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Posts posted by coma

  1. I take it as read that those who condemn two people being injured would have considerably greater condemnation for more violent occurences reported in the news on the same day such as the suicide bombing of a cafe in Morrocco or the secatarian bombing of a mosque in Iraq where the deaths were in double figures.

    No of course not. This is typical. A distortion of news out of tiny Israel compared to all the other lousy stuff that is happening all over the world.


  2. This is the house near Chom Chong in which a civilian was killed yesterday afternoon. Direct hit from BM-21 missile, it's probably about 20km from the border.


    if anyone can tell me what caused this I would be interested, i was told something like B512 but when i googled it nothing turned up. You can see where the original shell (?) has hit and the circular holes in the building are caused by something which must be thrown out on impact. A nasty weapon.


    I would say that it looks like it has been fired from some weapon system that fires a projectile long and reasonably flat. From the picture and fragmentation spread it looks as though the projectile came from the top left of the picture, impacted on the wall, and fragmentated down and away from the impact, down and to the right. I would say by the distance you said it would be some sort of medium rocket fired projectile. Just my opinion.

  3. I am confused now???

    China and US are are in Council of UN so i can understand that was reason but if that was reason, why they didn't inform other members of UN Council?

    Moreover, why they informed Vietnam? Vitnam is involved in this? China and US, too?

    What a mess....

    Vietnam is a very big player here, Perhaps more so than the US and China. For the simple reason that if Vietnam doesn't like what is going on in Cambodia, they will just go in there and rip the place up like they have done before. :ph34r:

  4. And what would be 'important to the national interests of the United States'? Oh yes OIL of course.

    Not even close. The USA gets almost no oil from Libya.


    The USA gets oil from the Arab enemies of Gaddafi.

    Please list them.

    It has got nothing to do with whether the US gets its oil from Libya or not. The simple fact that there is an ongoing situtation there, that has cut off the libyan oil suppys,which is having an effect on the world oil price. Everybody is affected. Just hurts the US a little more than everybody else because they use a shit load of oil. Maybe the most per capita in the world. :blink:

  5. Why would the U.S. "allow' them to escape? These terrorist scum would think that Guantánamo was heaven compared to prison in Afghanistan. :rolleyes:

    because it reminded me of a similar event in Yemen in February 2006 :ph34r:

    " One theory circulating in Yemen these days is that the recent escape of 23 prisoners from a maximum-security intelligence facility was orchestrated to transfer them to U.S. custody, circumventing Yemen's extradition laws. Certainly the U.S. would have an interest in obtaining custody of the escapees. Several were convicted of complicity in the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, which killed 17 U.S. service members on Oct. 12, 2000. Others include convicted bombers of a French oil tanker, the Lindburg. One was an American, Gaber Elbaneh, who was convicted in the U.S. of involvement in an Al Qaeda cell in Lackawana, New York."


    Interesting conspiracy theory. Why would the US want to ship 500 taliban States side ?

  6. The word - พื้นฐานการศึกษา defines as an 'educational foundation'.

    Where as the word พื้นฐาน by itself in relation to feild of teaching would interpret as '; base, bottom or primary.

    ปรับ in this situation means V ; to revise ,improve, better.

    I would make it out to be remedial training/ education. Hope this info helps you work out what you are up to. :)

  7. Young Palestinians get blown away by IDF Tank artillary just for going near a fence.

    From the information in the article the policeman would have acted well within normal ROE's. They had no permit, they were orders to stop, they continued, warning shots were fired, they continued and then they were fired upon. I would have done the same. In Iraq and Afghanistan or anywhere in Pakistan and India you wouldn't get that. It would be STOP,NO, BANG !

  8. Was wondering if you could class depleted uranium weapons as used in Iraq and other places and now claimed by some to have been dropped on Libya as neuclear or atomic? Those who us the stuff (guess who) claim it is less harmfull than natural uranium but from what I read the chemistry of the stuff changes when it is involved in an explosion and there may be long term efects of its use. Of course it hasnt been used long enough to show real long term problems but again, from what I read, there have been reports of an abnormal number of birth defects in countries where it has been used in munitions.
    Depleted uranium is not used as a weapon, per se, but as a round. It is not "dropped" on Libya or anywhere else. It is essentially a bullet. Because of the high density of the metal, is has the mass to punch through armor better than other metals. (It is also used in commercial aircraft and in many medical situations). So it cannot really be called a nuclear or atomic weapon. Depleted uranium has about 1/3 the radiation of natural radiation. The controversy is that some, such as the WHO, state that there is no toxicity to exposure to depleted uranium. Other studies indicate there might be a degree of toxicity. Others state that while the round itself is non-toxic, when it hits armor, small pieces can be broken off ans suspended in the air, and when breathed in, can lodge in the lungs where over time, it can cause medical problems. Regardless, even is long-term exposure can cause some problems, it would be incorrect to call depleted uranium rounds nuclear or atomic weapons.
    Tell that to the boys suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, that science say could be directly relaited to extended exposure to /and or use of Uraniam Depleted Rounds.
    You really should read my posts before going into attack mode. I pointed out that depleted uranium rounds were to "weapons" to be "dropped," I explained why depleted uranium rounds are used, and that calling them nuclear weapons would be incorrect. I then went on to write that some organizations contend that the rounds are harmless but that others do not agree with that assertion. Except for opining that the rounds should not be considered nuclear weapons, I made no real statements of opinions but merely related facts which can be easily confirmed by an internet search. Based on what I wrote, I have a very difficult time on how you can move into the attack by writing that I should "tell that to the boys suffering from Gulf War Syndrome." I would be willing to bet that I know many more men and women in the VA system, some of them with Gulf War Syndrome, so I personally am very aware if the issue. (By-the-way, they are depleted uranium rounds, not "Uranium Depleted Rounds,." which would be something entirely different.)
    Sorry if you took i that way. Wasn't my intention. The statement in bold is an interesting thing to say. I had a chuckle. :D
  9. Why do you think there has not been another World War?

    2 words : Nuclear Weapons

    Countries where wars occurred between 1990 and 2008



    I see what you are getting at Eddy. And I have often wondered whether or not the world really is in a World War. The world has gone crazy with war, especially after 9/11, that one could not be condemned for thinking so. My remark was in reference to a 3rd world war. A conventional, all balls out war. The likes of which this world has not seen since the Japanese defeat in 1945 complements of A1 and A2 . With the world the way it is now I have the belief that if that Nuclear deterant was not there we well would be in a full World War barny.

  10. Violence only adds fuel to the fire of radical Islam. A much more effective tactic would be to undermine the narrow view of extremisim and further isolate them from the modern world.

    If they want to live like cavemen in the mountainous Afghan / Pakistan borger region . Then good. Seal them and cut them off. That is thier corner of the earth so let them do with it what they will.

  11. Tell that to the boys suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, that science say could be directly relaited to extended exposure to /and or use of Uraniam Depleted Rounds.

    Posting something like this begs a link to a legitimate source to support it.

    Don't take my sentence out of context. I have highlighted a key word in it for you ? That said have a read of this. http://iicph.org/du_update_2_3 It is a good read.

  12. Was wondering if you could class depleted uranium weapons as used in Iraq and other places and now claimed by some to have been dropped on Libya as neuclear or atomic?

    Those who us the stuff (guess who) claim it is less harmfull than natural uranium but from what I read the chemistry of the stuff changes when it is involved in an explosion and there may be long term efects of its use.

    Of course it hasnt been used long enough to show real long term problems but again, from what I read, there have been reports of an abnormal number of birth defects in countries where it has been used in munitions.

    Depleted uranium is not used as a weapon, per se, but as a round. It is not "dropped" on Libya or anywhere else. It is essentially a bullet. Because of the high density of the metal, is has the mass to punch through armor better than other metals. (It is also used in commercial aircraft and in many medical situations). So it cannot really be called a nuclear or atomic weapon.

    Depleted uranium has about 1/3 the radiation of natural radiation. The controversy is that some, such as the WHO, state that there is no toxicity to exposure to depleted uranium. Other studies indicate there might be a degree of toxicity. Others state that while the round itself is non-toxic, when it hits armor, small pieces can be broken off ans suspended in the air, and when breathed in, can lodge in the lungs where over time, it can cause medical problems.

    Regardless, even is long-term exposure can cause some problems, it would be incorrect to call depleted uranium rounds nuclear or atomic weapons.

    Tell that to the boys suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, that science say could be directly relaited to extended exposure to /and or use of Uraniam Depleted Rounds.

  13. Controversy has surrounded the drone strikes as local residents and officials have blamed them for killing innocent civilians and motivating young men to join the Taliban.

    I think they have a valid point here. I also think they have the right to protest against the drone attacks.

    They do have a point. That is why Pakistan needs to send its OWN military in there and clean that place up. That area is more lawless than Somalia. And that is saying something.

  14. Which country has used nuclear weapons when things didn't go their way?

    Which country wants to deny the right of another country to do the same?

    When things didn't "go their way?"

    First of all, only one country used atomic weapons. None have used nuclear. But that is quibbling.

    The US had things "going their way" when the decision was made to use the atomic bombs. The idea was that doing so would cow Japan into surrender thereby saving millions of US and Soviet lives, and not more than a few Japanese as well.

    You can argue all you want on whether the choice was a good one or not, but to infer that the US used them only when things were "not going their way" is wrong.

    As far as which "country" wants to deny others the right to do the same, I would say that is a host of "countries," not just one. Once again, the righteous of that is open to debate, but let's get the facts straight.

    I believe the use of the atomic bomb over Japan in 1945 was the ONLY course of action. Had they not been employed the US and Pacific Allies would have taken uncountable lives invading maioland Japan. Maybe not even achievable. We got to remember that the Japanese didn't even surrender after the first bomb, such was thier resolve. It took another one 3 days later that talked them around.

    Today I believe the UN needs a severe overhaul on the way they do business, veto powers ,new permanant members, a ready reative army ready to deploy on any mission that is sanctioned by the council etc etc . Then I would like to see ALL nuclear weapons placed under the command the the UN Security Council. I know I am dreaming but that is not a crime.

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