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Everything posted by swerve

  1. Ed visa is a good idea. The classes are quite fun. Costs will vary. Maybe up to 50K baht per year. The language skills you develop will be very useful for your time in Thailand.
  2. Might as well install Thakin as PM next week. This Thaksin farce is a terrible look for the country.
  3. Not too hot for me. Even living in a hot country like Thailand (Phuket) I never need to use air con. Phuket gets some rain, but it's good to fill the reservoirs and clean the dirty roads.
  4. Not sure what you are getting at, except calling this topic boring. The swastika symbol is represented in both directions. The idea of the swastika is that it's like a wheel (circular), and wheels move in both directions. It's also a lot older than the Nazis. From Wikipedia: The swastika (卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, predominantly in various Eurasian, as well as some African and American cultures,
  5. The idea that modern groups can claim ownership of common symbols is wrong. Swastikas are much older than Nazis. Nazis don't own swastikas, just as the alphabet people don't own rainbows.
  6. Fewer people is good for the Earth. A responsible country will try to keep it's population number from rising.
  7. Thanks for the info. This is really a sad situation. (sarcasm alert).
  8. Everywhere sucks now compared to a few decades ago. There is too many people (everywhere).
  9. The article you refer to doesn't say he will be sentenced to two years prison. Read it again. It says "up to" which usually means no prison sentence at all. The Thais want to get rid of this guy, not lock him up for a prison sentence that will then cost them money. This guy was in Thailand when the covid extensions were being granted over and over, so unsure why he never took advantage of that. It was easy to remain in Thailand legally during the covid extension period.
  10. What is the best courier company to use for Thailand deliveries? Sounds like it is not D$L. I have used D$L in the past, and I know they are expensive.
  11. I like: swimming pool breakfast short waiting time for elevators comfortable bed quiet room good location / can walk to things bathroom has a shower stall small fridge
  12. Not Bangkok Bank, but I opened a Krungthai bank account about two weeks ago. Krungthai allowed it using my passport (retirement extension of stay) and a Thai driver's licence. Perhaps BB will do the same. I fully agree the OP should open his own BB account to save the 5500 baht fee.
  13. Lyrics (as I recall) from a Dice Clay nursery rhyme: Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor dog a bone. When she bent over Rover took over And now she's got a bone of her own.
  14. You don't like swimming pools. That's fine and is your choice. You shouldn't extrapolate how you feel about swimming pools to include everyone else.
  15. What is it with Thai drivers and train crossings? Such poor judgement. Now 8 dead.
  16. Woke BBC news attempts to portray Sancho Branchalo as a possible "hostage". Strange that the hostage would have equipment to cut the Colombian guy into small pieces after killing him, scatter the body pieces in various locations, and then attend the full moon party.
  17. This our daily news dose of we're all going to die tomorrow! Soon we'll be getting two or more daily doses of climate catastrophe. BBC, for one, can't get enough of it.
  18. If they really want to stop this behavior, the cops should impound and sell the bikes. Bikes impounded and sold under some nuisance/public safety bylaw. No bikes and the problem goes away. Could be a good money earner too.
  19. RIP the young boy. Will be devastating to his family and friends. U-turn areas in Thailand are so dangerous. I ride a bike and I fear them. My guess is that the car driver didn't really notice, or care about the motorbike, and the bike driver wasn't paying enough attention.
  20. This Thai consulate is making conditions that are far too difficult. They are being completely unreasonable. Go for a visa exempt entry (+30 day extension if needed) as Dr. Jack 54 suggests.
  21. Someone should have sold tickets to watch this event. Was likely a good brawl. 20 LB versus 3 ME goons.
  22. Should target the criminal bikers in particular (and not all retirees) to find a way to get rid of them. Maybe with criminal record checks and a tattoo limit (eg. >10% of total skin area).
  23. According to the article, Koh Larn is a stunning island. Not sure about that. I went to a southern beach there five months ago. Just behind the beach area lies an amazing amount of garbage and empty beer bottles. The island could be a large garbage dump. Sad but true. The people who live or work there obviously don't care about this problem.
  24. I'd be happier if he didn't return.
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