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Everything posted by SMIAI

  1. Are you not able to put a simple question together? What is that?
  2. Sometimes the bad guys present themselves as the good guys and the good guys are presented as the bad guys. You write that going into Iraq was where everything went wrong. But of course it didn't start there. This is all about resources. Think about the first Iraqi invasion. That was about Kuwait drilling into Iraqi oilfields. Now why would such a tiny country provoke a much larger country in that way? Second Iraqi invasion was because Saddam Hussein didn't want to do a resources deal with them. So the old playbook comes out and he becomes dangerous enemy number one who needs to be taken out. From their perspective, they see these unjust things happening and chose to fight against it. I prefer to have a balanced mind than to blindly swallow what one side is trying to feed me.
  3. Greenland should stay far away from his fake version of wealth. The real wealth is in resources, not made up figures valuing this and that at billions and trillions. FAKE. Then of course they keep all the money they owe you in their banks for safekeeping, so now they have control over you. Don't do it.
  4. Taliban? Are you sure? Osama bin Laden; Saudi Arabia Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; born in Kuwait, but parents from Pakistan’s Balochistan province. Mohammed Atta; Egypt. Most of the other eighteen of the operatives were from Saudi Arabia.
  5. Solid accomplishment? They aren't getting them for free. Blackrock are acquiring all CK Hutchison's ports apart from the ones they run in China. US$23 billion just for Panama.
  6. He did it before. The Republicans withheld aid in so the Russians could take Adviivka. It was meant to put Ukraine in a weaker position, in order for them to capitulate and sign the minerals deal. What none of the Trump fans dare mention is the parallel between Ukraine and Greenland. Ukraine onside, is/was good for Europe and the U.S.A. The minerals looked good then too. But it was painted as evil N.A.T.O. moving east. Now Trump is doing exactly the same thing, but in cahoots with Russia and it's all good. Now eyeing Greenland, Canada.... and his fans go wild. Hypocrisy at it's worst. If the Democrats did the same thing they would be shouting from the rafters and painting it as hegemony.
  7. It doesn't work that way. I think you just made that up. Card providers don't call individual shops and individual shops don't have contracts or even contacts with card providers.
  8. So according to you, it could also be a Villa issue, since you've used it many times at Friendship with no issue, but just once at Villa. You might want to modify your thread and topic, since you really have no idea as to whether it has anything to do with Friendship at all.
  9. This is not particularly good advice. Credit cards are safer than the products you mention and your assertion with regard to the bank rate being 10% lower is horribly inaccurate. A simple example. Fraud on your CC, it's either blocked until you confirm or you report it and you don't have to pay that part of the CC bill. Fraud on Revolut or N26, your money is gone and you have to fight to get it back. Exchange rate. Your assertion that it is the official rate is erroneous. Revolut state: Spend with your Revolut card Use your Revolut debit card abroad and we’ll automatically exchange your money at competitive rates in 150+ local currencies. No mention of mid-market/spot/official rate. The N26 card uses the Mastercard exchange rate, which may be perhaps 0.5% off the official mid-market rate. CC use the same or VISA. So you are looking at 0.5% to 1%, not 10%. Dependent on the CC, they may or may not be extra fees on top. But many CC do not charge anything extra for spending. Credit cards win every time.
  10. Are you dreaming? You live in Phuket and imagine that any taxi there charges as little as 100 baht for a ride anywhere? It obvious, without me having to look at the article, that he was wanting an extra amount.
  11. Are you so conceited that you need to make a topic about Trump, all about you? The point is Trump's definition of dating. Perhaps his included "grabbing 'em by the pussy!"
  12. The guard invited him around the corner to fight.
  13. It's what you posted. Can you explain it to me? TIA.
  14. That's what you posted. Are you now saying that it is incorrect? How would you explain just 817 in the whole of 2024?
  15. That is HOUSEHOLD income, not SALARY per person. Not quite what you asserted earlier. Let's see how you try to wriggle out of that one.
  16. 817 Israelis in the whole of 2024 , but 3034 in just two months of 2025. 😊
  17. Please explain the term "changed out" and the context in which they can do so. Provide examples if you can.
  18. What is an oligarchy? Like many of the academic and scientific categories we still use today, oligarchy was originally defined by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Understand how AI is changing society Get our newsletter In The Politics, he argued people are “political animals”, social by nature, and instinctively want to live in a community. He studied different governments of the ancient world and concluded there were six essential types. A state could be ruled by a single leader, a small group of elites, or through mass participation of the people. If the leadership acted in the common advantage (koinê sumpheron), he termed these constitutions to be monarchy, aristocracy or polity, respectively. If the constitutions became corrupt and the leadership acted only to advance their own self-interest, he labelled them tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. https://images.theconversation.com/files/643083/original/file-20250116-15-ljuly8.jpg?ixlib=rb-4.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=754&fit=clip The School of Athens painted by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, 1511. Aristotle is depicted centre right. Wikimedia Commons So for Aristotle, an oligarchy is a corrupt form of government. It is when power is in the hands of a small group of elites who advance their own interests rather than the common good. In Aristotelian terms, democracy is also a corrupt form of government in which the majority uses its power to abuse minorities. While the term democracy has been rehabilitated and is usually seen as a positive, the word oligarchy has retained its negative connotations. When the United States was created, the founding fathers looked back to Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero and other ancient thinkers to try and create the best kind of constitution. https://theconversation.com/what-is-an-oligarchy-and-is-the-united-states-poised-to-become-one-247566
  19. Not an unusual occurrence. Such idiots should be banned from driving.
  20. Deflection and whatabout ism. The creep in this case, is Trump. How much are they paying you?
  21. He DID say this: I guess when you've no moral compass yourself, this kind of behaviour would seem harmless to you. When you buy your wives and they don't really love you, I guess there is no real love within the family either. Dysfunctional.
  22. Mind control.. Bitter old men posting their hatred for their life and circumstances are the useful fools. The common theme is the hatred.
  23. Not true. The pushing shoving match may have been an attempt to stop the issue between himself and the guard. The guard then removed his uniform and beckoned the old man to meet him around the corner.
  24. No, it didn't. It showed the guard, after removing his uniform, inviting the old man to fight in the alleyway away from the club.
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