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Posts posted by fangless

  1.  A girl goes to the doctor’s complaining of a strange mark on her chest.
    When she shows it to the doctor, he sees a letter C imprinted on her breasts.

    “How did you get this?” he enquires.

    “It’s my boyfriend. He wears a medallion around his neck which has a C on the end of it, representing the university he goes to – Cambridge. And when we make love, it presses into me.”

    “Okay, well use this cream twice a day and it’ll soon go away,” says the doctor.

    The next day, another girl visits the surgery. She’s complaining of a strange mark on her chest which is like the letter O.

    “My boyfriend wears a silver O round his neck representing Oxford University and when we have sex, the weight of his body leaves a mark” she explains.

    “I know just what you need,” says the doctor, and he gives her some cream. On the third day, another girl comes in to see him. This one has the imprint of an M on her chest.

    “I know what that is,” says the doctor confidently. “I bet your boyfriend goes to Manchester University.”



    “Oh no,” she replies, “but I do have a girlfriend at Windsor wild life commune.”

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  2. 1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

    1.  Some have personal relationships in Thailand, including marriage and children but unable to legalize stay with closed borders.

    2.  Some have homes here and normally live here most of year.

    3.  Some have drained available funds and can not afford the costs involved for transportation that may be totally lost without any travel.

    4.  Some are very concerned about moving from a low COVID location to extreme pandemic areas.

    5.  Some have normal employment here but unable legalize due border crossing issues.

    6.  Some just like Thailand.

    7.  Some are probably eating the wrong berries.

    8.  Some live only for today.

    So they are not tourists and have not bothered to attempt to legitimize their near permanent residence in Thailand,

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  3. 21 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    I am not sure it's a largely shared opinion among the members

    POTY is an entertaining moment in the forum life for the ones interested by it

    but it needs a rethinking of the model, with crystal clear and logics rules at the start

    a short public friendly competition (like 1 week or 10 days maximum) before the final vote poll (Only one vote should be enough imo, at the end of the 1 week or 10 days)

    I hear exactly what you are saying but I started this thread because  Rimmer (a Global Moderator)  closed a thread in this forum on 16 Sept saying;

    "It is more than likely there will be no more POTY,   all it does is create bad feeling that continues right up to this topic today."


    PS; Sorry for the "copy and paste above but I don't know how to do a "formal" quote from a closed topic, the system does not seem to allow it

    • Sad 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    i hope also every stupid person like the ones that walked past the dog not helping it because they where scared they got bitten will walk past them as well and for me those who walked past without helping can get the same treatment . 

    I have NO sympathy for the criminals who perpetuated this foul act.  If apprehended, and subsequently found  guilty in a court of law they should be given the maximum sentence possible.


    I do however have sympathy for those in doubt about approaching the tethered animal as, for all they know, it could have been rabid, etc.

    It is a tough call to make and I do not think we should be too judgemental on those who "walked bye on the other side"!

    • Haha 1
  5. An Officer is about to brief his men.

     While waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing, the Colonel decides to pose a question to assembled staff.
    He explained his wife had been a bit frisky the night before, and that he failed to get his usual amount of solid sleep.
    He posed a question of how much sex was comprised of "work" verses "fun".

    A Major chimed in that it was 75/25 in favour of work.
    A Captain said 50-50.
    A Lieutenant responded with 25/75 in favour of fun, depending on how inebriated he was at the time.

    There being no consensus, the Colonel turned to the Airman First Class who was in charge of making the coffee and asked for his opinion.
    Without any hesitation, the young AFC responded "Sir, it has to be 100% fun"
    The Colonel was surprised, and as you might guess, he asked for an explanation.

    "Well, sir, if there was any work involved in it, the officers would have all have me doing it for them".

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