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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Did anyone notice the comment lower in the Post article that the employee would get fired after he had stolen gear from bags 3 times!!??

    Yes, I missed that initially. I wonder how many times someone has actually stolen something before they get caught 3 times. What a joke. :)

    Try reading it again. The thief will be fired right away and the contracting company will lose their contract after 3 theft incidents by their employees.

  2. Every time I've asked the people at EGV Cinema at the Mall in Korat if they have English subtitles, I've been told no. All films are shown in Thai. The two things I really miss since I've moved to Korat a year ago is Bowling, and movies. I'll give it another year, but if things don't improve, I don't think I'll be staying in Korat even though I like the wheather.


    One of the many reasons I relocated to Bangkok from Korat six years ago. I retired to Thailand to enjoy my remaining years not do without many things I have come to enjoy during my lifetime.

  3. In my case I went with a cheaper plan that covers hospitalization/major medical care only and cover outpatient care myself. I figured the difference in coverage levels from one plan to the next are covered by the money I save in premiums provided I remain healthy.

    Its always hard to decide what level of insurance to have for protection but in most cases you are forced to decide based on your financial situation. Bottom line, its a crap shoot and you must decide how much risk your willing to take.

  4. Too many taxis, I would think that would be a good thing, if one is to promote less cars on the roads....

    Nah, best thing is to limit the taxis too. You want people in buses and on BTS/MRT.

    I am leaning towards getting a driver, as that seems the only reasonable solution.

    You should sell your car if unable to deal with traffic and parking situation.

  5. With regards to your questions about medical insurance you should know that it is very difficult to get one here in Thailand from a Thai insurance company if you are 60+.

    Thanks for the info, but is it impossible?

    There must be lots of 60+ farangs living here on retirement visas; what do they do?

    Its possible to obtain but most companies will drop you when you reach 65 or in some cases 70. You will get the best answers to this question if you post on insurance forum.

  6. My pension checks are direct deposited in my Citibank US account. My idea was to have them direct deposited in a Bangkok Bank account in the US. I would love to close my Citibank account but I haven't been able to find a better bank. Most US banks require you to be a US resident. I have come to the conclusion that US banks don't care for expats. They nearly force you to be a liar and to maintain a US address.

    Why not have source of pension checks wire them to Bangkok Bank NY using BB address and ABA number with instructions to deposit in account...your account number and name. You have no need to mention account is in Thailand. Bangkok Bank knows which Thailand branch to send funds by the account number. First 3 digits on account number is the branch.

    Wired funds between banks located in US use ABA numbers not swift codes and BB has ABA number.

  7. I did attempt to open a Bangkok bank account in the US. Some people here say they have done it. I was told by Bangkok bank US that they do not do individual accounts.

    You don't need an account at the New York branch but you will need one in Thailand. You wire money to NY branch (if in US use ABA number for Bangkok Bank NY) with instructions to deposit in account....you provide name and account number.

    Your account number tells NY which branch in Thailand has your account and that is where they send it.

  8. The 304 from Bkk to Korat is okay but if you want off the highway and see views take the 3077 which heads north off the 33 east of Nakhon Nayok. You then switch to the 2090 which will bring you back into the 2 at Pak Chong. This route will run you through the park as you desire.

    You can use google maps to check the route. You may not be up for mountain road drive but it has great views.

  9. OP if you still have the heart to help only provide for education of the children. The adult family members made their own bed so let them lie in it because no amount of money will change the bad choices they always make. This is how my Thai wife and I have dealt with the family for 34+ years. Until their passing the mother and father were the only exceptions and that financial help was minimal.

  10. First you and the GF need to visit complex without letting her friend know your coming. Check in office for any units that are for sale and what price they are listed. They will have a book or point you to board where they will be posted. You should also be able to find out what price units are renting from office or on board. You might also want to ask office what the monthly maintenance fee is and what percentage of people are paying fee.

  11. What to do if your accountants fail to tell you when your gov tax is due....and then you get a call from gov office asking..."where is the tax?"

    Mod you might want to move this post to different forum.

    OP you should pay taxes and if penalties are due extract those from you accountant with threat of legal action. You should then consider changing accountants when all squared away.

  12. Sorry for hijacking the topic but my question is not worth a new topic:

    My son has a 4:3 17" Samsung LCD mon but would like to get a bigger and wide screen one.

    Some of his friends told him that he will also need a new VGA card and that some of his games may not even work on a wide screen.

    Is this correct?

    What to look for to find out if a VGA card and game can handle a wide screen mon?


    Before you upgrade monitor check to see what your video card is capable of producing. You may want to make sure you have the latest drivers for your card before checking.

    I for one would not want to buy a larger monitor that is capable of 1920 x 1200 native resolution or higher only to find out my video card is good up to 1440 x 900 max. Yes, I know you can switch the monitor driver to lower resolution but it sure won't look as good.

    Also keep in mind that if your computer and graphics card don't have the horsepower to provide decent frame rates for games on a larger higher resolution monitor then why bother.

    Shouldn't have a problem with play but appearance of games written for 4:3 resolution will be stretched. If you don't like the stretched look I know the Nvidia card allows switching to Nvidia scaling which gives you black vertical bars on left and right side of screen making a 4:3 display in the middle. Everything will look normal instead of being stretched.

  13. In 70-75 Nana hotel cost 100 baht a night as did a friend for the night.

    Could walk the sidewalks of Bangkok without having to share with motorbike traffic.

    Lived in Ubon during the time and made many trips throughout Issan on Honda CL350. I will always have fond memories of arriving at my destination and before checking into hotel get a bath, massage and tubes cleaned out all for 100 baht at massage parlor.

    Although there were very few cars on the road back then I found it much more dangerous traveling rural Thailand. Not only did you have to worry about bad drivers but also water buffalo's and people just walking out in front of you and people sleeping on the road at night.

  14. Tagging a question onto this thread as not too off-topic.

    Just a short while ago i topped up my phone with a 100baht 12call card. Got the message as normal. But this time although it confirmed i had just topped up with 100 baht, the balance now stands at 86.01 baht. :) Never had that happen before, well, not that i have noticed anyway. Anyone know what thats about?

    Most likely the last time you made a call your credits ran out during call but programing for your number allowed you to complete call. My GF had the same thing happening and AIS said they could program her number with one of two options.

    1. Allow call to be completed when credits run out.

    2. Cut call immediately when credits run out.

  15. Why Onnut, i used to live there and after midnight it was a hassle getting to and from if for example you were having a night out at Gullivers or anywhere around that area, unless you were prepared to pay inflated taxi prices

    I've lived in On Nut area for years and find what you say a non problem. Sure you get the occasional taxi that won't go but I've never had problem getting from lower Suk area at midnight or later by taxi using the meter.

  16. For easy walking check on Soi 75/1 thru Soi 81 on odd side of Suk and Soi 50 and Soi 52 on even side of Suk.

    If you just get off sky train at On Nut BTS and wait till trains have cleared station then do 360 degree look, while still on top platform, you will see all apartments within easy walking distance.

    I like my place on Soi 75/1.

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