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rough diamond

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  1. Maybe you should take a long nap and give us all some peace and quiet!
  2. Please provide to a link where both countries (Russia & Ukraine)have agreed such a thing and what date it takes effect.
  3. Along with the rest of the "Allies"! The USA did NOT win WW11 on it's own! Stop taking credit that is not solely your so called country's credit. The way the US is going now it will only have credit with Puten and his ilk.
  4. Where was it and did you run away or win?
  5. No chance would I try any of thay sh!t! I still have a brain!
  6. In your case I would suggest the "tin foil hat brigade" category.
  7. read your blinkered leftist posts on AN!
  8. Please! You go and hide first on some other website and I promise not to come looking for you!
  9. I gave up trying to read it after the third attempt! Hence my post!
  10. Thanks but it has everything to do with the subject since it has gone off topic!
  11. What peace to Ukraine? It has only extended the conflict.
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