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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. Furthermore it look like on Tuesday Dec 2, the entire PM party and supporting parties will be banished from politics for 5 years.....WHY??? Corruption, vote buying.

    Forgive my ignorance on this subject... I've been wondering about the dissolution, but can't find many comments.

    If there is a real possibility of this happening, then why are PAD holding the country hostage now? Why haven't they waited it out, and 'if' by chance it doesn't happen, only then exercise their rights to protest?

    They are demanding that the present party in power step down.. but (as stated by the BBC) if they do, due to the overhanging dissolution, there won't be enough time to form a new party (not sure who this works... those who can still run?).

    So, it's a forced stalemate for now, with the world watching and waiting for Dec 2. Some (as we know) are an unwilling, captive audience.

    I am about to go out, but allow me to answer your question:

    Constitution Court yesterday set a Tuesday deadline for its acceptance of closing statements from the three ruling coalition parties - People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya - involved in the party-dissolution case.

    The court is expected to rule soon, perhaps as early as Wednesday, to dissolve the parties, automatically ending the Somchai administration.

    What sparked this whole protest was the current government was trying to convene and amend the Constitution and delete those sections that made this type of corruption illegal, and also mandated a 5 year suspension from politics for anybody found guilty.

    Furthermore they wanted to do away with the Privy council, which would emasculate the Monarchy and the power it has to grant Amnesties...They wanted the Government to have that power....hence the Thaskin clan and getting a clean slate.

    For these reasons the protesters have refused to stand down, and wait.

    Why nobody will get their hands bloody removing the protesters, the government is about to be terminated, so until the situation is clear, who is willing to risk their future on a lame duck PM and party.

    Yes it is costing the country now, but the other option to allow Thaskin and clan to return to establish a permanent fiefdom, is way too costly to take the risk. I imagine Thaksin is going a bit nuts trying to direct this from Hong Kong, and nobody is willing to stick their necks out. (I sometimes wonder if the fact the Pojaman was not able to return on the 25th like she planned has also played a part in this.)

    If you remember, or bothered to watch closely, the current PM (brother-in-law of Thaskin) was not able to get the support, or votes, until his wife arrived the 2nd day, went in with a shoulder bag looking pretty heavy, and came out empty, then the votes happened.

    Hope this answers your questions.

  2. “They have it coming”? It’s difficult to comprehend why some of you sitting cosy at your computers would say that people in a peaceful demonstration should be shot and killed. These are people who are doing what they believe is the right thing to do to save the future of their country

    They are fighting against a government that has bought their way into power through duplicity, lies and vote buying. You would be negligent in your duties as a citizen of your country if you didn’t do everything possible to oust these politicians who corrupt the word democracy and everything it stands for

    Where have you been? Please keep up. This airport takeover is not a "peaceful protest".

    Sooner or later pro-PAD fools will be hiding their heads in shame.

    Vote buying allegations can be taken care of in court just like in any other democratic nation. Please don't use that nonsense as an excuse for these "peaceful protests".

    Got to agree with Denelectro:

    You say the airport takeover was not a peaceful protest....How many shots were fired, how many bombs were dropped, how many lives were taken???

    1. 1st the "May yoke" arrived with the trucks with the food, water, sum tum,,,,etc. Parked and went inside and mingled with the passengers.

    2. Then the protesters came, waving their little hand clappers, and chanting GET OUT, GET OUT. (Referring to the PM). If you will remember he was supposed to land at the airport.

    The "Government" was attempting to amend the constitution to revoke those clauses that got the TRT banned, and the hand writing was on the wall they themselves were also soon to be banned. Also to get rid of the Privy Counsel, so as to usurp the prerogative of the Palace to grant amnesty, and give that to the government.

    If there was ever a time for a protest to happen this was the time.

    There are some pictures of some farang's after the takeover with little hand clappers, wearing head bands "We Fight for the KIng" having a great adventure.

    The fact is the people of Thailand have a RIGHT to protest, and that is exactly what they are doing.

    (It looks like the Courts as of 3 PM Friday gave notice of accelerating the case of corruption for the 3 major parties. They will close the case at 10:30 AM Dec 2. They already stated that enough evidence had been reviewed that no more testimony would be necessary).

  3. I for one am trapped from going back to Thailand, it's costing me money to rearrange my travel and to stay away, I am being forced to stay away from my family. I cannot manage my business. Are you saying I shouldn't have any rights?

    And the list could go on. In the end, who will this affect? Regular people in Thailand. Honest people struggling to make a living. :o


    Pretty melodramatic sounding, but untrue....Nobody is keeping you out of Thailand, only 2 airports in Bangkok. If any of the things you list were that urgent, there are literally dozens of ways to return and take care of them.

    The borders are open, numerous international airports in Thailand are open, the roads are open and free to travel, the internet is still operating, the phones and faxes still work.....Private aircraft still fly.....there is no martial law.

  4. Something that several of the people posting in favor of peaceful protest are forgetting:

    The limit of your personal rights and freedom is the place where the personal rights and freedom of other people begins.

    You cannot claim your right to protest or any other right while you are stepping on the rights of other people.

    Well before you jump into this forum and become so pompous with your posts, the English language you are posting in has a vocabulary of well over 10,00 words. So you should not confuse what is a RIGHT

    and what is just a convince, or freedom.

    The citizens of this country have the RIGHT to protest against what they perceive as a corrupt, nepotism infected government, the is the defacto product of a convicted and corrupt politician Thaskin Shinnawat.

    Furthermore it look like on Tuesday Dec 2, the entire PM party and supporting parties will be banished from politics for 5 years.....WHY??? Corruption, vote buying.

    Now if this is not a reason for honest people to exercise their RIGHT to protest, then what is?

    Nobody has a RIGHT to catch a flight on time, not have their plans changed due to circumstances....etc.

    Freedoms, again are privileges, granted or taken away on the whim of various governments. None of these trump a RIGHT>

  5. The domestic terrorists that are occupying Government House and the two Bangkok airports are duping the PAD supporters by telling them that their collective action will improve the quality of life for all Thais. The terrorists are using women, children and the elderly as human shields to accomplish their limited agenda. The governments failure is huge however the terrorist actions by core PAD leaders is reprehensible. The leaders of PAD need to be removed from society, perhaps for decades, as punishment for despicable acts against humanity. There is no justification for endangering the public and crippling the economy.

    The PAD supporters here on TV are unfortunate lap dogs of a domestic terrorist group. It's hard to believe so many seemingly intelligent people can totally be affected psychologically by the PAD propaganda machine. There is NO justification for what is happening now. If this wasn't such a serious situation many of us could have a good laugh at people drawing romantic parallels to revolutions past. We all should feel sorry for every victim now and for those who will fall during the impending violence.

    Could not disagree more with you....

    My wife was involved in the 92 protest, and has the scars to prove it. She has actively supported the PAD, goals and asperations with substantial sums of money. (And she is usually a cheap person when it comes to Her money). Look at some of the post of people that went to government house, look at the pictures of all the middle age women. They are the Patriots of this game. Look at the picture of the 50's something fat woman with her foot blown off on Oct 7th. (She was a death on wheels threat to the government I am sure).

    The fact is there is one man responsible for this, along with what I call his clan. Eliminate him, and all will be peaceful.

    When Thaskin deemed respect and admiration for the Monarchy, "old fashion" he well crossed the line. His rant a week ago, again about the Monarch, brought the response from General Ampong that he would have to answer for those kind of statements when he is on Thai soil again.

    The RIGHT to protest is a protected RIGHT in the constitution of Thailand, so far from being domestic terrorist, they are indeed the patriots of Thailand trying to keep a convicted criminal from turning this into his personal fiefdom.

  6. Sondhi vows to fight off police if they raid ASTV office

    Sondhi Limthongkul, No-1 leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy and owner of astv satellite TV, vowed Saturday morning to fight off police if they raid astv head office to shut it down.

    Speaking on the TV at 10:16 am, Sondhi said he learned that Metropolitan Police chief Pol Lt Gen Suchart Muenkaew will deploy policemen to shut down ASTV.

    "We will not open our doors to police. If they storm in to shoot at us, we'll shoot back. We'll be ready to die," Sondhi said.Source: The Nation - 29 November 2008

    I hope all the PAD sympathizers who have been posting on here claiming their right to ‘non violent protest’ can see the images being shown on tv, the actions towards the police, the wooden stakes etc.

    Boy do you like to mix apple and oranges and try to make everyone think they are the same.

    ASTV is private property, it is not a public protest site. Defending ones personal property is a right that most nations recognize.

    Lets see.......POLICE:AR16 riles, grenades, Siege trucks, batons, shields

    PAD: Motorcycle helmets, wooden sticks, and hand clappers.

    Yep the police should be afraid of these desperate demonstrators.

    Your reply is a bit at odds with my question.

    Directly, so you support the idea of PAD supporters shooting at the police?

    Generally NO, however, looking at the pictures of the execution of the father of the pro PAD legislator by a group of red shirt people in Chang Mai and clearly the police just observed and did not intervene, are they police when they are that corrupt. What is the legal reason for seizing ASTV, if it was to enforce some legal order given by a court, then NO again, however, if the orders come from Thaskin or one of his surigates, then the police have no legal protection, and shhot I would.

    Do you agree with the sentimnets they should be "willing to die'?

    I believe the PAD perceive themselves to be the PATRIOTS of Thailand. Most Patriots are will to shed their blood for the good of the country.

    ASTV is private property. So is the airport. So if you do think the PAD are justified in using guns to defend their property I guess you suopport the authoities using bullets to defend the airport?

    Your assumtion is incorrect. The airport is the property of the Government, hence the people, hence public property.

    I hope I have clearly answered your questions.

  7. Let me push this thread back on topic:

    Chamlong also added that the People's Alliance for Democracy is willing to negotiate with the government but it must be done face to face and not via telephone.

    This is a quote from within the hour....

    Also I really do not understand why nobody is talking much about the Court moving up the corruption trial of the PPP to Tuesday Dec 2. The court is not allowing further testimony, stating it has enough evidence to reach a conclusion.

    So the current government may be out in just a few more days.

    As to all the people theorizing about why the police or military will not get their hands bloody....well if the person giving the orders may well be out of power in a few days, they who wants to stick their neck out.

  8. Sondhi vows to fight off police if they raid ASTV office

    Sondhi Limthongkul, No-1 leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy and owner of astv satellite TV, vowed Saturday morning to fight off police if they raid astv head office to shut it down.

    Speaking on the TV at 10:16 am, Sondhi said he learned that Metropolitan Police chief Pol Lt Gen Suchart Muenkaew will deploy policemen to shut down ASTV.

    "We will not open our doors to police. If they storm in to shoot at us, we'll shoot back. We'll be ready to die," Sondhi said.Source: The Nation - 29 November 2008

    I hope all the PAD sympathizers who have been posting on here claiming their right to ‘non violent protest’ can see the images being shown on tv, the actions towards the police, the wooden stakes etc.

    Boy do you like to mix apple and oranges and try to make everyone think they are the same.

    ASTV is private property, it is not a public protest site. Defending ones personal property is a right that most nations recognize.

    Lets see.......POLICE:AR16 riles, grenades, Siege trucks, batons, shields

    PAD: Motorcycle helmets, wooden sticks, and hand clappers.

    Yep the police should be afraid of these desperate demonstrators.

  9. How sad and hopeless. The government is trying to end things peacefully but that's been proven ineffective and when they attempt to use force, the police back off because of fear. Is it not a police officers job to enforce and apprehend those who break the law? The government is unstable without support from the army and police force. It's time someone seriously step in and take charge. Get the united nations involved or something, it's not only a Thailand but a world issue. There are people from other countries stranded and this protest will only tempt other anti-government groups in other countries around to world to put on the same show... Like they say in sports, "THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE"

    Well nice try at that spin, but let us look at facts:

    1. The new gorilla in the corner is the court, who announced at 3 PM Friday, it would accelerate the corruption ruling against the government currently in power including the PM.

    2. In that announcement it had adequate evidence to rule. It would not required the 30 some statements from the leaders. They could use a written input if desired by Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM.

    3. Once they find the PPP and the other 2 parties were corrupt in election process they are out, (This is assuming that indeed they have solid evidence of vote buying etc..) (Even a statement from the PPP states the evidence is strong), and new elections will be forthcoming.

    4. Which group of police, military, etc wants to follow the orders of a government that probably will not be around this time next week?

    All the talk by the defenders of the PPP of being the democratically elected government of Thailand will be shown to be ???

    The PAD will have saved face, and will disapear, as they are not the ones trying to gain power, just resist corruption that has been an integral part of Thai politics since 1932 when the Monarchy was abolished.


  10. Al Jazeera reporter at the airport reckons PAD numbers have doubled over the last couple of days, the weekend a factor of course. Also, she doesn't think it looks like the police action is imminent.

    Hadnt thought about the weekend factor,....zzz... always fun to watch a spectacle!

    monday it is then... or not.. now i understand why the Thai neighbours here couldnt give a f*** about the situation! and are almost suprised that i should be slightly concerned... oh well.. zzzz back to sleep.

    this coup sucks. very dull. Not even any dancing girls on the PAD stage.

    Yes indeed the weekend factor does play a role....Thaskin is spending the weekend in Hong Kong and directly trying to control the situation.

    The PM is busy this morning with a stimulating round of golf in Chang Mai.

    The Police and military are really assessing the news flash from the court when they moved the date up from Dec 15 to Tuesday Dec 2, saying they had enough evidence of corruption and vote buying against the 3 major parties to render a decision without further testimony. So who wants to get blood on their hands for a group that might no longer be in power?

    A classic case of CYA.

    This is a very interesting chess game... I had written earlier about the courts playing the decisive role, but I was surprised when they did indeed accelerate things. This solution allows for all to save face, the PM is thrown out of office by what he claims is a biased court, the PAD step down, and the PPP is gone.....But unless some new twist come to be, looks like next Wed. before the airport can open.

  11. Actually, the country folk were put on busses, taken to vote, each of them was paid an fresh new 500 baht note when they returned to the bus, then the buses took them back to the pick-up points and loaded-up another group.

    This is not childish.

    This is just the truth of what actually occurred during the election that put Thaksin into power, the elections to keep his party in power and the most recent elections.

    The expats that live in Issan and other rural areas know this to be a fact if they were out on the streets when it happened or their Thai friends and relatives showed them the fresh new 500 baht notes.


    Facts are facts.


    The only fight I have ever had with my mother-in-law was about this exactly.....Her opinion....if you don't like the way I vote, then offer me more money......Thanskin thanked me for my vote with 500b, and he used his own money to make loans to some of my neighbors. If I did not have a rich son-in-law I would have taken a loan also.

    How do you win arguments to simple minds like this???

  12. Looks like they might be expediting the PPP Dissolution :

    Final closing arguments Dec 2nd, no dragging out 36

    windy exec's speeches under questioning.

    The could just turn and dissolve them same or next day. Easy enough.

    No reason not to. Only need to type up the additions to an obviously

    mostly already drafted judicial opinion after defendant speeches.

    Argue in morning come back for 3 pm reading. By 6pm cabinet is 86'd

    By 8pm PAD is packing to leave airports.

    Boom! Early Bday present, and it avoids attempts of planned

    Dec 8th and 9th legislative judicial coup. ASEAN party is up in the air anyway.

    In any case some one will be in charge. Caretaker cabinet greets delegates.

    Makes basic deals in principle, but signs papers at later date.

    I do believe you have the time line about right....Dec 15 used to be the old date prior to the escalation on Friday....

    When that ruling comes down, the PAD will filter away.....

    Reports now coming from Hong Kong, Thaskin is presently taking charge, directly, while his Brother-in-law is currently playing golf in Chang Mai....Thaskin is having a bit of a time with his old friend and classmate who now head the police....

  13. Here is the latest new I just got from my wife (Now there is an un-impeachable source) :o

    1. Thaskin has flown from Dubai to Hong Kong and is presently there. (Note the interview he did today, and the location of the blogger....)

    2. He has ordered the police to silence ASTV....If Sonthi gets shot...well he asked for it.

    It appears that the negotiations between the riot police and the Airport group has swung again in favor of the PAD.

    Situation around Suvarnabhumi airport became tense on Saturday morning after police set up barriers and checkpoints on all roads leading to the airport to prevent more protesters from coming to the airport.

    The measures were implemented after Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat issued state of emergency issued on Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi Airports which were under seizure of the protesters since last week.

    However the protesters managed to make police retreat from all roads after about half and hour heated negotiation.

    A protester leader dismissed a report by manager online that police fired at protesters.

    They may have also seized 2 of the police riot vehicles. :D

  14. Thank you roadman...

    The other gorilla in the closet that nobody seems to relize the significance of is the following:

    What this will mean is the end of the PPP and other parties, and will go right hand in hand with my last paragraph in my previous post....if the government is disbanded because of corruption found by the court, who will run the country..I am really happy that date is moved up to Tuesday now. (So much for those arguments of Somchai being the legitimate government elected by the will of the people).

    The Constitution Court yesterday set a December 2 deadline for its acceptance of closing statements from the three coalition parties, People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya, involved in the party-dissolution case.

    The high court ruled to drop the hearing of witnesses and the admission of additional evidence on the grounds that it already had sufficient information to form a verdict.

    The abrupt wrap-up of the case is seen as paving the way for a snap election as the outcome of the judicial review will clear uncertainties relating to the fate of the parties.

    Court president Chat Chonlaworn said they would be allowed to submit additional arguments in writing as deemed necessary until the deadline but the court would not convene any hearings.

    Responding to requests by the defence to summon the three party leaders to give additional testimony on top of their statements given during the investigative stage, Chat said this could be submitted in writing.

    PPP deputy leader and party-list MP Karn Thienkaew said it was very likely the PPP would be dissolved as the court was not allowing its 36 executives to make any clarifications. In this case the executives' voting rights must be revoked. Other MPs must move to another party within 30 days, and most of them are moving to the Phue Thai Party.

    The next prime minister must come from that party as it will have the most MPs in Parliament, Karn said.

    He said he would resign his parliamentary seat to open the way for the next in line on the list to become MP.

    A PPP source who asked not to be named said someone very close to former prime minister thaksin Shinawatra would be invited to lead Phue Thai to draw votes from Thaksin's supporters. Among those tipped is General Chaisit Shinawatra, former supreme commander and a cousin of Thaksin.

    The source said PPP MPs who were former or current Cabinet members but not PPP executives, including Mingkwan Sangsuwan, Chalerm Yubamrung, Santi Promphat and Somsak Kiartsuranont, might be nominated for prime minister, though this might be interpreted as violating Article 190 of the Constitution, in which case MPs like Chai Chidchob, Apiwan Wiriyachai and Samart Kaewmeechai would have a chance.

    Matchima's defence lawyer Chatchai Chookaew said he was surprised at the abrupt decision to fast-track the case.

    Chatchai said Matchima leader Anongwan Thepsuthin was expected to personally make the defence summation before the high court.

    People Power's defence lawyer Thana Benjathikul said the hearing of witnesses should not have been dropped. Many party executives who had no involvement in the electoral fraud wanted to testify in person to convince the presiding judges of their innocence, he said.

    Another PPP source who asked not to be named said the PPP was more likely to be dissolved than the other two parties as the evidence against former deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat for electoral fraud was more damning than in the cases of other party executives.

  15. Now the plot thickens.....Here are a few FACTS that have not been discussed that affect the whole situation...I have highlighted them.

    National police commissioner General Phatcharawat Wongsuwan was transferred to an inactive post yesterday as the government moved to crack down on anti-government protesters and end the airport crisis, amid mounting doubts over the future of Army chief General Anupong Paochinda.

    His place has been taken on a caretaker basis by the police inspector-general, General Prateep Tanprasert. Prateep was a senior classmate of deposed prime minister thaksin Shinawatra at the Police Academy.

    Phatcharawat became national police commissioner during the Samak Sundaravej government. Known for his anti-Thaksin stand, he was one of the political focuses during the October 7 bloodbath.

    He was reportedly left out of the decision-making process when the government decided to use drastic action against PAD protesters when they marched from government House to Parliament.

    Phatcharawat joined Anupong and the other armed-forces leaders when they went on television to deplore the deaths and injuries that occurred on October 7. During the TV appearance, Anupong called on Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat to "show responsibility" for the day's events.

    Police were seen yesterday moving heavily armed officers to block all roads to Suvarnnabhumi Airport.

    The Civil Court, meanwhile, rejected the PAD's appeal to continue their occupation of the two airports.

    Pro-government groups threatened to crack down on the PAD themselves unless the police cleared their rivals from the airports by last night.

    Meanwhile, the Constitution Court yesterday set a Tuesday deadline for its acceptance of closing statements from the three ruling coalition parties - People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya - involved in the party-dissolution case.

    The court is expected to rule soon, perhaps as early as Wednesday, to dissolve the parties, automatically ending the Somchai administration.

    Looks like on Dec 2 all claims of the PPP being the legitimate government that was elected by the people will end.

    Now you see why the rush to change the constitution and get rid of PAD

  16. seems not only Anupong is hunting for them:

    From The nation: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...newsid=30089692

    Three parties ordered to deliver closing speech in party-dissolution case on Dec 2

    The Constitution Court Friday ordered the People Power Party, Chart Thai Party and Matchima Tipataya Party to deliver their closing statement in the party-dissolution case against them on December 2.

    The court held a session at 10:30 am Friday and ordered the parties to send their leaders to deliver closing speech at 9:30 am.

    If they do not attend the session, the court will regard that the parties forfeit their right to deliver the closing speech.

    The court also dismissed the parties' request to hold more inquiries, saying the court has enough written evidence for deliberation.

    The Nation

    For those of you that are reading challenged, what this means is the constitutional court will throw the current government out of power when it render its' finding that the PPP and MTP, CTP parties were guilty of corruption and vote buying....so much for those bleeding hearts that keep repeating the mantra that the government was the one the people chose to elect.

    Thank you H90 for the post

  17. In a few more days the entire game will change.....Read the new release below.....The current PM and party (along with a few other supporting parties) will be SOL......

    I truly wish the court could act even faster, as originally it Dec 15 they were due to close this. As even the PPP admits they are likely to be banned for corruption during the elections.

    All the bleeding heart statements of the PM and his party won the election will go out the window then.


    The Constitution Court yesterday set a December 2 deadline for its acceptance of closing statements from the three coalition parties, People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya, involved in the party-dissolution case.

    The high court ruled to drop the hearing of witnesses and the admission of additional evidence on the grounds that it already had sufficient information to form a verdict.

    The abrupt wrap-up of the case is seen as paving the way for a snap election as the outcome of the judicial review will clear uncertainties relating to the fate of the parties.

    Court president Chat Chonlaworn said they would be allowed to submit additional arguments in writing as deemed necessary until the deadline but the court would not convene any hearings.

    Responding to requests by the defence to summon the three party leaders to give additional testimony on top of their statements given during the investigative stage, Chat said this could be submitted in writing.

    PPP deputy leader and party-list MP Karn Thienkaew said it was very likely the PPP would be dissolved as the court was not allowing its 36 executives to make any clarifications. In this case the executives' voting rights must be revoked. Other MPs must move to another party within 30 days, and most of them are moving to the Phue Thai Party.

    The next prime minister must come from that party as it will have the most MPs in Parliament, Karn said.

    He said he would resign his parliamentary seat to open the way for the next in line on the list to become MP.

    A PPP source who asked not to be named said someone very close to former prime minister thaksin Shinawatra would be invited to lead Phue Thai to draw votes from Thaksin's supporters. Among those tipped is General Chaisit Shinawatra, former supreme commander and a cousin of Thaksin.

    The source said PPP MPs who were former or current Cabinet members but not PPP executives, including Mingkwan Sangsuwan, Chalerm Yubamrung, Santi Promphat and Somsak Kiartsuranont, might be nominated for prime minister, though this might be interpreted as violating Article 190 of the Constitution, in which case MPs like Chai Chidchob, Apiwan Wiriyachai and Samart Kaewmeechai would have a chance.

    Matchima's defence lawyer Chatchai Chookaew said he was surprised at the abrupt decision to fast-track the case.

    Chatchai said Matchima leader Anongwan Thepsuthin was expected to personally make the defence summation before the high court.

    People Power's defence lawyer Thana Benjathikul said the hearing of witnesses should not have been dropped. Many party executives who had no involvement in the electoral fraud wanted to testify in person to convince the presiding judges of their innocence, he said.

    Another PPP source who asked not to be named said the PPP was more likely to be dissolved than the other two parties as the evidence against former deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat for electoral fraud was more damning than in the cases of other party executives.

  18. Hope the airport doesn't end up like this. The end is particularly gruesome but it's real :o



    Here is Thaskins' comments (in English) on the current situation:


    Eveybody seems to focused on the short term....(open the airport), but the majority on this board few ever talk about what happens over the next few months if they were to run out the PAD from all the protest sites.

    1. The constitution would be amended to exempt those current penalties of 5 years for being found guilty of corruption. This would allow the old TRT leadership back into the game.

    2. The Privy counsel would be abolished, thus emasculating any input from the palace.

    3. The PPP will be found guilty of corruption on Dec 15, but will reform into a new party that is already set up.

    4. The Amnesty that is currently granted once a year from HRM will be seeded to the PM to grant.

    5. The Monarchy will cease to exist in a few years.

    6. Both the major and minor players of the PAD will be severely punished, so as to set an example to other not to oppose corruption in the government.

    The bottom line is a few will take control of this country, use it for personal gain, and what ever the heart and soul of Thailand has been for hundreds of years, it will become a shell of its former self.

    I for one do not want to see a coup, but would much rather see the Constitutional Court disband the current PPP party ahead of the Dec 15 schedule. Have the court take control of the country, and set up a better way to run it.

  19. I hope she will be sanuk when she returns back to Isan with the hordes of othere jobless peasants when the affects of her actions and those like her take hold.

    They really don't get it, do they?


    Ignorance is scary. Totally ignorant is terrifying.


    You are so wrong......

    They get it exactly....they (those little women with the hand clappers) are the true patriots of Thailand....

    (I had just finished typing the above when my Thai wive looked over my shoulder)

    Her statements...."How would you like to be in Mombai right now, those people kill and shoot a lot of people. My people have fun, and keep criminals like Thaskin with the Muslim people, this is where he belongs, He already killed enough Thai people:.

  20. Well here is a little new to sate your thirst.....From The Nation

    ASTV head office hit with bomb attacks

    A news announcer was slightly injured when ASTV's head office was attacked with bombs.

    An ASTV security guard, Pornchai Sanguanpoj, 41, told police that the assailants arrived on a white boat and threw two bombs against the head office on Phra Arthit Road at 2 am.

    Pornchai said the assailants also fired an M79 at the building.

    The explosions shattered the glass windows of ASTV, and Natthawut Mitmak, a TV announcer, suffered cuts over his hand while he was ducking for cover.

    But ASTV officials would not allow police to enter the compound to investigate.

    Pornchai himself was arrested when police found 6 rounds of 11-mm caliber pistol on him. He said he was shooting back at the assailants when police arrived at the scene so he threw his gun into the river.

    Yep arrest the guard, so the next attack can succeed.......

  21. With the tremendous amount of polarization in Thailand right now there is now really good solution.

    Myself and my wife are certainly pro PAD, however, they are not trying to take control, only to have elections that for the 1st time in 50+ years might be corruption free..

    Several days ago there was mention of one scenario that might work well, and avoid military involvement.

    1. The court speed up it's Dec 15 time table to rule on the PPP

    2. If the finding is as expected (Guilty of vote buying and corruption) then the core members will be banned for 5 years (hence the great urgency of the PPP to amend the constitution, and eliminate that clause, so it could bring back the TRT allies).

    3. Since it would take 2 months for elections, who runs the country....one theory was the court could take control until it sets up a system to insure a fair election, or restructure the constitution..

    One of the facts that no other country I am aware of has as a part of the constitution is the absolute requirement that everybody MUST[/b] vote. Hence the influence in the north of small villages being organized by the Puh Yai Bahn, to insure a uniform vote, as it affects the confidentiality of voting.

    Tonight I watched the showing of pictures of a father of a radio station commentator in Chang Mai being killed. It was clear in many pictures uniformed police just stood to the side and took no action, even though some of the spectators were yelling at the police to shoot the men that were killing the father. He was dragged, kicked, shot and then attacked with machetes, then the ambulance crew was prevented from retrieving him and taking him to the hospital until he bled out and died. With this kind of fanatical attitudes being allowed, a major change is really necessary, along with a heavy hand.

  22. I sometime wonder if any of the previous posters on this thread ever took a moment to look at the live TV coming from the airports....

    Now you are facing some desperate people.....old ladies with hand clappers, middle age people laying on sleeping mats, and some really whacked out people dancing to some mulahm music....yep better bring in the bombers as well.

    A napalm attack would help a lot too.

    Think how much the current government can put in their pockets when the rebuild the airport....

    After all Thaskin was able to load hundreds of stacked bodies of living and dying people in the back of large trucks, and just make them disappear down south...I'm sure he would fly back in a moment to take charge.

    The bottom line is these people at the airport are fighting for their country....to rid it of 50 years of corruption. PAD is not running for office, or to take over the government, just clean out the crap that is there now.

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