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Posts posted by fangless

  1. 1 minute ago, bluesofa said:

    Ha ha! Even though she died in 1253. She'd obviously been on the holy wine.

    I thought she actually saw it on TV, and the pope did her a favour making her the patron saint.


    I'd rather stick with Saint John of Logie Baird, at least he saw it as well as inventing it.

    No wonder I have no belief in saints, except St Bernards!!


    PS; lets drink to that and switch channels.

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I thought Saint John of Logie Baird was the patron saint of TV?

    You won't believe me but "Clare of Assisi" is the patron saint of TV!!


    Pope Pius XII designated Clare as the patron saint of television in 1958 on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.

    • Haha 2
  3. 37 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Have bought and sold a few cars over the years, never been an issue with paperwork if all in order.


    Additional paperwork  for Foreigner is copy of passport (Thai uses ID card), copy of work permit or residency certificate and copy of valid visa fill out the same power of attorney and vehicle transfer that a Thai would.


    where it becomes a hassle if a foreigner is involved is with the copy of visa.

    You are talking as an individual buying and selling his pride and joy.  The op is asking about dealing, which is totally different.

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, johng said:

    yes but the dealer does not actually ( normally)  transfer the vehicle into their own name

    ( waste of time and money) they just hand over the transfer papers to the new buyer

    That will be the case for Thai to Thai transactions.  The minute a Farang enters the equation all the "hurdles" of ownership are introduced and the price goes northbound, especially if the dealer seeing the Farang interest gets the paperwork done.

    • Like 1
  5. A man was walking home drunk

    and he decides to take a short cut over a field. In the far end he notices some flashing lights coming from a barn house.

    As he gets closer he looks through the window, and to his surprise sees a man in a T-shirt dancing while slowly taking off his overalls.

    Drunk as he is, he opens the door and the farmer quickly turns around with a very shocked and embarrassed look on his face.

    "what the hell is going on here??" the drunk asks

    "oh my, nobody was suppose to see this" the farmer says "but I guess I'll have to explain. My wife and are going through some trouble in the bedroom, so we went to see a therapist.




    He said the best advice he had was for me to do something sexy to a tractor"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Four college students get drunk together the night before their final exam.

    They get so drunk that they wake up late and miss their exam. The four students go to the professor together and explain this elaborate lie that their car tire went flat when they were on their way to the exam. They beg for a retest, and the professor agrees.

    The day of the makeup test, the four boys all arrive on time, completely sober. The professor looks at the boys, looks at his watch, and says “you may begin the test.”

    The boys open the final booklet and to their surprise, they each only have one question.

    “Which tire was flat. what was the make of car and who repaired the flat?”

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. I have just been on this site to try and find out what KEFIR is

    It said the following;


    Milk kefir grains are a mother culture made up of polysaccharides, the primary of which is kefiran[1]. Within this matrix of polysaccharides exists both bacteria and yeasts which exist in symbiosis both with each other and the milk it cultures and feeds from. These grains have a gelatinous feel to them and appear in a sort of miniature floret shape, much like cauliflower.

    The bacteria and yeast composition of milk kefir grains tend to vary according to their origin as well as their culturing environment. In other words, where the grains came from and where they are currently being used can impact the makeup of the microorganisms existing in the milk kefir grains.

    I am none the wiser having read the above,

    In plain English can anyone explain what it does or doesn't do and why should anyone care?

  8. 15 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    The lack of tourists has been caused by the virus  and it has nothing to do with Thailand reliant on Chinese mass tourism .

      Its just a coincidence that they are  from the same Country

    Are you perchance a "trick cyclist"? 
    All you seem to do is go round and round in circles and then stop at some meaningless point in your space and spout forth the most amazing contradictions.  
    The old English saying is "when in a hole, stop digging".
    In other words - I would suggest that if, perchance, you have any constructive comments to make on any subject it would help if you waited until you had any!

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

    OK, in regards to my post earlier, why was the location of Wuhan mentioned by you ?

    What was the relevance ?

    When I stated that Chinese mass tourism wasnt the reason for Thailands tourists decline 

    Why was there a need to mention where the virus originated ?

    My point was that Thailand relying on Mass tourism from China hasnt been the cause of zero tourists , it has been the virus that has caused that 

    Where did the virus originate?

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