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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. If it was self-defence it was not murder and there is not enough evidence to judge yet.

    He'll be convicted of something. Bank on it. Maybe not 2nd degree murder though.

    The Time Scale of the actual charge being brought to bear will be "exploited" to the full by the defence which IMHO is perfectly legimate ,Lets face it the deceased family are not interested in "justice" only revenge ,of course the "race card" will be undoubtedly the"order of the day", and played to the full by people who strangely refer to themselves first as Africans and secondly Americans !!

    Oh, please. You're playing the race card here and it smells bad. That's what Americans do:

    Irish Americans

    Italian Americans

    Arab Americans

    African Americans

    Chinese Americans

    Filipino Americans

    Mexican Americans

    etc., etc., etc.

    The family wants JUSTICE!

    Not too many people identify as Canadian Americans though ...coffee1.gif

    Wrong, they want the guy to be found Guilty irrespective of the Evidence.
  2. Nope. This man is special. The biggest movie star in India's history. India, a close ally of the U.S.A. Khan a Muslim in a majority Hindu country. India and Muslim Pakistan (both nuclear countries) trying to make peace. This was a DIPLOMATIC error, and a big one. Almost as bad as dissing the Prime Minister of India.

    Cough, cough, bullshite.

    If he holds a diplomatic passport, then you might have a point.

    Quite correct Ok for one man to be bigger than the "system" in Thailand ,but in the US sorry no cigar, as disgraced former President Richard Millhouse Nixon would testify .
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  3. If it was self-defence it was not murder and there is not enough evidence to judge yet.

    He'll be convicted of something. Bank on it. Maybe not 2nd degree murder though.

    The Time Scale of the actual charge being brought to bear will be "exploited" to the full by the defence which IMHO is perfectly legimate ,Lets face it the deceased family are not interested in "justice" only revenge ,of course the "race card" will be undoubtedly the"order of the day", and played to the full by people who strangely refer to themselves first as Africans and secondly Americans !!
  4. Yongyuth Tiyapairat, the name sounds familiar.

    This can't be the same guy that led a gang of gunman to that old couples home and shot hundreds of bullets at the house at random. I believe the elderly couple survived by hiding behind a refrigerator?

    Yep quite correct "Yongyuth the fridge" was his handle, I believe the old Couple never did get real justice nor was Yongyuth and his henchmen ever punished, nothing new in Thailand eh.
  5. I've never heard of the guy and I'm sure the agents that detained him had never heard of him either. There was something obviously wrong with his paperwork, so the agents followed procedure and detained him until it could be worked out. Standard procedure. Been in the same situation before myself when flying on private aircraft into a foreign country.

    Those calling the US a disgrace for it's border agents actually doing their jobs should remove their heads from their posterior orifice and realize that we don't live in a Utopian world.

    Maybe the guy was a bit jet lagged and forgot were he was ,and expected the authorities to bow and grovel as they do in Thailand when he give them the usual "Do you know who I am"? garbage, of course this would cut no ice in the US in spite of his "fame and wealth" as many rich and famous people who are now in the "slammer" will readily testify laugh.png
    • Like 1
  6. maidu, having less children is an admirable thing to do, but countries like Germany, France, Australia, UK, US, etc., have birthrates (per couple) of less that 2, but Muslims in those countries have birth rates of 8-10 per couple. It's not difficult to see where it's going, and it will only get worse.

    Can you prove to me that Muslim women in the countries you mention have a birth rate of 8-10?

    Given the history of Europe and its attitude to other cultures and religions, if I was a Muslim I would want to get the hell out of there.

    Of course he can't prove it. The average birthrate for Muslims in Europe was 2.2 in 2010. Studies estimate it will fall to 2.0 by 2030. Whilst there is undoubtably a problem with multiculturism, it doesn't help when people come out with such hysterical scaremongering nonsense like 8-10 being the average birthrate. This is partly being fuelled by so called 'experts' on youtube like the failed comedien Pat Condell, who is laughably held up by some as a guru on these matters. He makes a very good living, he knows his audience and what they want to hear, and just panders to their prejudices. Sadly they lap it up.

    Who do you "lap up" George Galloway?laugh.png
  7. Yet another example of a religion so unsure of itself that it has to execute anyone who says anything unflattering about it. Muhammed died a long time ago. A dead person has no brain, so how is he going to get offended by anything? Muhammed was a raider. He was the head of a marauding gang which rode around and stole from villages and raped their women. Is that the best the desert fanatics can find for a religious hero?

    Quite true ,but All over the Islamic world Christians are being murdered and their places of worship burned to the ground right now at this moment in time,and of course this is on the increase as these stone age religious bigots become ever more emboldened by their various Governments actions ,which is to do nothing ,as obviously with Mohammed you are with him or against him, no "middle way " is permitted, in other words zero tolerance to those of a different faith,..
  8. No I am not at all. Europe has not exactly been the most tolerant place in even its most recent history. Take the Jews as an example, they have been kicked out of every European country at one time or another, forced to convert or killed en-masse.Same as many other groups who have been a little bit 'different' from the mainstream, even other Christians.

    BTW = I deplore the desecration of any place of religious worship wherever it is located and the killing of anyone in the name of religion.

    It's ironic that you cite the Jews as an example of past intolerance considering that 70% of the racist attacks on Jews in Europe are committed by Muslims. Indeed the intolerance seems to be a one way street with MP's who take views unpopular with some Muslims being threatened or attacked. Then we have the fact that 40% of British Muslims want Sharia law for Britain, I don't know the percentage in Australia but Sharia law makes all non-Muslims second class citizens and calls directly for violence against gays. Perhaps some introspection is required before whining about the lack of tolerance shown by Countries kind enough to make their health and benefits systems available to immigrants.

    And likewise I suggest that you exercise some introspection and restraint yourself with your made up and mis-quoted stats - "40% of British Muslims want Sharia law for Britain" the actual result the poll was actually "40% of British Muslims want Sharia law for British Muslims" - there is quite a difference.

    Shaving hairs. The trend remains: Whenever there are radical Muslims in an area (as there are in every Muslim enclave throughout Europe), then those radicals will force the moderates to accept their archaic and harmful edicts.

    We've seen how they do it; by intimidation, shouting, hitting, bombing, gang rape (by religious police), etc. That's the one-way-street European countries are headed - because of their wishy-washy tolerance of immigrants. A flood starts with a trickle. Australia too, appears to be headed down that rocky road.

    I really wish your musings on this subject are without foundation ,however much to my dismay I found myself nodding my head in agreement to every word you wrote ,what others may think I could not give "a monkeys", maybe its quite OK to lie to others ,but when you start to lie to yourself for the sake of "Political correctness" then I would suggest you have a real problem ,and I, just like yourself simply refuse to go down this"rocky road".
  9. You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

    Well said....I made similar remarks a few years ago to an African American who was visting Cape Town and said he was coming home to his roots..!!....was not impressed when I suggested his ancestors never even came from the what is now the Cape province and most likely they came from Nigeria or somewhere similar as that was the center of the slave trade to the US, not the Cape province, would not believe that the original inhabitants of the area were the san people...ie the Bushmen

    Quite correct Soutpeel ,most of the Black slaves came from West Africa with some from Central Africa , However the slave trade was not exclusive to Africans as the Romans made Slaves of the people they Conquered , with many finishing up in the Arena to either slaughter each other as Gladiators or to be torn to pieces by Wild animals to satisfy the blood lust of the baying mob,IMHO far too Black Americans are wallowing in self pity ,although their views are well balanced cos many carry a huge chip on either shoulder.
  10. maidu, having less children is an admirable thing to do, but countries like Germany, France, Australia, UK, US, etc., have birthrates (per couple) of less that 2, but Muslims in those countries have birth rates of 8-10 per couple. It's not difficult to see where it's going, and it will only get worse.

    Can you prove to me that Muslim women in the countries you mention have a birth rate of 8-10?

    Given the history of Europe and its attitude to other cultures and religions, if I was a Muslim I would want to get the hell out of there.

    Are you implying that Muslims are persecuted in Europe with no rights whatsoever? , can you supply proof that they are?. personally I think Europe is bending over backwards to accommodate them , in the UK alone there are over 1,000 mosques which are protected by law, so unlike Christian Churches in some Muslim Countrys which risk being burned to the ground as indeed many are with Christian worshipers murdered ,it is they themselves who choose not to integrate into Western society ,but instead expect the West to Integrate into theirs ,personally and with respect I find your post laughable to the extremelaugh.pngclap2.gif
  11. Zatoichi

    You seem to be getting a little confused with history, not an uncommon thing in certain parts of America wink.png Now where do we start?

    You say

    but being free to run your own country the way you wish is always better for the citizenry in the long run than being controlled by a outside occupying force.

    Can we send that message over to Kim Jong Un and the starving illiterate people of North Korea, and once that message has been sent lets define the difference between the kim jong dynasty and the North Korean people and Mugabe and the starving of zimbabwe? I think the Korean had a better grip on economics, thats about it.

    Nations need to move forward through political process not by murdering the very people that have built you a nation.

    Your rantings are indicative of the fact that you fail to truly understand the real nature of Africa, this by the way is a very common trait amongst African Americans. Tribal slaughter has been a way of life in Africa for a thousand years, something African Americans have either forgotten, choose to forget or have no idea about. The 'occupiers' in the case of Africa in most cases put a stop to that slaughter. Sure there were some bad asses about, non worse than King Leopold and the Belgian occupations, a nation that ruthlessly raped Africa for the resource rubber. The fact is though that Africa had little chance of progressing because the number 1 thing on the mind of any Chiefian was to subdue and kill other tribes (essentially that remains the same). It was the African Chieftans and the Arabs that were responsible for the slave trade, not the Brits, Americans or Dutch. The Chieftans would refuse to trade Gold, Ivory and spices with the Europeans and Americans unless they also took boatloads of slaves.......fact! I once witnessed a very sad and harrowing documentary on 6 African Americans who were so outraged with the slave traders that they went back to their 'homeland' to drum up support for an international apology. One woman fell down to her knees crying when she finally realised that, as she said 'oh my God, we did it to ourselves, how could we have done such a thing'!. The truth is that Occupiers, despite their undoubted cruelty put a stop to the slaughter that African tribes dished out on each other and gave time for change.

    Look at the state of Africa now. Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, all over, all returning to the tribal system, every bit as bad as apartheid. The Africans missed what the Europeans had had for 2000 years , something that had been given us under a rule of tyranny by the Romans...a system of Law and Order.

    Mugabe has NEVER had the desire to get rid of the 'occupiers' and build his nation further. He has done the normal tribal Chieftan thing of taking everything for himself and killing all those who oppose. The killing of white African (yes that's just like Black American!) farmers has been nothing compared to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen (but different tribes sadly for them).

    By the way you didn't have your history stolen from you, history took a different path as it always does eventually. There would not be Mandingo, Ashanti and Ibo clubs in the US, and there would be very few 'Black Americans'. Don't you understand that out of all the suffering of the slave trade in Africans, Chinese and Indians it paved the way for a Global multicultural society, which would not exist today without previous historical events. Your anger is misdirected and futile and your support for some greater good in the actions of Mugabe is truly ill considered.

    You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

    Of your Many excellent posts Jim ,this one has to be right up there as one of your better works!
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  12. @ Colin yai, I can t educate you about sharia, I am catholic.

    There was an unsuccessful military coup in the 90s, in the radio address to the nation, the coupist expelled 5 core northern states from the country, out of 36 states, 5 will not be missed much.

    Much of the south are just bidding their time, hoping the recent event push things over the edge.

    The elite that lives in Abuja are wary of any spontaneous change to the status quo.

    Read my post again , I did not ask to be educated about Sharia nor did I mention Nigeria in particular but ALL Country,s that embrace it, ,just YOUR views of it will be sufficient , My opinion of it has not faltered in the slightest detail in the last 3 decades and for anyone to try and change my mind through "education" would be (for them) a trip into "fantasy land"
  13. Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

    Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Nigerians.

    I disagree BB Those Evil white Colonists were the cause of Black Africa's sad decline, cos once they got their "freedoms" and Independence and adopted the tried and tested success story,s of the socialist policy's of Lenin ,Mao, and Castro the sky was the limit, indeed one only has to look at Zimbabwe under Comrade Mugabe's guiding hand for irrefutable evidence that once the Evil whiteman was booted out, the Country went from strength to strengthlaugh.png
  14. Nigeria is a basket case thanks to Britain. The created Sudan out of many nationalities, see where it ended up. In Nigeria, the south and north were separate entities, in order to save administrative cost, the Brits amalgamated them to a state. On independence they made sure power went to the Muslim north, which had the least literacy, Muslim violence started after the first army coup in 1966, there was a pogrom in the north, all southerners left there and the east seceded but the north and west declared war with total support of the US and Britain.the east was bombed and starved into submission while the whole world watched. All the Nigerian oil you hear about is in the east, any Nigeria you have heard about that contributed anything to mankind is from the east. This current violence that now happens is simply because for the first time a south easterner was elected president last may. So some norther/Muslim elements are formenting an atmosphere of anarchy to destabilize the current chief executive.they started with sharia laws in some states during the last regime when a westerner was president, then came the current easterner, it escalated to bombings. But may be they would never rule the country again, there ar northern christians, but no southern Muslims, except in a few western states, th current powerlessness is the motive for church bombings just to provoke.

    simple question ,are you of the opinion that Sharia law with all its implementations is a just law even for devout Muslims?
  15. As soon as the circus and all it's clowns are removed from office the better. Here is some willful denial by Obama's assistant secretary of state for African affairs.


    Obama Official After Easter and Christmas Church Bombings in Nigeria: ‘Religion Is Not Driving Extremist Violence’

    crazy.gif <deleted>! Bombing a church on Christmas eve and another at Easter whilst telling Christians to leave Northern Nigeria is nothing to do with religion!? But what should we expect from the team who told us the Muslim brotherhood were 'mostly secular'. emot-doh.gif

    Beyond belief!!, No doubt Mitt Romney was quite pleased to get a freebie Ad for the Republicans cowboy.gif
  16. Thanks for noticing Colin, the silence of the many is most revealing as any serious analysis of the issue exposes the mainstream narrative as a tissue of lies. Here is Michael Coren spelling it out.


    A phrase often used by myself is" A cry in the wilderness" and although as you are aware Dan I admire Spencer to a high degree , I feel that his words and people like him are often just ignored by some sections of the misguided closet minded populace , on the bonus side however I honestly feel that like the title of the song "Times they are a changing" and more and more members of society are becoming acutely aware that Radical Islam represents far more of a threat to the West than Communism ever did.
  17. Resettlement options depend a great deal on a number of factors. I don't know Australia's policy on this issue Countries of first-asylum, where the UNHCR does the screening, then puts forth the case of the refugee to various resettlement countries, with certain criteria in mind.

    First, they try not to internationalize families, so if a refugee has immediate family in a country, they are first presented to that country.

    Most gov'ts let the UNHCR know the number of refugees they will consider for resettlement and other factors.

    Countries that accept resettlement, such as the US, Canada and Australia, I think they are stuck with those who make it to their shores. However, the UNHCR does not do the screening, the country itself does and it can use different criteria than the UN. In theory, the UN could be informed of a problematic situation and request resettlement elsewhere.

    Again fair enough Scott but my question is as yet unanswered ,its quite simple , in your opinion is Multiculturalism between the different cultures a success or as I imply a dismal failure not just in Europe but in Ozz were it is deeply resented (on both sides), at present their are over a thousand mosques in the UK that are protected by our laws, but still it is not enough , concessions are viewed as a weakness and a signal to demand even more ,like putting flyers in certain towns in the UK saying that this is a sharia law area!!
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