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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. What about something totally relevant you mean.
  2. I'm at this point now. Fork In the doobie road so to speak.
  3. Racists and bigots oh my.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14377427/Labour-pressure-sack-SECOND-MP-Labour-vile-WhatsApp-Andrew-Gwynne.html
  4. This. Oil is more than likely leaking into the engine.
  5. Wouldn't know. Never drank coffee before.
  6. Remember when they put the pm2.5 filter outside a mall or something. The blissfully ignorant ideas are endless in the land of smoke and mirrors.
  7. That won't stop some from telling you what you are and what you support. You sound like a fascist.
  8. So if you didn't test the brick please refrain from saying the percentage. This is an ongoing issue in the market here and needs to be stopped.
  9. What ? Simple question. Is Donald Trump the president of the United States or the alleged president? This whole thing is strange.
  10. Ridiculous. Canada has been legal for years. This is getting weird now. Just let it go.
  11. No it's not and the restaurant should be held responsible. Maybe time to find a new holiday spot. You know where you can relax and enjoy yourself instead of being a wreck like you seem.to be.
  12. What ? I stopped reading after this bizarre personal opinion or whatever it is. It's even more dangerous the OP thinks this way.
  13. No I haven't you sound strange. You picked a place to live that's well known for that sort of thing and those kinds of people. And now you proceed to whine about it? It's not them it's you.
  14. Oh no you crammed just enough stereotypes into that hateful rant. Strange too considering your leanings. But actually no surprise.
  15. The rock. Maybe he can start his campaign from in and out burger.
  16. I feel the same about all the drunks acting like complete fools on a daily basis. The stale stench of beer and cheap spirits permeating from thousands of shady disgusting bars. But then again we never got peace and quiet from the drunks. They have always been there creating the issue for the rest of us.
  17. Talk about having stage 4 syndrome.
  18. And silence after making boastful claims. Call me Jack's complete lack of surprise.
  19. File as many as you like. They will all be stamped as dgaf.
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