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Posts posted by coma

  1. Isn't this clown a wanted felon ??? How can the current government, or any government infact, be dealing with a convicted criminal? This guy needs to come to terms with the fact that he is never going to be in the top job ever, ever again. This is a total disgrace and a slap in the face for all those who have and/ or are spending time in jail for their crimes.

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  2. Before and after views from our house.

    Last year mid March.


    Present day.


    I just love comparitive photography. Pictures don't lie.

    Ever heard of Photoshop?

    Yes of course I have. But in this instance I have the experience to know that these photo's are real. Cuz I see it for myself. But thanks for your concern.
  3. Obviously the education program about alternative measures to burning off rice paddy waste and other overgrowth is not getting through. Alot of these firebug culprits are illiterate and therefore can't read the imformation sent to them by the Agrcultural Ministry. Maybe they would get more success if they get out and about in these areas to educate the farmers face to face. Maybe incentives to farmers that use the suggested alternative measures to burning off could work. Failing that, maybe they need to spend a little time locked up to ponder about the way they do buisness. After all these pollution levels are contibuting to serious health problems amongst the population and even deaths in some cases. They are also hurting the economy with the costs associated in treating the same and new respitory patients each and every year.

  4. Yes. I have seen war correspondants placing themselves in some situations that are down right scary to watch. Cowboys with cameras.

    In this case however, it didn't seem to occur during a contact or gun battle. Therefore the IDF soldiers should have been in a position to know exactly who/what they were targeting when they decided to engage. However soldiers on the ground from a trained military, would not have the balls to open up on such targets unless it was within the ROE's or at least sactioned by people a lot further up the chain than them. Like. Ministry level. Therefore one would be forgiven for coming to a conclusion that the Israeli government is condoning such actions.

  5. Arab peacekeeping troops. Good one.

    Yes. Peace is a hard word to find in the Standard Arabic dictionary. Let alone a common word in Arab peoples vocabulary. So I would find it hard to see the Arab league being willing and/or capable of mustering and deploying such a force that would be a benefit to the ongoing situation in Syria. Such a force may well serve as a force that creates more confustion and complicating things even more. Coming from a middle east background I know how hard it is to get to Arabs to agree on anything large or small.Getting the world arab popultion to agree on a course of action for Syria is unfortunatley Mission Impossible!

  6. I find it interesting that Mr McCain uses the word " rebels " instead of terrorists, , which of course would be the term he would use if said "rebels" weren't fighting against a leader the US dispises.

    I don't see the rebels purposely blowing up civilians as terrorists do. They are defending themselves against a fascist leader and fascist military that is perfectly happy to slaughter its own people to stay in power.

    The US despises Assad because he is a hateful dictator who is a puppet of more hateful dictators in Iran.

    You are right about that one.

  7. But fight it we will I have no doubt. How things have changed since the Iran-Iraq war where by design or accident the two nations slogged it out against one another and left the rest of us in peace. Now we seem to be embroiled in proxy wars doing the dirty work of the Muslim brotherhood in Libya and potentially Syria, whilst Russia backs the other horse. Hopefully if military action is required Turkey will do their fair share, though I somehow doubt they will have an appetite to take on Iran as well, which would be the likely outcome of their involvement.

    Yes. Iran is definately a deterant. If Syria was geographically situated in , let's say, Northern Africa. Then Western military action would be done and dusted by now me thinks.

  8. Earlier this week, U.S. Senator John McCain called for the United States to help arm the rebels against the Assad government.

    Is this guy for real ? I find it interesting that Mr McCain uses the word " rebels " instead of terrorists, which of course would be the term he would use if said "rebels" weren't fighting against a leader the US dispises. Let's throw a few more weapons to the enemy!!!

    You sure are a bit of a legend John but of this one you have got it wrong.

  9. Beheading as a form of execution in this day and age is a little barbric in my view.

    drinking milk is barbaric in my view. but who the eff cares a sh*t for my view?

    Science and reason frees us from a dark world of universal subjectivity and gives us such things as the universal human rights declaration. I suggest using that as a litmus test. Anyway views are only important if they are followed by actions that impact on other human beings.

    Yes. Views are just views that we are all intitled to but rarely get acted on. However the views of those in positions to act on views are what really counts. Said people who are in such positions [usually of power and influence] often care more about retaining thier positions than acting on thier personal views. Often I guess/or hope that these people have views not that dissimilar to the rest of us. They're just power freaks.

    Sorry about the repeated use of the word 'view'. hit-the-fan.gif

  10. It is my view that Iraq needs to be ruled with the proverbial 'Iron Fist'. Therefore somewhat 'liberal use ' of the death penalty maybe warranted.

    It's not just Iraq but the entire region. The 'advantages' of a secular tyrant are firstly they will act rationally in their own best interests if forced to do so. Second, they keep the religious nutcases in their box, which is literally a life saver for any religious minorities - see below.


    Totally agree with you on this one.

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