  6. Does the old refrain Nero fiddled while Rome burned....strike a familiar sound:

    Somchai went on to insist that he still has no plans to return to Bangkok during this period, justifying this decision saying he can resolve the problems no matter where he is.

    The Prime Minister is also presiding over the opening ceremony of the Royal Flora Ratchapreuk Exposition in Chiang Mai's Muang district this evening. :o

  7. Fair enough. And I'd like to say that animatic is one of the more reasonable and balanced voices I've seen so far around here.

    I do agree that their radical actions were a reaction as opposed to being spontaneous, BUT, seeing as the PAD are always touting themselves as the "educated" and "peaceful" voices of this argument, they should lead by example. It is the responsibility of the educated to move the political discourse with empathy and prudence.

    Civility, not hostility, is the only way to solve this. And one DOESN'T blame others as the cause for one's actions. If the PAD's actions can be so easily manipulated by outside forces, how can they be strong enough to lead?

    This has been posted numerous times, but one more time. The PAD are not a political party running for office, they simply with to have a government that is without Rampant Corruption, as the Thaskin Clan keep trying to set up.

  8. Well to revise this thread....we all need to refresh ourselves on the basis that this got started....

    The kinds of things that have been brought to light in this thread, are just a small part of what might await us, if the Constitutional Court is prevented from imposing justice on political parties and politicians....

    Hopefully it will all come to an end (at least for a while) with justice from the Court.

  9. Said it before and I'll say it again. Such debate and analysis is a waste of time. There is one reason the protest is being allowed to continue, and one reason only.

    No disagreement.......when the purpose is served, it will all fade away.....

    I have tired to post in detail about that reason, but seems like bickering, and postering are more the norm.

    The Constitutional Court is in Session, one of the 3 parties is present (the PPP announced they would boycott), now all we can do is to await the verdict.

    Then we will witness a little tantrum by the red shirts, and calm will be commanded from on high.

  10. Perhaps the moving out of GH is to do with Chamlongs talks with the police chief. He agrees to move them out at night, police agree not to step in and take over while they are gone? (even though it would be the PERFECT opportunity to take back this government building to the government)

    Does it also follow that if they arrive at the airport,they also have an agreement with the police,which would allow them to enter?

    Don't be so naive. PAD control who gets in and out. Not the police.

    If the protest continue, I guess that they will abandon Don Muang as well, as their supporter number are falling. Of cause Chamlong will say something like: "We take pity of the Thai people, hence we will allow one airport to be open", jus to save face.

    However, Swampy is a prize. Hold on to it at all cost.

    Interior Minister: PAD-Police Negotiation Paves Way for Reconciliation

    UPDATE : 1 December 2008

    The Interior minister is hopeful that the negotiation between the police and the People’s Alliance for Democracy on Sunday is signaling that the two sides can work together to pave the way for the end of the current political crisis.

    Interior Minister Kowit Watana said today that the Sunday meeting between PAD leader Chamlong Srimuang and Metropolitan Police Chief, Police Major General Suchart Muankaew, is a good omen for the ongoing political crisis, which intensified after the closure of Suvarnahumi International last Tuesday.

    He also brushed aside worries that the presence of a large number of Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship members in Bangkok will worsen the already-tense standoff.

    Kowit refused to comment on the Constitution Court’s much-anticipated disbandment ruling for People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya parties on Tuesday, saying the matter is the responsibility of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, who is also the PPP leader.

    When reporters asked if the police would not launch any move to disperse the protesters, the Interior minister simply declined to answer the question and

    As far as your assumption that protester numbers are falling....they fluctuate regularly, and we have what is called "the weekend factor"

    After all these weeks of occupying the Government House, the "enemy" has found out how to really hurt the protesters...

    The firing of a M79 grenade last night and wounding over 50 sitting/sleeping people (mostly women) was not a high mark in courage, but it showed that the PAD could not defend against it either. So it turns into a win/win. Protect the people and cooperate with the police to wind down the protest...

  11. If I am UDD leader. I will lead my people to capture GH tonight. It make sense. I am sure UDD have figured that out already. So is PAD, hence the move. Most PAD are in Swampy. Not many is left to defence GH.

    I believe the Police will not allow that building to set open and un-attended tonight....All PAD guards will be withdrawn as well.

    A secondary reason being with 50 people that were just laying around or sleeping to be wounded by the M79 grenade on the roof last night, it is anything but a secure facility.

    From the live shots a few hours ago, looks to be maybe 300 or so people.

    The order was not optional....go to DM, Swampy, or go home, come back tomorrow if you want.

  12. I've just been said that both airports have already restarted operatiing. The guy who said it to me is a chief editor of a local magazine here, a farang. Does anybody know anything?...

    Isnt ther some deal to allow stranded planes to be flown out but empty?

    Yes exactly.

    Should have been done days ago too.

    Well I was hoping this would pop up on the news:

    BREAKING NEWS: Chamlong Says PAD Supporters Not to Stay Overnight at Government House

    UPDATE : 1 December 2008

    People's Alliance for Democracy leader Chamlong Srimuang has announced that no PAD supporters will be allowed to stay overnight at Government House for safety reasons.

    The protesters who wish to spend the night they will be transported to Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Muang Airport. No one will be allowed to spend the night at the Government House. They will still be permitted to attend the rally and listen to the speakers and various programs on the stage at the government seat during the day.

    So with less than 24 hours left to go to the Court hearing, things are starting to close down...

    All the guards at Government House are leaving as well.

    Yes. Leaving for Swampy, however.

    From day 1 I have predicted that PAD will move all the people from GH to Swampy. Do you know how wet and cold it was sleeping at the GH on a rainny night. Not to mention smelly mobile toilets.

    Chamlong couldn't hold back the exodus of people to a place of more confort. This is just human nature. Swampy is the perfect place to camp out for the rich and elite. Most of then have a ROP gold card which entitle them to the Airport first and business class lounges. Even without lounge access, staying dry at night in a climate control hall beats weathering the rain under a tent.

    I believe it is a short distance from Government House to the Constitutional Court....The UDD is planning protest there tomorrow morning...better to be out of harms way...

    Smart Move

  13. The PAD protest at Don Muang Airport is said to be less tense today as the level of violence dropped with only one round of gunfire last night due to the joint patrol of the rally site between PAD volunteer guards and the police.

    Moreover, the decision to cut down on speeches and broadcast the activities from the PAD stage at Government House also helped lessen the stress of the protesters. The protesters said they like it this way as they felt united in the anti-government fight with protesters at other rally sites.

    Blankets have been distributed to the protesters as the temperature drops, particularly at night and early morning.

  14. I've just been said that both airports have already restarted operatiing. The guy who said it to me is a chief editor of a local magazine here, a farang. Does anybody know anything?...

    Isnt ther some deal to allow stranded planes to be flown out but empty?

    Yes exactly.

    Should have been done days ago too.

    Well I was hoping this would pop up on the news:

    BREAKING NEWS: Chamlong Says PAD Supporters Not to Stay Overnight at Government House

    UPDATE : 1 December 2008

    People's Alliance for Democracy leader Chamlong Srimuang has announced that no PAD supporters will be allowed to stay overnight at Government House for safety reasons.

    The protesters who wish to spend the night they will be transported to Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Muang Airport. No one will be allowed to spend the night at the Government House. They will still be permitted to attend the rally and listen to the speakers and various programs on the stage at the government seat during the day.

    So with less than 24 hours left to go to the Court hearing, things are starting to close down...

    All the guards at Government House are leaving as well.

  15. The PAD is fighting for the future of Thailand, and are not running for office...

    Therefore what ever negative feelings some foreigners may have about them is water under the bridge.

    Thats all good , but who elected them to be the fighters for the future of Thailand ? That means all

    Thailand are behind them because eveyone wants a better future , I am not seeing that .are you???

    In any society trying to archive 100% unanimity is impossible..So I will agree with you I do not see all of Thailand behind them.

  16. The root of this is PAD trying to overthrow Thaksin and his 'cronies', maybe not a bad thing..... But the actions and methods the PAD choose to use in an effort to achieve their goal is 100% the PAD doing, so the airport closers are 100% the PAD fault...

    I don't personally think PAD has overdone it - they only try to keep pressure on the govt to prevent it from excusing Thaksin of all crimes, past and future.

    You think it's too much, fine - but the government doesn't think so, they are not abandoning their attempts to whitewash Thaskin just because they lost the govt house and now airports, and pretty much the whole capital.

    What would it take to stop them?

    PAD has always thought that their next step would be enough. They took the govt house - not enough, there was bloody Oct 7 - not enough, there was parliament blockade - not enough, they took over Don Muang office - not enough, they took over the airport - still not enough.

    It looks like an overkill to you, but not to PAD's enemies.

    Obviously you haven't tried to travel or been personally affected by this inconvenience.

    Maybe the UN could pass a universal law that states No group shall be allowed to protest if it inconveniences any other person?? That seems pretty Fair???

    The PAD is fighting for the future of Thailand, and are not running for office...

    Therefore what ever negative feelings some foreigners may have about them is water under the bridge.

  17. Well nobody can deny that if you have just the basic public TV in Thailand, you are suffering from a severe information deficit.

    When anything happens that is anything but pro government, it is almost impossible to get news.

    The way Thaskin was able to move to the position of adoration he recieved was by managing the media..

    More than a few journalist are counted amoung the "disapeared" group.

    Those that fought against corruption...same thing...many disappeared.

    I take the words of the PAD to mean they will allow a free press/radio/television in Thailand so people can hear opposing views.

    You can hardly blame anyone for having strong opinions that are totally biased in one direction if they have only been exposed to one set of veiws.

  18. If the PAD does get their way, Somchai resigns, and the PAD supporters get the government they want, what's gonna stop the redshirts from closing down airports and taking over government house to bring Somchai and the PPP back?

    Hi :o

    Won't happen - because we have already seen that "the reds" can't get 100 people together without paying them, and once their "paymaster" convict and fugitive Mr. T is out of the equation, the "red movement" will die quicker than a candle in a hurricane.

    PAD have support from all over the country, people donate to the movement (i think they are the people who can't join the protests themselves, otherwise they would!) so they can pay their guards etc as well, yet the vast majority of the "yellow crowd" are there without being paid, for the better of the country!

    Yes, it DOES take drastic action to achieve drastic changes. The German revolution also didn't happen in one day and without fights, yet it brought the re-unification of the two Germany's, the collapse of the Sovjet Union and, ultimately, the end of the cold war. And i know it because i'm from there.




    Got to concur with your post....We have several dozen friends living in the USA that donated substantial amounts of money in support of PAD.....I know of 3 that took 2 weeks to travel there and join the protest, prior to the Government House take over.

    My wife (Thai) bugged the heck out of me to go and stay until it is over. (She still has scars from protesting in 92, so I just smiled and said send money, I'll keep your body).

    Hopefully when this is over the people that took part in the protest will be shown to be the Patriots of Thailand.

    (I am equally sure those in the rally in Chang Mai feel equally patriotic, it is just a difference of philosophy. )

  19. Thai shares gained 5.89 points or 1.47 per cent when the market was open for trading Monday morning.

    The composite index of the Stock Exchange of Thailand rose to 407.73 at 10:07 am with a trading value of Bt1.259 billion.

    The blue-chip SET50 rose 5.40 points or 1.93 per cent to 285.23.

    No go figure :o

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