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Posts posted by coma

  1. Conspiracy theory #264

    Pilot was distraught by his witnessing his friend being convicted unfairly - the day before. He made a call to high-up official, or maybe head of airport, and said something like, "get a pardon for Anwar, or I crash this plane."

    Response: "I can't get a pardon. That's beyond my powers. He was convicted by a court of law.

    Pilot: "I'm serious."

    Response: "Don't talk such crap about crashing your plane. You're an experienced pilot. Are you drunk? Don't be an ass. I should report you for saying such a stupid thing, but I won't."

    One of the most plausible 'conspiracy theories' I have read. thumbsup.gif

  2. After catching up on the last 4 pages I have to say that from now on I know I can travel by air in absolute confidence that I am safer than I have ever been. In the unlikely event that both pilots suffer a heart attack there will be so many experts down the back that we will have enough volunteers to fly us out of any given situation. I reflect and wonder why I did all those endless years of training and specialist simulator sessions and constant ground exam work to over degree level even when in my 50's when there are so many out there to whom this is all a piece of piss.

    Thailand, hub of expat experts in everything wink.png

    You did all that training & simulator work just in hopes of being called to the cockpit to save the day someday? What a guy! A real hero.

    Actually, I actually think a great many people (not saying everybody, but many) would be capable of being talked down in perhaps most of today's airliners if not prone to panic and able to follow instructions by radio calmly. Do flight attendants get any such "contingency" training at all?

    Hub of experts & know-it-alls, yeah, maybe, but definitely lurk-central for snarky cynics (who actually just want us to know that they know more than the know-it-alls, but are just more "humble" about it).

    I like it a lot ! thumbsup.gif

  3. Search coordinators say there has been no major breakthrough in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, contradicting prime minister Tony Abbott's comments that authorities were confident they know the location of the black box.

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/04/11/13/10/mh370-black-box-within-reach-abbott blink.png

    11 April 2014 Last updated at 03:47

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    Missing plane MH370: Abbott 'confident' over signals


    Thai news is reporting the same. So it must be correct.

  4. Search coordinators say there has been no major breakthrough in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, contradicting prime minister Tony Abbott's comments that authorities were confident they know the location of the black box.

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/04/11/13/10/mh370-black-box-within-reach-abbott blink.png

  5. Note: This post is just to put things in perspective regarding one theory of a water landing.

    Example of an ocean landing when it ran out of fuel, this is the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 hijacking. Even though it appears to be a fairly slow water landing attempt, the damage was catastrophic. So not so easy to get it down in one piece by attempting to ocean land it.

    It wasn't easy for that pilot, being bashed around the head with a fire extinguisher by one of the hijackers.

    If that aircraft had ditched in a wings level attitude, it wouldn't have been nearly so catastrophic.

    Notice how the pilot attempted to put it down near land ? Making a salvage/ rescue operation timely and with limited logistical problems. That isn't the case with 370.

  6. 3. Why have the FIVE people who checked into MH370 and but never got on the flight and had their bags removed never been identified and had their faces and good luck stories pasted all over the newspapers?

    Just wondering how these stories can be thrown out there with no closure at all.... but with such long threads as this maybe all answered and I missed it?

    Think this once again. If you would be one of those 5 people, would you like to go to the front of the media and say how lucky you were.. while the families of the people who died are mouring their loved ones?

    Furthermore there would be all kind of suspicious rumours about these "5 survivors" and the media would be knocking their doors. Not an pleasant situation to be.

    By protecting their identifies, the authorities and the media has done more good than bad.

    Where have you been ? This angle was cleared up 4 weeks ago. NOBODY checked in then did not board the plane. Five people that had booked and paid for the flight failed to show up on the day. This happens on a lot of flights. That is why they have wait lists. And in this occasion five people from the wait list were bumped up on the manifest.

    You are totally wrong... They did check in and then didn't show up and their luggage was removed..... 144 pages later and no one remembers this ...http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/03/10/malaysia-airlines-plane-hijacked-missing-5-passengers/

    And yes they should <deleted> well be questionned !

    Some people. rolleyes.gif

  7. 3. Why have the FIVE people who checked into MH370 and but never got on the flight and had their bags removed never been identified and had their faces and good luck stories pasted all over the newspapers?

    Just wondering how these stories can be thrown out there with no closure at all.... but with such long threads as this maybe all answered and I missed it?

    Think this once again. If you would be one of those 5 people, would you like to go to the front of the media and say how lucky you were.. while the families of the people who died are mouring their loved ones?

    Furthermore there would be all kind of suspicious rumours about these "5 survivors" and the media would be knocking their doors. Not an pleasant situation to be.

    By protecting their identifies, the authorities and the media has done more good than bad.

    Where have you been ? This angle was cleared up 4 weeks ago. NOBODY checked in then did not board the plane. Five people that had booked and paid for the flight failed to show up on the day. This happens on a lot of flights. That is why they have wait lists. And in this occasion five people from the wait list were bumped up on the manifest.

  8. If it WAS suicide, it looks like somebody went to great lengths to hide the body as it were. The ultimate 'No suicide note' story.

    Possible I suppose. Suicide whilst leaving an indelible mark on the world. Never to be forgotten as it were.

    In any event it looks like somebody went to great lengths to conceal flight path and final resting place.

    So, suicide or other?

    If it was suicide and the pilot intended to hide his tracks as much as possible, he did a good job at it. All indications, thus far, point to this being the toughest-to-solve air disaster investigation in history, with all due respect to Emilia Earhart.

    Concerning lack of floating debris: All the bouyant items, such seat cushions, are within the hull. If a pilot made a hard entry in to or on to the water, the hull would likely have split - spilling its contents. However, if he made a comparative slow entry, the hull might have stayed intact. I don't know how that could be done, but there must be ways of putting a plane in to the water which are comparatively slow.

    Note: when the Silk Air plane went down in an Indonesian river bed, it went nose first (at full throttle?) and wound up being buried deep in mud.

    If it was suicide. And financial gain being one of possible many reasons for an individual to commit such an act. Then wouldn't it be in the best interest of the culprit to conceal the act of suicide for insurance purposes ? Wouldn't the majority of life insurance policies not include suicide ? At this stage and with all the time that has passed, it sure would be difficult for anybody to prove suicide, let alone any other cause for the aircraft's disappearance.

  9. I am with Canuckamuck. Theories of a controlled landing under the circumstances we know of, just doesn't wash. Why would it be flown to the end of its fuel limit then ditched into the middle of nowhere ? They would have had more than enough time to "ditch" at a time and place the their choosing. Did the crew all of a sudden get the guilts up at the last minute and tried to save all on board ? No !

    Interesting watching BBC last night about the Chinese picking up pings last weekend, far from where the Australian Ocean Shield picked up the latest acoustic sounds. The Aussies basically accused the Chinese of picking up sounds from its own vessel. lol ! Just another Chinese red herding that has cost time and money. Remember the Chinese were the first to locate debris in the South China Sea ? Remember they were the first to locate debris in the Southern Indian Ocean ? Then they were first at locating "pings". They are quite similar to myself and the game of golf. They have all the gear but have no idea.facepalm.gif

    With the ever evolving adjustments to the search area, it just shows that they still have NO idea where the aircraft is. Or if it is even in the Indian Ocean. Like another poster said. It is more a keeping up appearances act for the families and world press.

  10. Mr Anwar said it was “baffling” that the country’s air force had “remained silent”, and claimed that it “should take three minutes under SOP (standard operating procedure) for the air force planes to go. And there was no response.” It was “clearly baffling”, he said, to suggest that radar operators had been unable to observe the plane’s progress. source

    Boomerangutang's response: That's what I had mentioned in prior posts on this thread. 'why hadn't Malaysia's defensive radar seen anything?' Up until Mr. Anwar's mention, minutes ago, there was no public mention or discussion of Malaysia's radar - whether it was functional? whether it existed? whether there were cover-ups? whether operators were asleep at their terminals? nada. The ball's in your court now, Mr. Malaysian PM.

    Meanwhile, the pilots on this thread will keep going on, ad nauseum, about unrelated issues dealing with vortexes from wingtips.

    Have you seen how people in this part of the world operate during a boring graveyard shift ? Malaysian military ?? Zzzzzz ! saai.gif.pagespeed.ce.f25DL0fHCd.gif

  11. A truly barbaric act design to instill maximum fear among the population. Terrorism in its purist and most simplistic form.

    One would think that government officials travelling in so called " notorious security 'Red Zone' " would have some sort of security escort available to them.

    It may be time for the government to start thinking seriously about offering them a level of autonomy that would satisfy them.

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