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Posts posted by coma

  1. Doesn't it seem rather amazing that this border should explode at this exact moment in time?

    Just as Syria seems to be having problems with their own citizenry and are killing them with abandon, the border with Israel suddenly erupts for the first time in modern memory.

    Some of you will say it is merely a coincidence caused by the evil Israelis, while some will say it appears to be a ploy on the part of the Syrian regime to deflect worldwide criticism of their own tyranny.

    I come down on the side of the ploy.

    I think it is more the Arab Awakening influencing these sort of events. It is happening right across the Mid East. Arab Nationalism. This, IMO, is why we need to sort a peace deal out ASAP. If not, that Nationalism will united in a way we have not seen before. And another major Arab Israeli war will kick off again. Not good.

  2. Who said anything about me being in a "War Zone" ? I cannot find these two words in my post. Can you ?

    However I have been to hundreds of football games.

    You certainly tried to give the impression that you were controlling protesters in a similar situation to the IDF - not attending a football game . In other words, you have no clue about how to control large crowds of radical Islamic lunatics trying to illegally cross an International border.

    If you think so. B)

  3. Have the IDF ever heard of Non Lethal force? It is a technique that most modern defense forces are well trained in. If the soldier's on the ground lives were not in danger then why shoot to kill.

    BTW Al Jazzera is now reporting 20 killed.

    The IDF had used non lethal measures previously with no success. The attackers still went through the clouds of tear gas and dodged the rubber bullets.

    Tell you what, you go to an area where a state of war is still in place and use non lethal means when a bunch of hostile people start charging at you from the side that is still at war wth you, and see how long you last.

    The guilty party in these deaths is the Syrian government that aided and abetted these idiots. The people that died knew what they were doing and chose to put to throw away their lives. Not the brightest of people to allow themselves to be manipulated by the Assad regime and even stupider to have charged at a nation that is under a state of war.

    Yes, that's right a state of war. Syria is still in a state of war with Israel as it has refused to sign any armistice or peace treaty. Any violent people running towards Israel will be considered combatants.

    They were not Syrian troops with assault rifles they killed. They were civilians waveing flags on a day when IDF personnel should have been 'warned out' and well prepared to deal with these protests that occur every year.

    I have been in situations of being confronted by people protesting hysterically waving flags and never had the urge to shoot them. It is called good training and disciple.It is also called' not commiting war crimes against unarmed civilians'.

    You have conveniently neglected to take into account that the IDF warned the people they would be shot. Teargas and rubber bullets did not work. You have also neglected the fact that a state of war is in place along the border. No war crimes were committed as the IDF were behind their lines and were legally allowed to protect their border. You throw around the term war crime without any understanding of its meaning.

    You now claim to have been in a war zone and attacked by a large number of assailants without any urge to "shoot" the assailants. If you were an officer, you'd have been arrested and charged for putting your men in harm's way and allowing for the potential capture of a position and personnel that you were responsible for. It is called dereliction of duty. What part of the Syrian-Israeli demarcation line do you not understand is a legal battlefield? You might want to look up the definition of a non combatant and the rules that apply to "civilians" that take up action on behalf of one of opposing sides.

    You do realize that you are pissing into the wind on this one don't you?

    Who said anything about me being in a "War Zone" ? I cannot find these two words in my post. Can you ?

    However I have been to hundreds of football games. Fans protesting hysterically with flags. :lol:

    And where is it legal to shoot unarmed civilians? Regardless of if they are trying to cross a restricted border. Arresting them is the proper course of action. Remember that they were unarmed.

    For up to 20 Syrian civilians to have been killed it must have been getting real serious and of course dangerous for the IDF personnel on the ground. How many casualties did they sustain? Any of them get hit with a flag? Or were there any eye injuries sustained by IDF personnel from having thier eyes poked by the protesters and thier flags? Seriously. How many injuries did Israel sustain? It was a protest!!!!! Not an attack!!!! Appropriate force is not 20-0.

  4. The land belongs to Syria, and has been occupied by Israel since 1967.

    Maybe Syria should watch out who they threaten to attack. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. ;)

    Could you please show me the law which says a thief has a right to the property he stole.

    I am sorry, but that is a crazy statement, in my opinion. Israel "stole" the land? Israel was attacked and drove the Syrians off the land.

    So by your logic, all non Native Americans should leave the US, the Russians should leave their Asian land, the Chinese should retreat to the old kingdom centered on what is now Chengdu, all European Australians should beat feet, England should be broken back into the various Brtions' holdings, and the rest of Europe, well, if you can figure out who had claim first before eons of wars, well, then you are a better historian than most.

    For that matter, who should rule Syria? The Eblans? Canaanites? Phoenecians, Egyptians, Romans, Ottomans, Hittites, Sumerians, Assyrians, Byzantians, Greeks, French ( you get the picture).

    Israel "won" the land in combat, like it or not. Syria "lost" it. Thems the consequences of war.

    Going by that logic one would want to know how the US got a UN mandate to invade and liberate Kuwait from Iraq. Once again, by this logic Iraq won Kuwait fair and square.

  5. Have the IDF ever heard of Non Lethal force? It is a technique that most modern defense forces are well trained in. If the soldier's on the ground lives were not in danger then why shoot to kill.

    BTW Al Jazzera is now reporting 20 killed.

    The IDF had used non lethal measures previously with no success. The attackers still went through the clouds of tear gas and dodged the rubber bullets.

    Tell you what, you go to an area where a state of war is still in place and use non lethal means when a bunch of hostile people start charging at you from the side that is still at war wth you, and see how long you last.

    The guilty party in these deaths is the Syrian government that aided and abetted these idiots. The people that died knew what they were doing and chose to put to throw away their lives. Not the brightest of people to allow themselves to be manipulated by the Assad regime and even stupider to have charged at a nation that is under a state of war.

    Yes, that's right a state of war. Syria is still in a state of war with Israel as it has refused to sign any armistice or peace treaty. Any violent people running towards Israel will be considered combatants.

    They were not Syrian troops with assault rifles they killed. They were civilians waveing flags on a day when IDF personnel should have been 'warned out' and well prepared to deal with these protests that occur every year.

    I have been in situations of being confronted by people protesting hysterically waving flags and never had the urge to shoot them. It is called good training and disciple.It is also called' not commiting war crimes against unarmed civilians'.

  6. The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

    Obviously is Iran not in the UK. There are other countries that allow an audience to watch executions or where students celebrate them in front of the presidential palace.

    It's all a question how much civilised we consider ourselves.


    Hmmm, Your constant off topic trolling reminds me of another poster who seems to have gone awol of late. :jap:

    Yeah, I have noticed the obvious similarities in posting style as well.

    YEAH! Me three. :D

    Fancy you guys accusing someone of trolling. Pot this is kettle over and out.

  7. Yes. Well done I say. Find them guilty and get on with it. Just like China. Better than being stuck in a US prison for 20 or 30 years before they finally carry out the sentence.

    All the baggers here ought to be Iranian or if not just accept it as part of thier culture and not yours. ;)

  8. Arab world joined together already 3 times and thanks to that happy reunion each time Israel got bigger.

    Perhaps it's time for Arabs to realize Israel is here to stay and is most prosper and democratic nation in the region .

    Rather than running around and crying , perhaps IRS also tine for PA to come up with realistic plan of action instead of making UN realistic demands.

    This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

    I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

    And now it is time to hand that land back. Hahaha. :lol: Enjoy your dinner!!!

  9. Wonder why they picked the 67 borders & not the 47 UN partition? Jerusalem?


    That map says it all. Incursions,land grabs whatever you want to call it, is an invasion.If this was any other country in the world they would be fighting a war over it for sure. And the Israeli government is wondering why some people in Palestine hate them and fire rockets into thier backyards.

  10. This is good news for the Palestinian people and all Arabs around the world. Yet Israel is still trying to deny the inevitable. Best they come back to the table and save as much land as the Palestinian will allow them to keep. With the Arab world joining together it would be best to settle this long, drawn out problem and establish a Palestinian State as soon as possible and by peaceful mean. If not I fear a major confict in the region. A conflict that will have no winners.

    I can see all the pro Israeli's here venting their own anger at Mr Obamas decision. They too are in denial.

  11. More reason for the Pakistani government to get its military into line and into action in the region to clean that place up. We can airstrike them for decades and it will not change a thing. It needs to be cleared and held by ground troops. So Pakistan best get to it then they will not have these drones to worry about.

    Drones can do damage to the other side, but yes, it will take ground troops to hold the area. And that should be local troops, in my opinion. The question is whether Pakistan can get their act in place to do this, either by capability or willingness.

    I think Pakistan definately has the capability. The US has spend billions of dollars ensure\ing that they do. So it is more them lacking the willingness to go in there. They are more worried about the Indians and the Eastern border region as opposed to the War Zone that is the lawless western border. Maybe the US could get assurances from the Indians for a period of time that would allow Pakistan to redeploy its troops to said region.

  12. More reason for the Pakistani government to get its military into line and into action in the region to clean that place up. We can airstrike them for decades and it will not change a thing. It needs to be cleared and held by ground troops. So Pakistan best get to it then they will not have these drones to worry about.

    egads, I agree.

    Someone help me, I'm choking................

    Breathe geriatrickid. Breathe! :)

  13. I have already stated my opinion on what will happen to Hamas. And it is a very plausable opinion also. Hamas are old news in Palestine. It seems that some people just don't like the idea of the Palestinians getting a homeland.Period. I do however agree with one post that I think references Hamas and what a differant animal it will be as an undergound terrorist organisation as opposed to a rogue government. At least now we can communicate and deal with them and hold them accountable for thier actions to some extent. Once the Palestinian oust them, then they may indeed go underground, which again IMO would be alot less dersirable for Israel.

    Hamas are spawned from the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood so I would not be so sure that even the majority of Palestinians could oust them if their parent organization didn't desire it. Extremists may get into power initially by the ballot box, but are far less likely to relinquish power by the same means - Look how Ahmedinajad fixed the Iranian election then crushed the subsequent protests.

    As for Indonesian support for a Palestinian state - need you be reminded that East Timor was a proportionally greater genocide than Pol Pot managed so I would not give their oppinion any weight.

    Trust me. I don't need reminding about anything to do with E.T.

  14. Time to face facts fellas and I know you don't like it. But Palestine will have its own state very soon. And yes is is going to come at a cost to Israel. And so it should. Reason being is that that Israel took so much away from the Palestinian in the past that now, today they will have to return it. And that very thought ALONE is what eats away at Israel badly. And a few posters here too I have notice. Good at taking but not so good at giving. It is a differant feeling when one is to lose as oppossed to gaining.

    Deny it all you want. But educated people know that the establishment of a Palestinian State is imminent. I suggest some start getting used to it and stop bitching about it every time a bit of news comes out about pro Palestinain independence. Go take you clear frustration out some where more appropriate. :mfr_closed1:

  15. Many countries such as , France,U.K, Indonesia etc etc will recognize the Palestinian State without the UN mandate.

    Well Indonesia anyway, but what does it really matter? It is useless without a UN mandate.

    Yes. Indonesia. The most populated Muslim country in the world. 220 million of them. ;)

    In that case perhaps China or India be better, they have a cool billion of people eachunsure.gif

    Yes. But they are not muslims. Indonesia has a muslim population of 22o million. Anyhow I believe China is also keen of Palestinian independence. :D


  16. I have already stated my opinion on what will happen to Hamas. And it is a very plausable opinion also. Hamas are old news in Palestine. It seems that some people just don't like the idea of the Palestinians getting a homeland.Period. I do however agree with one post that I think references Hamas and what a differant animal it will be as an undergound terrorist organisation as opposed to a rogue government. At least now we can communicate and deal with them and hold them accountable for thier actions to some extent. Once the Palestinian oust them, then they may indeed go underground, which again IMO would be alot less dersirable for Israel.

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