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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. How about I tell you all about it and you go. Since you are promoting the idea, you should perhaps follow your own advice. Agreed?
  2. Happened a long time ago and continues in that vein. That's capitalism for you.
  3. They don't care about their own people, but they are willing to die on behalf of them. Let's stop all of this one side is good and one side is bad nonsense.
  4. This seems like nonsense and speculation to me. Can we have an adult discussion without your continued name calling antics?
  5. Biggest economy..... but how is the quality of life? People concentrate only on imagined figures and forget about quality of life. Which is why many of you have ended up in Thailand praising the local women and hating on your own.
  6. Or perhaps he uses a modicum of intelligence, which is more than most Trump fans utilise. Trump fans appear to see only in black and white. Everyone is a Liberal to them. Reality is an anathema to them. They see only in opposites. The reality? They are ALL criminals, it just depends on which side of the fence you are on as to how you see it. We have criminals as allies, we do business with criminals. To imagine that not every major country is indulging in subterfuge is to be naive in the extreme. State sponsored drug running, production, distribution and money laundering is par for the course. Both Republicans and Democrats are involved in all sorts of shenanigans. Think about the cartels and what happens to the money they make. Where does the money go? Do you imagine that it's under someone's bed in bundles of US$? That's part of the problem with US politics. The simplistic hate the other side thinking, when really they have more in common than you might imagine. Follow the money and you realise the cartels aren't always what they seem and the drug and people smugglers are not always who you might imagine. Drugs for guns....think about that. Our friends aren't always our friends, but sometimes partners in crime. Trump will do some good things and some not so good things. But American politics is usually played out as good vs evil. That's 'dumb'. It's a messy world and you would need to open your mind to understand what goes on. We aren't always the good guys and we aren't always the bad guys.
  7. Some people here are a little sensitive about these things and tend to complain when these little details are exposed. What I will say though is that the music biz is one of my things, with connections within the big record labels. So I know a lot more than the average person here. I'm not the type to be racist nor religious. Though I have a preference for the truth, goodness and kindness. That's not always appreciated. Put away your defences and deflections and take a closer look at the history of the industry. Kanye talks about 'bad business' amongst other things. Of course whilst he is referring to the industry, the things he wrote affects ordinary people who have nothing to do with any of it. That's unfortunate collateral damage. It's a regular occurrence in our world, sadly.
  8. Seems a lot of money for such simple needs. In that case you'd be fine with an S905X4. What is the licenced App?
  9. Budget and requirement? Do you use official services such a Netflix and Amazon Prime or just use independent sources? The answer will dictate if you need Widevine DRM Level 1. They do make the U8K-ULTRA. Though it's a bit expensive. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007691753795.html
  10. and stealing people work and money along with it, alongside equally despicable acts. Which is to what Kanye is referring. It's undeniable and that is why the usual deflections. But no one here is discussing the murders and the thefts, grooming. That's all washed over and instead a scapegoat is created.
  11. Do you think it's the Neo Nazis amplifying it? So you are saying that no Jewish owned media is spreading it?
  12. Seems like some here put money over principles. But there's the why. He decided it was worth more to him to live free than to live like a controlled mouse. So many live like mice, not men.
  13. Is your world a worse place? That must suck. He hasn't changed anything in mine.
  14. You might think that I'm the only one. 🙂 Though it's not that I think such an outburst is productive. I just stated that I understand why he did it and if you had anything about you, you might understand too. But it's obvious that you really don't know anything about this case. You just react to whatever you see. Knee jerk they call it. Just reacting, but really knowing nothing. So I'd prefer to not have anything to do with you, since you don't have anything to add to this thread, other than your usual opinion about everyone who is not you.
  15. Sounds like nonsense that you are just making up as you go along. IMHO. He's referring to specific people in the industry...and agencies.
  16. He thinks. He just doesn't want to kowtow to scumbags. Some people bend over willing. Some people just say no. Sounds like your thinking would lead you to say yes. He said what he said for good reason. What happened to freedom of speech? I guess that only for when it's about someone else.
  17. I knew that you would not be able to resist posting again. You know that I don't actually read your long winded posts, don't you? You are so selfish. You don't care if you derail the thread. Because your hurt feelings rant has to take precedence over everything else....as usual. Get over it and move on. We don't need a repeat of your multiple off-topic posts one after another.
  18. Again, look to yourself. Need I say more? Look at the name calling, the whining and complaining. You cannot accept any criticism at all. You just become increasingly abusive, throwing as many insults in as you can. But this thread is not about you, so you can stop it now. You've said your piece. You clearly have no knowledge about what has occurred. You just felt the need to judge. I expect there will be another petulant post to follow... Save it, if you can contain yourself(of course we know that you cannot).
  19. You don't tell things as they are. Don't be so arrogant. You express your opinion. You aren't in possession of any facts at all.
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