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Sierra Tango

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  1. Oh, please. A hundred...? You should apply to be on the next Avengers movie. Punkinator!!
  2. Please don't flatter yourself, Just following this thread. Oh cut with the emoticons, what are you, 7 years old?
  3. Semantics! Call it what you want. You know very well what it is. And there is no need to call Bull Sh!t on someone else's view.
  4. Ok, who is the serial "confused" emoji poster. Just stop it and make an adult comment.
  5. As I said, we all know the truth. It is still operating as such even with the white wash of suppossed democratic elections. It looks like you have been correcting everyone who has dared to post tonight. Grammar, spelling and political correctness. Maybe you missed your true vocation.
  6. Marxism, in fact, becomes ideology. It is assimilated by the most advanced forms of state capitalist movement — notably Russia. We all know the truth so don't play on words.
  7. Oh, ok. Then what do you call it? Liberal democratic perhaps? Get real.
  8. Y Most likely? Well documented? No proven facts and anyone can write that horse sh@t.
  9. Mirror image? left to right, right to left. The clue is in the hair lol! How can anyone seriously say that a far right leaning person such as trump could ever be a communist assett? Totally absurd.
  10. All White / Caucasians when first sigted are called farangs / foreigners.
  11. And regulate thier driving hours, oh, and drug test them on a regular basis.
  12. It does mean Foreigner (primarly white) and the French are refered to as Farng ses. As in Chinese being Chin and English Angrit, Cambodian Khemarn, Japan yippon and so on. This may differ between the Thai language dialects but you get my drift right?
  13. Well said Gottfrid. My Thai Wife and I have been together for just over 30 years now. I consider myself reasonably versed in the nuances of the Thai language thanks to her determination to not let me be made to "lose face" in front of other Thais by showing an ignorance of the Thai languiage or customs. So, long story short, Farang / Falang is not derogatory and in fact is often used in a much more light hearted context. Is there a minimum age stipulated to be able to sign up to this forum? If not, there really should be, because going by a great many of the comments on here (1,609 this week in one poster's case), that appear to have been posted by 5 year olds.
  14. You may be closer than you think Yellowtail.
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