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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. The bitcoin chart says it all. Trump has won and bitcoin is headed to $200,000
  2. Theres no question that you have
  3. If i were russian i would have been among the first of them to move to phuket
  4. This election is a real time indicator of the states one should never visit, the results tell you what percentage of that state is a product of american lamestream media
  5. Seriously, can you answer this? That state has nothing left at this point edit : other than the detroit lions
  6. Why would michigan kill its auto industry like that?
  7. You can keep focusing on Pennsylvania. After trump is president you and the people of that state can feel good knowing at least Pennsylvania was blue
  8. Japanese men are too feminine, nobody there is having children. The explanation is not long
  9. Crossing like that even more dangerous for tourists who grew up in civilized countries and arent aware that things like this can even happen
  10. Accusing others of being non American when you cant even spell, as if english werent your first language
  11. A majority of this forum simply doesnt want whats in Americas best interest and think this wont affect them. Alot of willfully ignorant europeans here who want the west completely destroyed
  12. Im not sure whats worse though, americas division or the UKs acceptance of being cucked by migrants
  13. Should be glad he wasnt killed. Hes underestimating the derangement leftist media causes people
  14. Seems like a tough living driving there all day. Id be inclined to pay extra for a grab premium car to lessen the chances of getting someone reckless
  15. Hot girls are nice until you have one, then you just want someone else
  16. Just because i posted something that doesnt fit your agenda doesnt make it a lie.
  17. Interesting how you gave biden harris credit for the worlds best economy but not their fault for inflation. I see what you did there
  18. Trump didnt create covid but was voted out because of it. It doesnt have to be Bidens fault, just that things were better with trump. Thats why he wins
  19. I dont think average americans care. They care about how groceries have quadrupled in price since 2020
  20. Just sharing reality and not promoting anything from MSM. Only those in favor of censorship would have a problem with it
  21. If the DMV knows that someone is a noncitizen, why would they be mailing them voter forms?
  22. You should see japan. Mixed children there are viewed as some sort of cancer, and thats not just government thats all of them
  23. The DMV are mailing voter registration forms to noncitizens. I have the proof here in Nevada
  24. Would be better for the forum if you were honest or quiet, tom
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