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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I wonder if culling 100mn chickens had anything to do with current egg prices.
  2. Exactly. But keep banging on about egg prices.
  3. Chicken count ?
  4. Didn't he have them perform at one of his events though ? This is awkward.
  5. What ? So it's anti democracy to want to see the 2028 democratic election happen and a new administration put in. Ahhhh are you sure about your comment ?
  6. Oh look one of them already put the im a weirdo emoji on my comment.
  7. I think trudeau and him would make a fab couple.
  8. 2028 cannot come soon enough. The final nail in this absurd notion. I bet you'll still have hold outs muttering fascist after Trump leaves.
  9. Why no write up about how enraged thai net citizens are about the pathetic upkeep they do of their own country? Crickets. Hypocrites.
  10. Ok thanks for your irrelevant opinion.
  11. The fascist hasn't thrown a single dissenting citizen in jail. Not 1 person has been disappeared. Correct me if my history is wrong but doesn't fascism work a little different then that. Terrible fascist Trump is .
  12. Unlike Kamala who paid pop stars to fail. Just let that sink in.
  13. How can the roads be worse when they get fixed every single year.
  14. I am. Yes I know. The song still rocks pretty hard. Did he tell you he was sorry ?
  15. Clearly none of you know the hip. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LAZUsCONjIQ&pp=ygUlbmV3IG9ybGVhbnMgaXMgc2lua2luZyB0cmFnaWNhbGx5IGhpcA%3D%3D
  16. How long did it take Kamala to even address people after the election loss. She like many others played hide and seek. Fortunately many are still hiding. What a relief.
  17. Nothing compares to the goat..... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tU0RaRvJ0PQ&pp=ygUQYnVzaCBkb2RnZXMgc2hvZQ%3D%3D
  18. You're so predictable. Go back to your ideology.
  19. No gross that's like eating chickens feet. Fatties all the way. BN 🥰
  20. 2 or 3 a week keeps my appetite at bay.
  21. You were duped on many issues and only after the so called facts came out did you change your stance. Your entire last paragraph is just incredible. One of the main reasons the election went as it did.
  22. Posters please take note on how to not admit you were wrong. There is no shame in admitting you messed up. We all do it. Even I have had a moment or 2. But the issue is when you keep denying and deflecting. Then you go on an unhinged rant frothing about Trump. The s runs deep within you. I feel sorry for people like you so wound up in their own ideology.
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