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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Does she have the government 30 baht card for coverage?

    No idea, sorry.

    That 6 month price might be a bit low if out patient coverage is included but it all depends on her age. Hopefully its one of the major Thai companies like Thai Health or BUPA.

    Its sounds like her payment coverage was denied because it was a pre-existing condition and most companies will not cover such conditions for the first 2-3 years of policy.

    The government 30 baht card is Thailand's national health coverage. Its a gold card you obtain from the district you reside. It allows treatment in your district hospital and referrals to specialist in provincial hospitals. It use to have a 30 baht co-payment but I think that was dropped and it is now free. As with most government programs worldwide once you know the system it works but can be slow at times.

  2. I dont think their is a BNH in Pattaya. My guess is he is referring to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

    You are right but does it really matter about name because a company called Bangkok Dusit Medical Services own outright or controlling interest in BNH and Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. They also control 3 Samitivej hospitals plus another dozen or so hospitals around the country.

  3. If you stand at the main enterance to Carrefour On Nut looking directly across the road you will see two dentists, the one on the lh side as you look is cheaper than the one on the rh side.

    The dentsit speaks English and is competant.

    Last time I used this dentist was for a small filling, in and out in less than 1 hour less than 400 baht.

    That was over 2 years ago and never had a problem since.

    My GF also uses the same dentist and if not mistaken I think she said there was a man and woman dentist working at the place. She says the man does better work or at least has a more gentle touch.

  4. Dear Lannatyne,

    It is a very simple transaction, you go together with your wife to the land office, bring the 2 originals of Usufruct agreement you have (if not file a report that such is (are) lost with the local police), your passport, your wife's Id Card and House register plus the original title deed and apply to cancel the registration of usufruct. There will be some small fees to be paid and after all process is completed, the title deed will be free from the registration.

    OP you can wait until you sell property and are ready sign over title to buyer. At that time you cancel usufruct as stated above.

  5. Look on the website of the manufacturer of your laptop.

    Mostly the drivers are under download per model.

    In addition to laptop manufacturer web site you can usually find driver updates at manufacturer site for particular IC. For instance the sound, wi-fi, video, LAN, etc all usually post drivers on their site.

  6. I always operate using limited user account.

    If you encounter software in this mode that won't run log in as admin, make sure you deselect simple file sharing, and then change security setting/privileges for application in question giving limited user account more rights. Any changes will only affect that application not others. Then go back to limited user account log-in. App should then run no problem.

    I also run firewall and sometimes anti-virus software. You can't be to safe.

  7. In a couple dealings where I needed my signature notarized for sale of property they said it must be done at US Embassy. Reason being all foreign countries do such things in that native language not english.

  8. My GF has a Samsung unit in her shop that you wouldn't know is running. When its first turned on in the morning you can hear the indoor fan unit but as room cools the fan speed reduces and the only way to tell its running is look if vents are open. I have a couple Mitsubishi units that don't even compare although they are quiet. Perhaps its the 5 year newer technology her unit has.

    The GF's Samsung indoor unit has noise levels of High/Low speeds of 37/27 dB. Your typical quiet room has noise levels of 28-33 dB and computers 37-45 dB to give you a point of reference.

    I suggest you compare noise levels spec of the indoor unit of various brands and pick the one with low dB levels.

    Also make sure you compare the same BTU size between brands. You will find that higher BTU units will have higher noise levels than smaller units but you must correctly size for space being cooled.

  9. All of our a/c units (not underpowered for the rooms) also work as dehumidifiers by merely changing the mode to the droplet of water. A/c units do dehumidify some on the a/c setting, but when the issue is more humidity than temperature, say on a muggy but not too warm evening, the a/c kicks off before the room is comfortably dry. That's when the dehumidify setting does the trick.

    Mine also have the dehumidify mode which I use on those very humid days.

  10. Does AIS have a similar automated number to call that provides remaining balance of hours on your package?

    Or do you need to speak with customer service?

    I use a counter inside the phone to keep track of GPRS hours connected. The phone is tethered via bluetooth to the PC.


    Yes, just dial: *139

  11. Its amazing that the propaganda machine in the USA is so effective. Really I never trusted any other medical care other than care I got in the USA. Sicko open my mind and I see things very differently now. I was convinced that Canadians were getting sub-standard care and that they were being denied the care needed because of long ques of people waiting to get attention. I try to look back on where exactly I got this information but really I have no clue.

    We were educated to believe we have the best medical care in the world by the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and medical profession. We might as well throw in the legal profession because you know they want no tort reform

    Have you ever wondered why American companies make and import a wide range of products from foreign countries because its cheaper to produce except when it comes to medicines.

  12. Its certainly a movie all Americans should be made to watch.

    Its been sometime since I saw the movie but one comment more than any opened my eyes. I think it was made by a MP in Britain when they came up with their national health care system after WW 2. I don't remember his exact comment but it was something like.....If we as a government can find the money to send our citizens off to die in wars surely we can find the money to provide for the basic health care needs of our citizens.

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