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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Hard to believe someone is asking this question.

    Open new account in CM and then transfer funds from other banks into new account

    My Bangkok Bank account allows me to move money to other named banks using ATM without any problems. You should be able to do the same if other banks have that option on their ATM's. You will get hit with one time fee from each bank you empty but all funds will be in one bank.

  2. You've made all the mistakes on this deal.

    Talk to wife and in-law about getting lease or usufruct now. If construction not completed until October you still have a halt construction card to play.

    Another thing you can do is keep detailed records of all money for construction of both houses if you provided funds. Your trying to create a paper trail to prove you provided all money. Not sure how it would play in court but if all your money before marriage it sure won't hurt having this paper trail.

  3. Retired at 50? In what country can you retired at this age??? I come from Belgium, we must wait until we are 60-65 before the government pay us retirmend. So what are you guys doing? Eating your savings or pays de government in your country at this age?

    You will find a mix of people that retired at 50. Many will be doing it on saving but in the US there are companies and government agencies that you can early retire at reduced and sometimes full benefits starting at age 50 depending on years of service.

    I retired at 53 and have been living on money saved/investments from 30+ years of working. Based on my current and planned yearly spending these funds should last till I'm 80 but most likely will last much longer because I have pensions that kick in at age 62 and 65.

    Perhaps I won't make it to 80 but you must have some kind of plan before you early retire.

  4. Have you lived in the village for at least 1 year before building the house ? How long have you been married ?

    I would never build a house (or even hint that I would) in a place I did not know unless I had lived normally there for at least a year, probably longer, unless I had money to burn.

    Although you have already responded to this comment I believe you should not blow it off so quickly. Retirement in rural area of Thailand is not like living in rural area's of western countries, where you were working. Remember a lot of things you took for granted back home may not be available in rural Thailand. Eating out at western food restaurant or taking in a movie at the local theater with english sound track are just a couple that come to mind.

    Another problem you face when moving to the wife's home town is being left alone. She will have many friends and family to visit everyday and although you will be invited you will feel like a fifth wheel. Even if you know the language the difference in cultures will leave very little to talk about after a few visits or conversations.

    At your age don't underestimate the amount of money you will need for the next 30 years. Many people I know forgot to factor in exchange rate fluctuations and inflation or even cost of health care insurance. Remember one major illness can wipe out savings quickly without insurance. Or how about the UK guys that saw the GBP exchange rate drop from around 68 to as low as 50 baht over the last year. It has since moved up to 55 in last several weeks.

  5. Across the road from Central Gneral hospital in Bkk suphon Mai area.

    I seen one in the last year while purchase'n a few items. They also import any item you need.

    Sorry don't know the phone number.

    Thanks Bp for the lead. I checked out and they carry one US made model and will order other models from same manufacturer. A bit expensive so will continue to search for other shops.

  6. The simple answer and the one I imagine you'll hear most on here is, if you're only thinking about it then don't.

    You should just get out of it. There's nothing useful you can do anyway. You're not her husband and if you go sticking up for her against someone who possibly still is, then it's you who'll end up in the monkey house.

    Move on.

    That's very easy for you to say, but i have feelings for this girl. Although your advice is probably the wisest.

    Best not to be involved if she is still legally married because you could also find yourself being sued by the guy as cause for marriage breakup.

  7. BKKBTHBK. I´m sure of it. Sent money yesterday!

    Yep, that's the one and only code for all Bangkok Bank branches in Thailand. That code along with your account number will get the transfer to the right branch.

  8. Looking to buy electric wheelchair and hope someone can point me toward shops selling them in Bangkok. I have been to the shops across from the hospital at Victory Monument and found two models. Other shops I have visited will order but do not stock but I would like to find more shops that have them in stock so can compare different brand quality and price.

    If you have seen shops in Bangkok that have electric wheelchairs in stock please let me know location. Don't want to look at pictures in a catalog I want to see the real thing.

  9. I have the same question. I am planning to move to Ubon in about two years. I have the option of a marriage visa or retirement visa. My wife is a US citizen plus a Thai citizen also. She has been in the states for 20 years. The last time we visited she received her new Thai ID. It took about 3 days with her sisters' help. We were in Bangkok at the time. So we had to go to Ubon where she was raised and went to school for the paper work and interviews.

    Go with the retirement visa because less hassle.

  10. Thanks bb but I am moving to the back of beyond (Pechabuhn) which would rule out some companies but I'll certainly pursue fi you care to offer up options.


    I think your better off driving around your area and looking for satellite system dealers. Some look like mom and pop shops and sell systems made by Infosat and I think these guys are a bit player now because of prices. You will be surprised how many very small towns will have these shops. I live in one such town and I noticed they now have a shop that sells the systems. You usually can tell by seeing a number of sat dishes sitting in front of shop.

    PSI is one company that is located all over the country in most major cities and are a big player. (www.psisat.com)

    Another company is JSAT tv which is located in Bangkok. (www.jsat.tv)

    I bought from one of these small shops because they had the best price although PSI was a very close second. Comsat and JSAT were no where near the same price the other two offered.

  11. I can relate to what the OP is going through. I tried living in Korat for 8 months and found it boring most days of the week. Towards the end I started making more and more trips to Bangkok till I finally moved to Bangkok for good. I have never looked back.

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