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Posts posted by fangless

  1. 21 hours ago, Enoon said:

    Seaplanes are divided into Floatplanes and Flying Boats.


    Both may be classified as Amphibious.


    Because the NAX-5 depends on a fuselage/hull for bouyancy it is an Amphibious Flying Boat.


    This is an Amphibious Floatplane:



    This is an Amphibious Flying Boat:

    A WWII PBY Catalina flying boat takes off at Farnborough 2… | Flickr





    Flying Boat:



    All are Seaplanes.



    If you wish to be pedantic I should point out that they are also all called aircraft!

    I was only trying to point out that the "Aircraft" in question is capable of both land and sea operation and is therefore "amphibious" as opposed to being a a pure "Seaplane" capable of only seaborne operations!




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  2. Thanks for the great Info above re holographic Will.  

    It looks like it is all I require for my single retirement visa bank account to be left to the other half.  She is already sitting on everything else I own in this country anyway.

    Without getting embroiled in the "you must have a witness/do not need a witness" discussion, would I be correct in assuming that it would not do any harm to have a holographic Will witnessed anyway?

  3. 13 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    No alcohol sales on October 1st for the end of buddhist lent.

    That is what I assumed going by your holidays list, which I always consult.  The problem is that Phuket say tomorrow is dry day but my other half, my tuk tuk driver and the local 7/11 say they know nothing about a dry day today or tomorrow!


  4. I have 100Bht riding on this! 

    TV Holidays states that tomorrow, 1st October, is dry but the misses insists no and that everything is open.  Who is right.

    It's the money bet I am worried about, not the booze!  



    PS;  Talking about CM in particular if it makes any difference.

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