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Posts posted by coma

  1. Or may be because you are a white female :)

    And so different from my experiences. I find most people delighted to hear me speak Thai and appreciate the fact that I have made an effort.

    And yes this includes everyone, not just a few. I can't say I have had a single negative reaction to me speaking Thai.

    Same here (except once in Patong -- when I spoke very bluntly to a tout in Thai ;) )

    My neighbors love it. My employer and my staff at work love it ... the immigration office loves it ... the MoL office loves it .... my clients love it ..... My BF thinks it is funny because he forgets I know Thai (He's fluent in English).

    People getting a negative reaction must not know any of the Thai people I know. Maybe that is wrong, maybe I just don't know any of the Thai people they know :)

    Nope --- 47 year old chubby white professional.

    The ONLY people that look down on foreigners understanding them are those running scams. Those people are typically in quite limited geographic zones. I live in one of those zones but I still don't run into the issues reported by other members and that is in all likelihood because I avoid the real tourist zones of Chiang Mai (even though I live inside the moat)

    CORRECT!!! That is my experience and view also. They have an adverse reaction to the foreigner speaking their mother tongue as they cannot fleece that particular individual and they are also concerned that you will warn other foreigners of said scam/s. And yes. It is pretty much always in the tourist areas of Thailand.

    As I stated earlier in this thread. Any Thai that reacts negatively to a foreigner speaking Thai is a Thai that should be avoided at ALL costs. :jap:

  2. It looks like business as usual in Soi Bua Khao. I just took a walk and all the pubs are open and everybody in them is openly on da piss. :D

    The ban was only from 18h00

    and it looks well respected right now...

    Yes. Quite now. Just a few 'black ops' being conducted. :ph34r:

  3. Until Pakistan and its military grow the balls and intestinal fortitude to go in there and clean that place up and hold the ground by itself so as to cut off this blatant safe haven for insurgents fleeing the ISAF operation in Afghanistan. The controversy can continue until the cows come home IMO.

    This region is indeed where the 'REAL' war on terror is being fought. Bin Ladens presence in an apparent safe house right in amoungst Pakistans equivilent to Sandhurst is enough evidence for a mandate to continue these raids. One or two small tactical nuclear missile strikes in this lawless region may be an incentive for the Paki government to start doing something positive in the area. Instead of them play two hands in the same game. Furthermore. It is far past the time when ALL aid to Pakistan should be cut off. Seal that place off and conduct death from above operations is my view. Then they may come around to our way of thinking.

    Filth. :annoyed:

  4. Innocent until proven guilty is what your lot preach. So how are they determined to be terrorists at this stage ogf the investigation. I didn't read in the article that the accused had beed trialed as of yet. Just as the victims of the thousands of extrajudicial killings by the hands of Israel over the decades. Another classic case of double standards. :o

    P.S: Interesting how one didn't comment on this thread all day since it was first posted. Now I put my comment up and right on call you come in in an almost trolling manner. Laughable behaviour. :lol: Get a job dude! Hahaha

  5. What your Video doesn't show is the mowing down of innocent people by gunfire. Not hand to hand fighting. How convenient for you. :bah:

    If you attack someone with steel pipes and they have a gun, expect to get shot. These Islamic mercenaries were far from "innocent". :rolleyes:

    If a heavily armed group of men jumped through the roof of your house, you would pick up what ever you could use to defend both yourself and your property. That doesn't men the perp has the right to shoot you dead.

    As for your alter ego. Kuff Kuff. I don't play with him anymore. He is your own secret little friend. :D

  6. Poor old lady. She should have taken a dump in it before handing it over for inspection. :D

    Bravo. I hope they take this case seriously too. They have gone too far and people are accepting any kind of indignity for the feeling of security. That's a precursor to fascism. The terrorists wanted to change the American way of life. They succeeded. So dead Bin Laden or not, which side really won?

    Another way to look at this, the USA is in a MUCH WEAKER position internationally since the 9/11 attack. One big reason is the massive waste on overseas wars. It somehow reminds me of the way in which the Soviet Union fell.

    Absolutely correct. They have already won by changing our entire way of life. All these terrorists would be reading these stories and laughing their <deleted> off as they continue planning more actions to inconvenience our 'infidel' lifestyles.

  7. Israel just don't want any photographic evidence of them slaughtering any unarmed civilian activists that are onboard, as was the case with the Turkish flotilla.

    My thoughts and best wishes are with those onboard and I hope that they can accomplish their peaceful, symbolic mission of syupport for the Palestinian people without coming to any harm.

  8. So I guess America will be imposing sanctions against Bahrain soon.

    Maybe close down the 5th fleet naval headquarters,

    that will show them you are really serious about human rights

    No need. The situation has calmed and all is well in beautiful Bahrain. Feel free to go and visit and report back.

    I think they have or are about to pull the F1 Grand Prix that was rescheduled for the end of the season. So I guess it aint all beer and skittles in Bahrain.

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