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Everything posted by madone

  1. can you support that vacuous, meaningless, and empty statement? Doesnt even need to be evidence of it happening every day, Show me evidence of someone blocking an ambulance once a week for 3 weeks running.
  2. what have we come to, when the meaning of SSRI is considered common knowledge, even in publications geared to a 12-year-old reading level
  3. fok em all? I mean aren't there enough priapic wunder geezers on the forum to sort the problem right out?
  4. what are the acceptable alternatives, in your opinion? Would they be a litany of rambling, disconnected, and nonsensical posts on a dying web forum for geriatric expats and fading sextourists?
  5. maybe not, but we can certainly see that you are a smug, virtue-signalling <deleted>.
  6. For the love of god, taking the sunk cost fallacy one step forward. what a sad sack
  7. Since it seems he woke up beside her, I reckon she did it.
  8. i have objections on two fronts. the first is the poster calling LGBTQ and the rest of the alphabet soup sexual perversion. The next is the US government involving itself not in criticism of persecution for LGBTQ but in promoting it and other half baked divisive DEI initiatives without its own house in order.
  9. Is that because there are not enough thais to do the work, or because thais do not want to do that work? many countries around the world face similar labour shortages, but often because the population sees those jobs as beneath them, leaving employers to fill in gaps with foreign workers. Of course that is when people begin to complain foreigners are taking the jobs they are unwilling to do,
  10. Dear AseanNow/Thaiger and "Bob Scott" Should I perish unexpectedly and you see fit to write a "news article" about my death, please prompt the AI to go easy on the pithy cliches and vague speculation. It is just plain insulting.
  11. i bet he ate at least three marijuanas
  12. I do not think there has ever been a question more near and dear to the heart or discussed more passionately by AN posters than 'what is the youngest I can get away with?'
  13. predictable response, though more subtle and arriving later than expected
  14. she speaks in single sentence non-sequiturs and emojis, just like her native-speaking, live in language model.
  15. what an utterly stupid headline
  16. it is not a topic about Trump or the election, so I'm just waiting to see how the topic relates to sex tourism,
  17. why would anyone in their right mind put together a scam that involves taking locals for less than 100 bucks? high exposure, low yield -- it's just stupid and makes zero sense.
  18. irrespective of who wins, trump or harris, the US loses big. in fact, the US has already lost
  19. I realize this comes up regularly but looking for current info. Thinking about beginning TRT not adverse to self-injection, but seeking medical counseling, testing, and initial guidance to get me started without spending 10s of thousands of baht out of the gate. The clinics that turn up in searches all seem to be designed to ext4cate money rather than offer guidance, and advice offered here seems a few years old. Is there a competent doctor in Bangkok I could consult to ensure that I proceed safely if indeed I do proceed at all?
  20. its meaningless hyperbolic bull<deleted> you will never get an answer, because there is no answer. it is just something that felt good to tye at the time
  21. Where does anyone say it is ok? it is merely a fact of life that being stupid or careless makes you vulnerable. I was not aware we were playing what would jesus do?
  22. What? Seriously, are you <deleted> up right now?
  23. Being drunk and stupid is most certainly a reason why people would be accosted. A fool is far easier to rob than a sober person with their wits about them.
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