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Posts posted by coma

  1. "one charge of aggravated possession of child pornography"

    Aggravated possession? Can't think what that could mean unless he snatched some dirty pictures from a fellow paedo. :blink:

    I was thinking the same thing. :blink: So I looked it up :


    dictionary_questionbutton_default.gifadjective Law . characterized by some feature defined by law that enhances the crime, as the intention of the criminal or the special vulnerability of the victim: aggravated assault; aggravated rape.

    "Some 'feature' defind by law " And what feature would that be ?? :blink::blink:

    Did that clear it up for anybody ? LOL

  2. Lukeskywalker - post #2


    What are you talking about?

    Easter Eggs are always bought!

    See Tesco page. Unfortunately, don't seem to have come to Tesco in Thailand.


    Seven pages of them.

    How do you know the OP is talking about CANDIED (e.g. chocolate) Easter Eggs? When a person just says "Easter Eggs" I think most people picture the actual chicken eggs that are painted (which I've never seen sold as they are made at home).

    If the OP was writing about egg shaped candy, then my apologies.

    CLAFAFICATION : Sorry if I [OP] have mislead this thread. I was talking about Easter Eggs, which were I come from are usually made from chocolate.

    Just came back from Rim Ping by the river and they had nothing other than a couple of hand size baskets with a hand full of small chocalate eggs. B150. I was kinda looking for something a bit more extravigant than that. So any info or sightings of Chocolate Easter Eggs would be appreciated. [Chiang Mai area only. I aint flying to BKK for them] Thanks guys. :jap:

  3. Read the article closely. Do you see any mention of where the detainees come from? Are they Angry Americans? Silly Swedes? Saucy Spaniards? We'll never know, as political correctness and privacy laws discourage country of origin statements..

    I will have 59 each way on Aghan, Iraqi, Sudanese or Sri Lankans being involved.

  4. If Tops or Rimping don't have them then I guess you'll be out of luck!


    Thanks David for you reply. I guess I best get myself out to one of these places. Cheers.

  5. I agree. This is a big mistake and now we will look like hypocrites if we do not run around helping al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood take over all the other Arab dictatorships.:(

    Too Late for that my friend.

    Libya: al-Qaeda among Libya rebels, Nato chief fears

    Libyan rebel forces may have been infiltrated by al-Qaeda fighters, a senior American military commander has warned.


  6. "The facts are important and truth is universal. If Palestine ever existed as an independant Country you should be able to address the check list of questions demonstrating it. If you can not it does demonstrate that what 'Palestinians' are campaigning for is a mirage based on propaganda. This is not to say they shouldn't be given citizenship rights somewhere, be it in Israel, Egypt, Jordan or Syria. If they persist in wanting to be grouped together as Palestinians then that is also ok, but there is no historical borders to base it's location on.

    The U.N first came up with the two state solution which was accepted by the Israelis, it was the subsequent actions of so called Palestinians which resulted in the loss of further lands"

    Interesting point of view. I guess they had no "historical borders to base it's location" back in the 40's when they created Israel did they. But the created them therefore the world can do it again for Palestine.

    Your comment " they should be given citizenship rights somewhere" is exactly what the UN was saying about the Jews following WW2. And look what happened to that. Sad to see some people are still in the 1940's mind set.

  7. You don't have to repeat yourself over and over again, denying there is such a thing called Palestine or Palestinians.

    It is a historical fact. Yes there was an ancient Jewish Country called Palestine, but never a modern one and never an Arab one. Even Arafat was an Egyptian. ;)

    There are new counties born often.Israel, East Timor, Former Yugoslavian etc etc. Southern Sudan next. What about a new country called Palestine?? One likes to talk about complicating matters. I don't see it being so complicated. Give them thier country, free to travel and trade, learn and work, free from danger and oppression. Once they have what they want then they have no reason to wage wars with Israel. Then if some Palestinian elements continue thier aggression towards Israel then they will have a clear mandate to conduct military operations in accordance with the any UN Charter allowing such action. Then Israel can have thier war. Not now!

  8. JERUSALEM (JTA) -- They came armed with knives and wire cutters looking for a Jewish target.

    It was a Friday night, the Sabbath eve of March 11, and Palestinian teenagers Amjad Awad, 19, and Hakim Awad, 18, both from the Palestinian village of Awarta, hurried through the dark before climbing over the fence of the nearby Jewish settlement of Itamar, in the West Bank.

    The first house they entered was empty of people, but they found an M-16, magazines and a flak jacket. They took the material with them.

    Next they entered the Fogels' home.

    The attack that took place there would shock Israel and reverberate around the world.

    First they murdered 11-year-old Yoav and his 4-year-old brother, Elad. They continued on to the bedroom where the children's parents, Ruth and Udi, were sleeping with 3-month-old Hadas. The Fogels struggled, but to no avail. It wasn't until the killers heard Hadas cry that they realized a baby was in the room; they murdered her, too.

    Before leaving the house, the two men stole another M-16.


    Interesting article. Do I smell a scapegoat here ? Does this alledged sequence of events seem plausable at all ?

    I know there are alot of weapons Around that part of the world but I do know that you don't just stumble upon these items so easily in a strange dark houses in the middle of the night. Twice. Without getting caught.

  9. I will be interested to see what happens if the uprising in Syria results in a similar number of casualties to Libya then the U.N would have difficulty not also intervening given the uncomfortable precedent sent in Libya.

    P.S If the U.N are doing requests I would prefer the Syrian regime removed to the Libyan one. ;)

    I totally disagree with any Western intervention in any Middle Eastern countries and in particular the various current uprising. I do however agree that Syria is far more in need of a regime change than Libya. But the land of Syria is indeed a hornets nest and even the US knows this. Thank heavens. It would be nothing short of political suicide as well as sending lambs to the slaughter to intervene there. Arabs and muslims from around the world would be lining up to fight foreign invaders there. Bad do do. :ph34r:

  10. Everybody is heavily influenced by thier surrounding including parents, communities and peers. Minor are obvioulsy going to be more so than adults. What hope does an Palestinian child have when they see death, poverty and occupation by big and scary, heavily armed men with machine guns loitering around thier nieghbourhoods 24/7 ?

    Are we not allowed to post links to Wikipedia ?

  11. Senseless murders. I do hope those found guilty receive quick and just punishment.

    Out of curiosity, I looked up world intentional murder statistics to find that a person is more likely to get murdered in Thailand than in Palestine. In fact, you are 20% more likely to get murdered in the USA than in Palestine.


    If you included in that count all the civilian Palestinians, as murdereded [which is the case] not accidently killed by the IDF , then those figures would be very different.

  12. Who is comparing ? Just saying it aint the US business as usual.However I still feel for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

    " The report found that the U.S. government neglected to adhere to "internationally recognized human rights principles the Bush administration has promoted in other countries."[4] From May to June 2008, United Nations Special Rapporteur Doudou Diène was invited by the U.S. government to visit and study racial discrimination in the U.S. Diène's 2008 report was delivered to the United Nations Human Rights Council and was published in 2009.[5] " ;)


  13. neighbors yard (the U.S.)

    So now the middle east is a neighbor of the US ? Prob 8o% of Americans don't know where the middle east is ,for that matter if anything exist outside their own state let alone Country :lol:

    Yes, in todays environment the entire world is the neighbors yard..

    80%? Display of ignorance if there ever was one..

    Pot this is kettle over . :cheesy:

    Why don't the US concentrate on looking after the problems of its real neighbour, Mexico, with the drug and immigration problems flowing into the US. And leave REAL neighbours of Iraq worry about any future problems that may arise. T

  14. Not wanted? [...]

    Yes. Not wanted. How comes you have doubt about this?

    Easy, just consider the source.

    A lot of people in Iraq and nearby would be very afraid if the Americans just up and left. Everyone - including yourself - knows the bloodshed will escalate far beyond what it was even 5 years ago.

    Let them shed thier blood. They have been doing so since Mohammad and his thugs went through there enforcing [ quite brutally I might add ] his words from Allah. The Koran.

    Who cares ? As long as we are not shedding anymore blood on what we all know to be a lost cause.

  15. At the end of the day Iran and Iraq are neighbours. They actually live on the same continent. The USA does NOT. Obviously a news alert for some. :rolleyes:

    They need to be left to fend for themselves. And anybody that thinks that the majority of Iraqi's want the US to stay in Iraq are gravely mistaken. The entire Arab world including such countries as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain depise the USA . Why ?? Occupying Arab land and supporting a satelite State smack bang in the Middle of The Middle East. Wish Mr Obama and his fellow voters would wake up to this fact and leave the rest of the world alone. Go away USA. :whistling:

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