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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. None of them care. All of the anti trump here either arent americans or never plan on living in america so watching libs destroy the country is entertaining for them. Everyone interested in still saving the country is voting for trump
  2. Manipulating the free market isnt putting america first its just another step towards socialism
  3. Statistics with no source gets a question mark from me
  4. Yes its sensible for her not to speak because when she does she comes across as an absolute moron
  5. Ive been married for 8 years and have decided to go MGTOW
  6. Furthermore, this guy resides in california and complains here all the time about how <deleted>ty it is and comes on here and blames trump instead of newsom. Unreal
  7. Your posts are long but you are a brainwashed fool who thinks hes insulated from liberals destorying america because you reside in thailand. Youre the worst kind of american
  8. After the debates and america sees how inauthentic kamala is, all of these leftwing media polls will mean nothing and all the dems here will have to go into hiding
  9. It doesnt really matter what trump says at the debates. All the pressure is on kamala to coherently state her policies. Good luck with that
  10. Only way kamala can win is if she can refrain from opening her mouth until election day
  11. Any democrat that says theyre looking forward to the debates is lying through their teeth
  12. Bears are going to have a rough year
  13. Source is washington post. Are you even trying
  14. Most criticisms of him are highly exaggerated by western media while any criticisms of left candidates are swept under the rug. As a non american all youre exposed to is media, so its not surprising your perception of him would be distorted
  15. Went to a theatre today with my daughter actually. The popcorn cost more than our tickets
  16. Im american in america. Otherwise i wouldnt be commenting on american politics
  17. Youre not even american. Why is it that all the non americans that want america to burn all hate trump? I wonder..
  18. Regardless, leftists dont seem to realize that america does have enemies. Islam is not compatible with western values. People in iran see hollywood movies and are filled with hate for the west. They want israel and america to burn, and leftists are enabling them
  19. I dont see the comparison. All that those people wanted to do was mess up nancy pelosi’s desk
  20. Try going to palestine or iran. The leftists in the country virtue signal for them but we all know they do it from the comfort of their developed nation
  21. Id see america becoming less reliant on chinese products as a positive thing for america, no doubt. The rest of the world would follow suit. China is famous for their proclivity towards quantity over quality
  22. Palestinians are the unfortunate meat shields for hamas. Its not their fault and its not israels fault either. Regardless, all arabs in the middle east want jews dead, not just jews either they want all whites dead. Any woman whos not wearing a hijab they want dead. I sympathize for jews unfortunately they located themselves surrounded by the enemy.
  23. Why does the left want to virtue signal for islam? Their ideology is not compatible with western values. After they destroy israel they will come for america next
  24. Provocation not even necessary. From the river to the sea, or whatever they say there. They just want jews dead. Jews fighting for their right to live on this earth. If you side with palestinians im sure you wouldnt mind living there with your friends. Take all the campus protesters with you
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