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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Got to take the rough with the smooth JAG. But just imaging what it would have been like if those awful, duplicitous Dems had got back. War! War! And even more way. I like his stance of food. Make America healthy again. Just like it was when the injuns were in charge.
  2. Keep the faith RD. The Americans suddenly realised that there is a guy that can save them. The Don will put the US back at the top of the tree. No more playing second fiddle.
  3. Used to think Americans were a bit naive. But they were certainly on the money when they elected The Don. He could turn out to be the US's savior. Peace! Peace! And even more peace. Deals not war!
  4. Illness is not infectious. Show me evidence that shows me that it is so. I know of over 200 studies, many by the US military medical establishment, that show illness/sickness/disease could not be passed from one person to another. There is belief based on flimsy evidence, or none at all as in the case of viruses, and there is the truth; based on nature. You choose. I'll choose.
  5. He certainly is no fraud Mike. A very well respected doctor. His research has been debunked eh!? By whom? People who don't want the truth coming out, and disrupting their money making streams.
  6. I don't know what has caused the outbreak of measles that is the subject of the OP. If I was on the ground, directing operations, I would look at environmental factors; including water contamination. One things for sure; it is nothing to do with a phantom virus. IMO, all vaccines are simply a money maker for Big Pharma. They don't do anything but put poisons into the body.
  7. I don't agree with you Richard. There is no such thing as a measles virus. Drinking contaminated water is one of the biggest killers in the world.
  8. Watched the vid. Seems like a advert for Big Pharma. Dr Vin Gupta don't know what he is talking about. Or maybe he does but is being handsomely recompensed for spouting nonsense..
  9. Measles is not a disease. It is a set of symptoms that manifest themselves due to a number of possible things. Generally the culprit is toxicity of one form or another.
  10. Sure I have. Nothing to do with a virus though. As most sickness; due to toxicity.
  11. Don't agree with you Sir. Measles is not a disease. There is no such thing as a measles virus. Viruses do not cause sickness. The measles symptoms are not contagious. Can't get vaxxed, and get protection, for something that don't exist. All a big money maker for Big Pharma.
  12. Dr A Wakefield showed this to be a poor medical decision. Take a butchers at the film; 'Protocol 7'.
  13. People take things as facts from an early age. I can recall; 'coughs and sneezes spread diseases'. For many; vax fact, is one of them. In truth; a vaccine does not prevent anything. Most are said to be necessary because of some virus or germ. Simply utter nonsense. Vaxxes are not safe, effective or necessary. Any of them.
  14. Better to look at the local environment for the answers to measles. Toxins in water is often the cause. Much of the toxic matter that enters our bodies is dealt with by a healthy defence/maintenance system. An unhealthy body - on the other hand - will find difficulty in eliminating them as they arrive, and store them away. When the body sensors says we have enough of this junk, elimination gets underway. This elimination of toxic entities, show themselves as symptoms. They are what are mistakenly referred to as disease.
  15. Monumental hogwash. There is no such thing as a measles virus.
  16. There are reasons why measles outbreaks occur. I would be looking at environmental factors. Also water, air and food. Measles is not a disease. It is the body rebelling against toxins. Trying desperately to eliminate undesirables from the system. It is also not transferable from one to another.
  17. Just love the train. ''At the end of the line.''
  18. The poor girl is actually in handcuffs. Do get a life plod.
  19. Stopping farangs at random, and asking for their passport and 90 day.
  20. Not too keen on the 'Beautiful Game' then bro?
  21. After 4 years of Manchester blue domination, it's good to see a different club win the top league. Although Pool hardly qualify as being a 'new' champ. and they are not quite there yet. The Foxes broke the mould, 9 years ago, as did Rovers* in the third year of the new (then) EPL. Is it time for another breakthrough? There certainly is room for a different club(s) to make their way to the top. This year is done and dusted, IMO. So we must look to the future seasons. The first step is to break top 6. Then top 4. Who can realistically break through? This year Seagulls, Cherries and Forest have surprised. If any one of the three can make Ch Lg for next year it would be a great motivator for others. What others? Well! I like Palace, although they are the epitome of inconsistency; alongside others, I must add. And the sleeping giant, back in the Championship; Peacocks. The Black cats are wealthy enough; but not yet. Since the start of the EPL, 7 clubs have taken the title in 35 years. What about other Leagues? How many different clubs have won in the same period in Europe? Scotland; 2. Germany; 7. France; 10. Spain; 5. Italy; 6. Portugal; 4. Holland; 5 So 7 seems about right. * Title winners in 1912 & 1914 also
  22. Low hanging fruit again . Red Bull Man still about? Sticking two fingers up to the RTP.
  23. Not a disk. No! A hemisphere, but flatter,with a jaggerdy underside. I was listening to a flat earther the other day, and he reckons the earth is about 40k km across. And at its middle about 20k km deep. so more like a section of a watermelon. But jaggerdy; not smooth. As I say Richard; I'm not sure where the North Pole fits in to the flat earther's model. For me; this is a big weakness in their argument.
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