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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. And healthy ? So you a guy who follows American politics bigly needed to be reminded thah vance still exists. Even after you have made dozens of comments about him on this forum. Talk about healthy. Woah.
  2. It's a metaphor on your comments. Didn't expect you to get it. That requires free thinking.
  3. I wonder if culling 100mn chickens had any effect in the US.
  4. Evidence ? Like your disappearing act after the election. That kind of evidence you mean ?
  5. Of course you dont and of course you are. You're a hypocrite in the true sense of fhe word. Either go live as a true socialist or stop telling others they should. Be the change you want to see in the world rather than preaching to others how to live.
  6. Your opinion means nothing. It has no merit. Contrary to what you think. You still don't get it. Nor will you..
  7. Thanks for this useless reply. I see you have totally avoided the original point. Good work as usual. In other words......you got nothing.
  8. When was the last time you heard of a golden retriever doing this ?
  9. You sound crazy. I hope you can one day rid yourself of the horrible guilt you carry.
  10. Someone will be along soon to offer the mutt some rice.
  11. For you...society needs to change before you do....to enforce your moral code.
  12. How reassuring. Brick weed at 22 percent. Good one. Also a lot of your flower looks like.greemhouse bud. Do you guys grow greenhouse? Also could you please send a link to verify that in fact you are thailamds #1 online seller Otherwise you're just taking the piss.
  13. Would you like to be notified of his next bowl movement too ?
  14. @placeholder Is this the nothing you mean ? Run away now. You look strange.
  15. Snooze factor 19
  16. Are you serious ? I replied to a post calling people maga cult members. You can't be this obtuse can you ? The comment is literally in front of your face but you're chose to deflect as you always do.
  17. What ? You also said that to the other members who constantly says similar things right ? O wait no you don't. Run away now.
  18. Your hypocritical posts you mean right.
  19. Says you the extreme left cult member. You really need to give it a rest. Its so passe now with your constant fear mongering.
  20. So if Trump saved a child from a burning building. Despicable ? Your hate runs so deep. Must be the socialist in you that cares so much like you always bark about.
  21. This is a joke.right. kcuf me the lengths these people will go to save face. I saw the video in question. Absolute disgrace what's happening. Hey think twice ifs just another day for you...you and me In paradise.
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