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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Of course they are. It's similar to the legion of posters here who disappeared after barking like mad dogs for months before the election. Oops.
  2. Then give them all away. Nothing stopping you. A true Socialist would not make a single dollar. But you're trying your best right.
  3. I hope you didn't sell those books for profit. You know advocating for socialism and all that.
  4. But you already do such a wonderful job of projecting yourself.
  5. Remember the pm2.5 filter they installed outsids a few years back. Ya.
  6. I can't be a "true socialist" as long as I live in a country with at least some capitalism. I can only advocate for a greater emphasis on socialistic features and a diminishing reliance on capitalism, which I do in my personal life, here online, and in my writing. I have written and published ten books, all reflecting my views on this in various ways You can only advocate eh ? Total rubbish. You could walk the walk but you being the true socialist need to own land. Give up all your possessions and become a volunteer for the remainder of your days. Then you wouldn't have to advocate you could show others by actually doing. You'll have a tidy excuse as to why you can't really live like that.
  7. There it is. As best you can eh ? What a joke. As best you can while still holding onto capitalisms rewards. As best you can would be living a humanitarian life. Socialism means you own nothing. Yet here you are a land owner. I bet I own less than you do. I'm willing to bet you own a house full of stuff in it too. You know the socialist way. Always an excuse....well you see socialism is amazing. I just need all these things capitalism provided me with to live as close to socialist as I possibly can. Dripping with hypocrisy.
  8. Sorry but that brick isn't 22 percent as claimed. Do you have lab results for verification? I'll apologise if you do.
  9. Who said anything about the lady drinks commission being shady ?
  10. Every 90 day you make.......we'll be watching you. Oh can't you see you belong to P. My bank account breaks...with every envelope you take.
  11. Take me to your leader.
  12. New documentary just out. Worth the watch no matter your political leanings.
  13. Funny thing is Rob was quite liberal for many years.
  14. You used to say 34 times convicted felon like a champ. What happened? Seems you don't have as much wind in your sails in the last couple months. Hope you're OK.
  15. 100mn less chickens tends to have an effect on market price I would think.
  16. Ahhh the but but but Trump. It's been a while.
  17. It seems rules for thee but not for me apply in some instances.
  18. Frank you got nothing. 😆
  19. It's rare to see issues surrounding bills at shady bars in thailand.
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