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Everything posted by henryford1958

  1. Cecil Rhodes once said that to be born British was to win the lottery of life. Now i think it's the booby prize.
  2. Really, i have not noticed any deduction in wine prices. But it is difficult to know as every wine bottle has a different price.
  3. Ask her what happens in the long term. Don't they need replacing every 10 years? A big cost and inconvenience. And if she eventually wants them out what will her (baggy) tits look like then.
  4. Yes i think tattoos serve a very useful social function. It clearly identifies the sort of person that you should avoid, unless of course you are looking for a hooker.
  5. Obvious Biden was going to do it AFTER the election.
  6. Russia could have been a great country with it's resources and high level of education. But all was thrown away by Communism and allowing the country to be run by gangsters. China will suffer the same fate.
  7. I guess you have to move to Thailand on the 2nd July and buy your property in the remainder of the year. Easy, if you know the rules. Does anyone know the rules yet?
  8. Doesn't every young person have tattoos now? Hard to walk down any street without seeing people covered in tattoos.
  9. Commissions in Pattaya seem to be 5% which i think is outrageous. What do they do to earn the money, just list a property on their web site? In the UK it used to be 1-2%.
  10. I splurge on the 5L boxes 1090 baht. Castle Creek or La Vida. All wine is fruit wine. Breaking news, grapes are a fruit. If you buy in a bar this is what you get, for 150 a glass. Would you pay 4000 for a bottle of beer that tasted a bit better?
  11. 5.35 am he must have been totally smashed
  12. Chilly weather ha ha it's 28 C in my condo at dawn.
  13. I bought a nice 100 sqm apartment near the sea with pool and covered parking for 50,000 GBP. Please tell me where in the UK (if that's your home country) i can buy the same. In Brighton it would be about 600,000 GBP.
  14. That could be chaotic if they add 35% to all condo prices ! Is that how it works, It you bring in 10 million to buy a condo you pay 3.5 million in tax,
  15. Same here, i loved it around Candy, but i guess they don't have a long term visa for expats. Vietnam has no long term visa, the Philippines is a dump. So i guess it's Cambodia for 6 months then Thailand for 179 days.
  16. Simple answer if you are planning to stay long time 10 years + buy, if not rent.
  17. Another vote for Nickys. I love their sausage and mash in a giant Yorkshire pudding. A great meal for 265 baht.
  18. I already have a TIN but guess i will file a return early 2025 to show my remitted income for 2024. Wonder how the tax office will cope (in Jomtien) with thousands of farang returns. Many in Chinese or Russian.
  19. Walking TO the bar is OK it's walking home afterwards that bothers me
  20. I would like to attend but the whole of Pattaya will be gridlocked.
  21. It will end up being less than a year. No wonder drug smugglers try it on. No penalty at all. Until you give 20 + years or death they will keep doing it.
  22. Did the ICC issue arrest warrants for Bush and B'Liar for the millions they killed? Thought not.
  23. Yes i agree and without the baht buses there would be hundreds more cars/bikes on the road. Good points made by newnative. But parking restrictions are no good if they are not enforced. Cars park all over the place, on red lines, on pedestrian crossings, at the corner of sois, on pavements, double parked blocking whole lanes etc and NOTHING is done about it.
  24. The main culprit is the City Council digging up the roads every 5 minutes. The small 2nd road route into town is a major bottle neck especially when it is constantly being dug up. Building thousands of new condos with no extra roads doesn't help either. The two new Grand Sole developments alone are nearly 4000 units.
  25. Fairly obvious to anyone with sense do not drive onto the tracks unless your exit is clear.
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