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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I love your propaganda. Great work but you're not fooling anyone.
  2. Ok and ? What's your point. Sharia law courts are a joke on our society and culture
  3. Thank you Dr Fauci. Fantastic covid documentary.
  4. Also giving out criminal charges to those running these kangaroo courts
  5. I watched distinguished gentleman last night with Eddie Murphy. Swamp creatures indeed.
  6. His reply shows the true vulgar nature of the left.
  7. Step 1. Forget it. Step 2. See Step 1. Step 3. Grow up.
  8. I see you didn't drink the blue koolaid. You chugged it all.
  9. Maybe you prefer cnn and the hostage release scam they just tried to pull off ?
  10. Wow still a Biden was mentally fit team member eh. I thought most of you scattered. Good for you.
  11. I would go see a doctor about your vision my friend.
  12. And your advice for the millions of thai who flaunt traffic laws daily ?
  13. Ya the 20 million dollar yacht parked at surin beach last night is saying hey we're poor.
  14. Get help. It's all over the news with many different sources reporting it. You sound a little strange He has even released it on official government letterhead. Ndp calling for a vote of non confidence. Ya no chaos at all. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NLB3TJJGDMM
  15. Get help. It's all over the news with many different sources reporting it. You sound a little strange.
  16. Everything is still fine no chaos at all. https://news.google.com/read/CBMi-gFBVV95cUxPQkFLN1Y4cUNuejBKejNacVUxRFFjZFkxU1hKZnNwODBPeGRJT2VOUG1vWVY3ZG1scEJkNXUzb1YyajkyV2xjc1YzendoVGluZDdjdWUyd2U2WVR0ZGg5LXdkeWRXZFJZTVZqbzlyb3Z1OHo2RnlEeVM5eG90dDdEcEZHX3RLR3czSThQNWU5QTNsMy1PZzJzRDJ2dEFVNTAtYVFpSGVIb01DVUJTQ0ZSeFhYMkt2eWpuQVVaLUxFNnlkcnFNc2ZtTU00Y1RHOUtxeHVUY2UtS1hnUktUWERoSTNoR08yRE5ONDFYVTR2MjdWdF9oRzMwaGNn0gH_AUFVX3lxTE1oMzFFLWdJanJkbDRzVTBkaEdLNGJuOXRnWWY1Vks4TS1BNmJqc1psWmFCWW5NcmVCUUhkRHpYVnlUSzZ2SEJNSnQ0Rm5tdDZJSEhiZE9WMURpUFJNSzllMFhqQU9UT1g4OXZLWHBGbzA1T29vajVSMndUbXpyWW1tRTlQX3FYY1k4bktMMTIwamtHcVZGUDRRZXRGZWxBR2hZck1RX195R2ttREZpNWhRNngzam9Wa2hSa3hpSEdYNy0wY2o5QURESF92WGdQOHRJX1dnWkRjMDluRFVsMW5jZjFqMUxxTXdMeHhhUUVmVGEwWllBaG9xWU1HMEwxSQ?hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen
  17. Why is it people try to connect Trump to almost anything. To bring back a word that became quite popular on here by the brigade. Just weird.
  18. Tug should be along any minute now with a glowing bowl of bs talking points. Oh wait no he won't.
  19. That's what happens when you grow up in a middle class family.
  20. Your ability to see a Harris win was spot on. What reality are you talking about. Taking into consideration you were part of the Biden is mentally fit crowd.
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