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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Funny because every single person who crossed the border illegally is a criminal. So that whole immigrants legal or not claim is just a joke.
  2. You change profiles a lot my man.
  3. You've supposedly been a member since 2006 but for 19 years said nothing. Now all of a sudden you can't stop posting. Believable.
  4. That sentiment goes both ways yes ? Like when any mention is made of illegals why do left wing extremists always stress about farm workers.
  5. I identify as someone with a debilitating syndrome.
  6. It's one of the great mysteries of the orient.
  7. I absolutely support your right to continue to spew the garbage you do.
  8. He should see the quality of free care in Canada now. People can't even find a family doctor anymore thats how little it costs the government. Shake my head at the ignorance.
  9. What is my IQ? Higher than a turnip. Higher than yours. That's good enough. Incidentally, I was given an IQ test under controlled conditions by a former employer. I know how I scored, thus, I know it's both higher than a turnip and higher than you. Thanks for asking. Now back to the scourge of Neo-Imperialism Hahahahahahahah This response is the equilivant to I know you are but what am I. What are you 9 years old ? You're so smart you thought Biden was mentally fit and kamala would win the election. You even talked down to people who said otherwise. Ridiculed then repeatedly. Told them how dumb they were. That Trump was a loser didnt stand a chance bla bla bla. No further questions your honor.
  10. The wordings don't match.
  11. Nice miseading headline. Typical.
  12. The OP is becoming more unhinged as each day passes. Poor fella.
  13. Making bold statements often with no backing and no repercussions. Am I fascist for saying that or a trumper maga cult right wing........did I forget any ?
  14. There is nothing to swallow. Most of those quotes have video evidence backing it as well. Anyways for a real hoot check out the bangkok post home page just now for the latest on covid.
  15. Seems many you have been asleep for 30 years and are now just waking up.
  16. Apparently you've been asleep for 30 years.
  17. Driving with a bed cover has been shown to consume more petrol than driving without it. Save the world and sheet.
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