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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. name 1 country in the world that has a system in which 30% of the parliament is elected and the rest of the seats are appointed by a elite group of supremacists who think they are intelligent. PAD is not a legitimate political movement.

    Well it seems like England for years had the House of Lords......where it was heritage that got you in...... :o

    Also you would be well to remember Thailand does not claim to be a Democracy. It is a Constitutional Monarchy.

  2. OK--a Supreme court put into office by an illegal-unelected Coup, will throw out an elected government? I know ,most of you here are unaware of how a democracy works but NO COURT can remove a leader in a real democracy. Only the congress in America can do that and only the Parliament can do it in most others.

    Who elected the court?

    You should really get your facts straight before you post such falsehoods....it truly shows ignorance on your part about Thailand

    The Court is put in place by only one man.....They answer to that same man......

    Each county has an absolute right to structure their Constitution as they see fit.

    And I in particular are not unaware of how a democracies works....

    Thailand is a Constitutional Monarch.....not a USA style Democracy....

  3. If these "monkeys" wouldn't be there, the constitution would have been changed in a rush and Uncle Takky would be back at the helm already, leading the mass convictions, closure of all kind of opponent media, pursue with vengeance any opponent figure till his autocracy would be 100% and his rule unquestionable and untouchable, the rule of the self legitimized crony mob, promoting nepotism and corruption! (One of theirs, that I know of, is f.E. nicknamed Miss 20%, why?)

    You do realize that changing the constitution would have taken at least another 6 months, right? So absolutely no need to "rush" and ruin the economy. I also fail to see how seizing an international airport prevents the government from changing the constitution. Wouldn't they had to seize the constitution judges for that or something?

    As I said, monkeys.


    The changes of the constitution were already drafted, and would have been approved within 72 hours of authorizing the drafting.

  4. There must be some VERY INTERESTING stuff going on behind the scenes. How I would like to play mouse! What is manifest in the actions of all involved is not even half of the story, you can be sure about that.

    There is indeed....for a better understanding of what/why this is happening you might read this thread I have posted several explanations. (and for now it is only 8 entries long, so hopefully it will not get buried with the usual BS statements that have no basis in fact. )


    (edit to add thread)

  5. Aren't the Thai Courts themselves a political party?

    I would say NO....

    What happened to the Thai courts that really changed the game came about some months ago.

    The Military had move out Thaskin, but was inept at handling the country, and through the good-old-boys network put some of the very same people back into the government they had just moved out.

    New elections were held, and all members of the Thai's Love Thai's (TRT) that had not be leadership and banned by the courts for election corruption re-formed into the PPP party. They won the largest share of votes, many claiming to be proxies for Thaskin....the for an alliance with several other parties to become the leaders in Government. Gen Samak was elected PM by the parliament, then was forced out by the courts, (currently he is in the USA with liver cancer, but has a 2 yr jail sentence awaiting him if he returns). Then Thaskin again asserted himself in politics even though he had been banned for 5 years, and persuaded the PPP to put his brother-in-law as PM.

    Back to you question about the courts....The courts answer ultimately to the Monarchy, not the PM.

    Some months ago HRH was welcoming new justices to the court. It had been common practice for little gifts to be received and no person of any financial or political stature had much to fear in court. The King in his address to the assembled Judges, gave a little speech (and virtually all the Judges were present), about how the Court was the last resort for the people, they must look at the law, right is right, wrong is wrong, and no consideration should be given to a persons station in life.

    Suddenly the Courts grew juevos, When Khunying Pojaman cousin (and her attorney), brought a candy box for the Judges staff that was to hear a case against her the following month, (and 2,000,000b was inside), the Judge had the entire attorney and his staff arrested and summarily sentenced all to 6 months in jail. (Contempt citations have no appeal). 4 people were not allowed to go home, run away, they went to jail....totally shocked everybody. (They get out on Dec 25)

    Thaskin and Pojaman came to trial still thinking ok so we are guilty, BUT they will give us a slap on the wrist, we will contrite, and life will continue....SHOCK>>>AGAIN....a very nasty lecture to Pojaman about how she should be an example to the nation being the PM wife, 585,000,000 fine, and 3 years in jail. Along with her were her brother 3 years in jail, and her personal assistant 2 years in jail.

    All testimony had been heard against Thaskin and Pojaman in a special court for persons of high political status. They were due to render a verdict several weeks after the Pojaman conviction....well they asked to go to the Olympics in Bejing, and posted 500,000b bail each (including the brother and personal assistant)...they have never come back and bail was forfeited.

    Thaskin was found guilt by a 5/4 vote, but was sentenced to 2 years in jail by a 9/0 vote.

    So are the courts political,,,,no they just march to a different drummer than the normal political patsy's.

    There is one thing that is absolute, when the Monarch speaks, everybody listens.

    What you are hearing about the courts being political, in fact is those that were used to having business as usual are upset the the Courts are applying the law on an equal basis.

    All recent court cases and verdict's are carefully written citing exactly what the law states, and why the findings are such.

    What is about to happen on Tuesday, will be the banning of the PPP party and maybe 2 other parties that are in alliance with them. The PM Somchai will be banned from politics for 5 years. (Personally I think he will be happy for it as it will get his wife and brother-in-law off his butt, as his hands are now tied. )

  6. PAD goal was to protest at the airport, in the public areas... not shut down operations. It was the AOT that shutdown the airport.

    This is totally incorrect. The way I've understood it, the main reason the airport had to be shut down because PAD stormed the air traffic control tower and forced out the controllers. If that is so, then clearly, the PAD's explicit intent was to shut down the airport. Isn't this a no-brainer? I'm pretty sure the single most essential function in proper airport ops is air traffic control.

    It is this, coupled with the blockade of all access roads by the PAD, that has shut down the airport. Again. If the PAD had no intent of stopping airport ops, why blockade the roads at both airports?

    Not to be insulting, but it seems a person would have be very naive to believe that all the PAD wanted to do was have a peaceful, 60s-style sit-in. If the presence of peaceful protesters were the only issue, then it would certainly be inconvenient and chaotic, but there would be no real reason for the airport to completely cease ops.

    The PAD has shot itself in the foot here IMHO.

    In all situations, when you hear news, consider the source, (hence the side or agenda) of the person doing the reporting.

    There were 3 security personnel from PAD that asked to visit the control tower....They were escorted there and back. The premise that they "stormed" the control tower is a pretty large exaggeration, but makes good press for the opposition. Questions were asked at that time by the controllers as to the intent and duration of the protest.

    The roads were blockaded in the locations the police had set up blockades, to prevent additional PAD from joining the original group. The police were invited to relocate so as to not cut off food and water from those at the protest site, which at 1st included a number of passengers. Why a blockaide....to put them outside of M79 grenade range.

    TAT had no problem with gaining access with buses to remove passengers. A muslin group was invited to continue their pilgrimage to Meca if the airline was willing to continue...and finally yesterday, 88 aircraft departed the tarmac to continue service.

    I do not take your remarks as being insulting, but ultimately it was and is the decision of the AOT (which is a part of the current government, and chain of command flows to the PM)

    Have they shot themselves in the foot....well if they were a political party and planned to run for election after the during the next election. As it is, they simply want to prevent the Thaskinnization of Thailand, and protect the Monarch.

    Way too many people jump in here with statements with out the basic facts and understanding of Thai politics. If the PPP had not been steadfast in trying to revise the Constitution, this would have never reached this level. In order to prevent that the complete shutdown of the government was necessarry until the Constitutional Court render a verdict (probably Tuesday).

  7. Has anyone stopped to think - that maybe, maybe PAD doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks about them. That maybe, just maybe their only concern is that they don't think that the current govt. in charge is not in the best interests of their country. As anyone knows who has lived here for awhile, most Thai's don't worry about the future. I think it's their Buddhist upbringing that has them only worrying about now. AND maybe, just maybe the police and the Thai army feel the same way which is why you haven't seen a big storming of the crowds. Just food for thought, thank you.

    I have almost completely concur with the above....The certainty that the present government would have changed the constitution and law to support both a Taksin dynasty, forgive other members of the TRT, is an absolute certainty....

    Without the shutting down of government, the entire political landscape would have been change irrevocably. Remeber it was not until they scheduled a hearing on re-writing the constitution that things got ugly.

    The move to the airport was at 1st to confront Somchai as he arrived from Peru, however, seeing the impact, and the reaction of the head of the AOT, in closing the airport, it sort of got a life of its own. PAD goal was to protest at the airport, in the public areas, (where they still confine themselves too today), not shut down operations. It was the AOT that shutdown the airport.

    Looking at the CNN pictures of the interior, what group would have policed itself in such a manner that 100,000 of thousand of dollars of upscale goods sit undisturbed?

    As to the OP premise of a long time to re-open....I disagree. When the PAD agreed they had no problem with 88 aircraft to depart today, how much delay was needed? Within the hour, aircraft were being prepared, and within 2 hours the 1st aircraft were taxing out and departed.

    Speaking as a well experienced Airline Captain who has operated aircraft from some pretty remote, and hostile areas of this world, the concern about sabotage is way out of proportion to the real danger.

    In my view, the protest will come to a end Tuesday, people will go home, the government will be out, and the airport will resume operation on Thursday, and back to normal by Saturday. Just my opinion, but is does come from some experience.

  8. By ruining the country? The PPP will be dissolved in 2 days anyways. Why stand up a week before and ruin the country if the outcome is the same, on the same day? Explain that?

    You could do this yourself, by just going back to some of last weeks posts.

    1. The PM and followers wanted to amend the constitution to revoke the sections dealing with corruption that got the TRT and Thaskin banned.

    2. They wanted to do away with the Privy Council, thus eliminating the influence of the Monarchy.

    3. Restructure the reporting of various government agencies....

    a. Currently the courts do not report to the PM

    b. Currently the military does not report to the PM

    with this draft approved, the ability to grant amnesty would be changed to the PM, and he would become the defacto Monarch of Thailand much as Thaskin was moving in the direction of becoming.

    These are the simple reason the PAD could not allow the government to continue to function. Had the PPP been successful, the entire structure would have been forever changed in Thailand.

    Hope this clarifies the question for you.

  9. .i'm looking at a picture of the PAD airport protesters in the Bangkok Post, it's a wide view but you can clearly see the individule people in the picture, it's difficult to find a single young male in the crowd; they seem to be all middle aged women and old men, people who think they are the 'elite' of thai society, they look like the useless sht to me..

    Quite interesting, I am sure they consider themselves to be simply Patriots, not the "elite" of Thailand.

    The photos from the bombing of the capital building last night, were mainly female casualties.....

    Going back to the protest of '92, about equal male/female. In Bangkok, where do the UDD come from...the workers, mostly, taxi drivers....etc especially....primarily male dominated....

    Perhaps it is this quality of the PAD that has allowed a peaceful demonstration, rather than the all to common results of a UDD rally...with property destroyed, people beaten, and even killed.

    While backers of the PPP are the 1st to bemoan the "new politics" that have been suggested by the PAD, and demanding equality for all.

    Your description (highlighted in red) of what you observe when you see the pictures of the PAD rally site, pretty much belies and discredits the position of equality for all.

    While the Godfather of the PPP is Thaskin, and to listen to him, he sounds great...(no quite as good a Obama, but close). However like yourself when you look at the true actions, they do no mirror the words.

  10. To understand the judicial coup, you need to read here:

    Judicial coup murmurs in Thailand

    By Shawn W Crispin

    BANGKOK - When Thailand's Constitution Court finally rules on whether or not to dissolve the ruling People's Power Party (PPP) and two of its junior coalition partners on electoral fraud charges, there is a chance that the long-awaited decision sets in motion a concatenation of court-endorsed events that overhauls the country's politics and bids to bring its dangerously escalating political conflict to a conclusive end.

    Full article here: Asia Times-Judicial Coup

    Certainly it is the most reasonable outcome. I have written several days ago about this exact Judicial Coup scenario. It is by far the most logical outcome, and allows no one to "win" or loose. All still have a voice in the government.

    Certainly some are going to object as they always expected to dominate the entire imbroglio, but that is politics.

    I truely hope it works out this way.

  11. I have been watching this protest quite closely for some months....

    OPINION: Your chances are better than 98% of being able to fly in on schedule.

    Tell your friends the PAD are not sore losers, they do not run for office.

    The PAD just do not have a tolerance for the setting up of a Thaskin dynasty, and his contempt for the Monarchy, the courts, and any thing else that gets in his way of dominating everything in Thailand.

    Enjoy your visit home.

  12. In line with the underhand, cowardly way politics works here, ever noticed how often "courts" are left to decide the fate of political parties (and often people) in a politically convenient way?

    You mean ..........

    by application of the law!

    (It's when cases are not sent to the courts that it is politically or financially convenient)

    In the case of Thailand it is a little different than our western understanding...

    The government is under the PM

    The Military and Courts are not under the PM and do not answer ultimately too him.

    So sometimes the politics of the political parties and the goals and policies they wish to pursue are at odds with segments of the society....hence the protest by a group like the PAD, that are not and did not run for office. In this case Thaskin and his clan and followers tried to be a bit too creative, and reshape the landscape to insure a dynasty. PAD too exception and now we will see what happens when a the court rules on the future of the politicians on Tuesday.

  13. You are all a bit off base.......Is Thaksin inciting the UDD (Red Shirts) to violence?????


    But the devil is in the details.....

    Three parties ordered to deliver closing speech in party-dissolution case on Dec 2

    The Constitution Court Friday ordered the People Power Party, Chart Thai Party and Matchima Tipataya Party to deliver their closing statement in the party-dissolution case against them on December 2.

    The court held a session at 10:30 am Friday and ordered the parties to send their leaders to deliver closing speech at 9:30 am.

    If they do not attend the session, the court will regard that the parties forfeit their right to deliver the closing speech.

    The court also dismissed the parties' request to hold more inquiries, saying the court has enough written evidence for deliberation.

    The Nation

    I believe the court will rule on this and disband the government on Tuesday or maybe Wed.

    Once this is done Thaskin has mostly lost the battle, the constitution did not get changed to delete the laws that banned him and the TRT party members, now more members are banned.

    In a side note, his (X?) Wife, the lovely Khunying Pojaman was planning on landing last week with Somchai, but the court refused to allow her bail because she had already skipped bail before. The master plan was to free up the 76 billion baht that is sitting in the bank, bank role another election, and come back a hero.

    As they say the best laid plans of mice and men.........

    So the option is to throw some napalm on the situation by inciting the UDD to fight, thus forcing what (almost) everyone does not want and that is a military take over.

  14. I some times wonder if anybody reads the total news, and looks at the ways it could effect the equation.

    This will end without a fight between the police/military/PAD. However Sunday the rally of the UDD (Red Shirts), I believe could get them selves bloodied, as they try an attack the PAD. The police or military will keep the peace, and I believe their backs will face the PAD group. The weapons will face the attackers...(UDD).

    The gorilla in the corner is the court case set for Tuesday morning that most probably

    will disband the government due to rampant corruption it has found.

    With the Government disbanded, Somchai no longer the PM, Khunying Pojaman was blocked in her attempt to arrange bail, so is unable to return to unlock the money to finance the new elections it will be an interesting time.

    The PAD will leave the airports and government buildings without any sabotage or damage and return to their normal lives.

    I can see a few surprise moves that can me made, but if I can recognize these, other smart people can as well, and will work to prevent these surprises from happening.

  15. While all the spotlights and attention is on the player of the PPP and PAD, Somchai, Sonthai, and naturally Thaskin.

    Back over a week ago, the new reported that Khunying Pojaman had filed a appeal to her convition. (Nov 18th), and bail was granted...However in reading through the nation I ran across this intresting tid bit.

    Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra almost landed in Thailand yesterday(Wed Nov 26) along with Somchai to pave the way for her ex-husband's return. Somchai would like to hang on his premiership as long as possible to prepare for Pojaman's return.

    If Pojaman could return to Bangkok, the political equation could have been tilted drastically in the government's favour by virtue of her deep pocket.

    But Pojaman could not make it to Bangkok because she would go straight to jail. The Court would not allow her a bail because she has jumped bail before. A lot of negotiations were going on behind the scenes for her to get a bail, but to no avail.

    But it was not Pojaman's time. thaksin could only return to Thailand in triumph with a revolution in his favour.

    Pojaman would like to clear all the cases against her and her husband and get a chunk of her family's Bt76 billion, now being frozen at the banks, back in return for Somchai to dissolve Parliament. But this deal could not get through.

    The Thai political crisis has been singularly revolving around this gold pot of Bt76 billion.

    So much for the divorce, and going separate ways....they are still a team, and work for the good of all the Shinawatra Clan. :o

  16. Have you ever considered in your equation where are the sympathies of the airport workers...(or the Police)

    All live around BKK, they are very aware of the ongoing protests, and the fact that Thaskin is the behind the scenes government.

    So ask yourself, would you try and fight a protest that many agree with?? Or maybe take off your uniform put on a yellow shirt and grab a "Happy Clapper".

    Certainly not a uniform opinion, but I believe enough to shape the response of the airport in general.

    Were there police at the airport....of course.....observe the Al Jezeera video of the police van coming to the airport yesterday. A little discussion with the protesters, no blows were struck, no fighting, 50/50 men and women protesters, it did not appear that anyone except one police officer tried to bar the door to the driver of the truck, the driver opened the door, smiled and walked away....and the PAD promptly unloaded a large truck load of riot gear.

    The police response to the above was to move the checkpoints back futher away from the airport, then last night the PAD talked to the police again for 20 minutes and the police again relocated up on the bridge on On Nut road.

    So we see a Thai perspective vs the farang perspective of the airport protest.

    (And if you have not noticed, TIT, so your opinion may not count for much)

  17. most of the military are behind PAD and that is why PAD dare do this

    the last military coup was ended by the generals and they agreed to new elections only because they thought the democrats would win

    the PPP in fact won the last elections and are currently the elected government of thailand

    the army refuses to support PPP and even threatens another coup

    now the army is behind proceedings to ban and dissolve PPP via the courts

    there is also talk of changing the constitution so that future elections will be tilted towards the democrats

    the police are afraid to use force because of the military

    the PPP and its supporters will react violently if there is an attempted military coup

    most of the military detest thaksin

    if the PPP come through this they will surely purge the military and many generals fear this

    it seems to me that the military are the real problem in thailand and they in fact want to install their very own puppet government

    the PPP in fact won the last elections and are currently the elected government of thailand

    Yes and that is why next week they will all be looking for new jobs after being found guilty of corruption.

    now the army is behind proceedings to ban and dissolve PPP via the courts

    Not True...The military does not control the courts....it was HRM that reminded the courts some months ago that they are the last hope of the citizens, and they must do what is right, and withing the law. It was unheard of prior to this time, when Pojamans cousin (and attorney) along with 3 other of his staff were summarily put in prison for "Contempt of Court" for trying to pass off a candy box containing 2,000,000b just prior to Pojamans trial. They will be out on Dec 25.

    there is also talk of changing the constitution so that future elections will be tilted towards the democrats

    To the contrary, this whole protest that is currently disrupting the airports came about because the PPP trying to change the constitution to allow the TRT party back into play and get rid of the 5 year penalty for being found guilty of political corruption.

    the police are afraid to use force because of the military

    Until the courts have finished with the PPP no side is going to risk being on the wrong side. Both will sit this out.

    the PPP and its supporters will react violently if there is an attempted military coup

    The PAD protest peacefully, the PPP react violently

    Nice try at spin....and I am sure who ever you work for appreciates your efforts, but your "facts" just do not pass the smell test.

  18. Enough of this battering. I need to go out for some food, and drink....But just to stir the pot a bit more, (seeing as how we have so many new guys that are jumping into the fey with such strong opinions (always pro PPP) for some reason....

    Nobody has yet to post the reasons the PAD seized control of the 2 airports, so straight from the PAD site, here are the published official reasons:

    What does the People’s Alliance for Democracy have to gain from this long struggle?

    A country that is free of corruption, crony capitalism, and nepotism. There is no financial gain to be made. Sondhi Limthongkul has already came out on several occasions and spoke about how he was offered more than 500 million baht for ASTV, but declined the offer knowing that it would be the end to INDEPENDENT Media free from the governments control. Pipob Thongchai has no business interest he is well known for his free educational schools in the provinces. Somkiat Pongpaiboon, is a former academic and now politician who wants to see change in society. Somsak Kosaisuk, is a leader of the state enterprises confederation who fought against the privatization of state enterprises. Chamlong Srimuang is a former army general, Bangkok governor and now an organic farmer who has a leadership school for civil servants as well as looking after unwanted street dogs. Not quite a group of capitalist bent on gaining from this long enduring struggle.

    Several people have asked why have the PAD has resorted to protesting at Suvanaphumi airport?

    The PAD has protested for more than six months, holding several mini rally’s around the city. We have protested at the ECC, Metropolitan Police Bureau, UK Embassy, Silom, Siam Square and several other areas in the capital to protest the corruption and lies within the government.

    The Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat governments both claim they came from free and fair democratic elections?

    If that is true why is there coalition government consisting of the People Power Party, Chart Thai and Matchima Tipataya Party close to being dissolved due to electoral violations and accusations of vote buying? So, is it fair to say they had to cheat to win? If they do have the support they claim? Why would it be necessary to go such measures to win votes?

    Is Thai Media free from government intervention?

    It’s funny that the Pro-Government supporters who have a TV program on NBT Channel 11are bent on voicing their opposition against the PAD while they are broadcast on FREE TV, while ASTV is only available to those who have access to internet, members of provincial cable (which mind you only reaches 20-30% of the population), and viewer who purchase Free to Air satellites. So, in other words the people who support the PAD have had to go out of their way to listen to what the PAD has to say and not the PRO-Government Propaganda that is being aired. So, you could say the made a conscientious choice to listen to ASTV instead.

    This government loves to speak of their populist policies? But always forget about the criminals within their party

    Why doesn’t this government ever talk about the former party members who have been jailed such as Somchai (Kamnan Poh) the father of Sonthaya Khunplume former tourism minister or Wattana Asavahame who have both fled the country after their convictions of corruption? Let’s not forget the other person they are protecting Thaksin Shinawatra.

    For the last 6 months, the government has chosen to ignore hundreds of thousands of Thai citizens who have dome out to show opposition toward this administration. The PAD realizes that the airport closures will drastically affect Thailand on a variety of dimensions. However, we will no longer be ignored.

    I will join back tomorrow (if the world is still here)

  19. PM: People should not to support criminals

    However, Mr Somchai said he was ready to negotiate with the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leader Chamlong Srimuang.

    On the United Front for Democracy Against the Dictatorship (UDD)'s rally on Sunday, the premier said the pro-government group had never violated the law since its supporters peacefully returned home after each gathering.

    The prime minister said he already had a discussion with national army chief Anupong Paojinda, but refused to comment on the details of discussion.

    He also remained tight-lipped on the reason why he dismissed Pol Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan as the police commissioner-general.

    Well here is one politicians view that differs:

    Terdsak Jiamkitwattana, whose father was knifed to death recently by a progovernment crowd, yesterday lunged at two key supporters of the Somchai Wongsawatled administration

    "Your folks killed my dad. How could you do this? Now, it's your turn to beware," Terdsak shouted angrily before trying to punch Dr Sant Hathirat and Dr Weng Tochirakarn.

    The incident erupted at Parliament House as Sant, who chairs the Democracy Federation, and Weng from the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, were reading a media statement urging people to fight against an attempt to stage a coup.

    Sitting alongside Sant and Weng were Government chief whip Wittaya Buranasiri and People Power Party MP Nisit Sintuprai, chair of the House committee on parliamentary affairs

    Somchai has stayed in Chiang Mai since he returned from Peru on Wednesday.

    Many bloody confrontations between progovernment supporters and antigovernment People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protesters flared up this week. In one of these confrontations, Terdsak's father was killed in Chiang Mai.

    Terdsak is described as a key supporter of PAD in the North. Security guards subdued him and he was sent to a press room.

    "I don't take sides with any group. What I am doing is to protect the monarchy," Terdsak said yesterday.

    He entered Parliament House to submit a petition to Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn, who chairs the Senate committee on human rights.

    Somchai signed documents allowing Terdsak's entry.

    According to Terdsak's petition, the progovernment crowds physically attacked him 15 times before killing his father.

    "Please investigate these cases. The killing took place in the presence of policemen," Terdsak added.

    Terdsak was later sent to Dusit police station for causing havoc in Parliament House.

    The photos show the police standing in the crowd of red shirts watching the killing and taking no action.

  20. The citizens of this country have the RIGHT to protest against what they perceive as a corrupt, nepotism infected government, the is the defacto product of a convicted and corrupt politician Thaskin Shinnawat.

    No one argues about their right to protest but why don't they do it at Sanam Luang or Chatuchak?

    I'm not convinced that Khun Thaksin was corrupt. He took chances to become rich (who doesn't want?). He stopped giving money to some people who requested from him for good. Now is the revenge time.

    You better do a search through the treads today for a link to an article from Singapore....it pretty well tell the whole story from an unbiased point of view....however it is pretty close to violating some rules of this board, so I will decline to link it.

    (It appeared mid day today in another thread under news items)

    I think any reservation you might have about the guilty or not of Mr Thaskin will be well answered.

  21. Thanks for the clarification - but a question rears it's head, if the government dissolves, and PAD's jobs is done - who'll stand for PM ? I i'm probably incorrectly thinking reps from the PAD movement ?

    Good question, I have no idea however I would not want any PAD people to be in charge of the gov personally. Then again, I'm not Thai so it's not up to me. :o

    The PAD is not a political party, did not run for election, so was not deafeated, and suffering from sour grapes....they saw the corruption in the Thaskin regime, protested, and the military move Thaskin out, but were in-ept at managing or restructuring the political scene, so Thaskin proxies were able to corrupt the process again and take power. Hence the PAD again started these protest 1st against PM Samak, then he fell but nobody could believe the arrogance of putting in Thanskins brother-in-law.

    Behind the scenes all the time was the puppet master himself. (Thaksin), who now is on the phone constantly trying to save his game. If he fails, then he is nothing but another corrupt politician, with a jail cell awaiting, and a lot poorer for have raised the bet.

  22. PM says he ready to talk to Chamlong

    Chiang Mai - Prime Minster Somchai Wongsawat said Saturday that he is willing to hold a talk with Chamlong Srimuang, a co-leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

    But he insisted that he will neither dissolve the House or resign.

    Source: The Nation - 29 November 2008

    Considering all the paperwork and bother I sure Minister SomChai is too busy to write a resignation, and dissolve the party he heads...However by the time the talks conclude, the court will lift that burden from his weary shoulder, and he can return home to Chang Mail. :o

  23. Has anyone seen the government today? Have they made any statement?

    The PM was involved in a good game of golf this morning in Chang Mai

    The Police lost a few truckloads of riot gear, when a couple of grandmothers let the air out of the tires.

    It is a weekend, so a lot of new protesters come to join the party.

    Right now everything is on hold until the court hearing on Tuesday morning. Nobody is going to take a chance on not having a seat to set in when the music stops, and the PPP and other parties are desolved.

    For real?!?

    Definatly Yes..

    Also Gen Chamlong (PAD) stated they were willing to negotiate with the PM anywhere but in Chang Mai. It had to be face to face not over the phone or video conferencing, but face to face....

  24. Has anyone seen the government today? Have they made any statement?

    The PM was involved in a good game of golf this morning in Chang Mai

    The Police lost a few truckloads of riot gear, when a couple of grandmothers let the air out of the tires.

    It is a weekend, so a lot of new protesters come to join the party.

    Right now everything is on hold until the court hearing on Tuesday morning. Nobody is going to take a chance on not having a seat to set in when the music stops, and the PPP and other parties are desolved.

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