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Posts posted by coma

  1. If it was the pilot behind this it should be easy to log into his computer and flightsimulator at home to find the logs that will show where he tried to land the plane, maybe some remote islands in the Indian ocean ?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The press conference which is airing live now stated that the flight simulator has been seized by police and is now being analysed by 'experts'.

    It actually said it had been taken and reasembled by there experts and now was being tested.

    WoW ! Splitting hairs a bit here aren't we ?

  2. If it was the pilot behind this it should be easy to log into his computer and flightsimulator at home to find the logs that will show where he tried to land the plane, maybe some remote islands in the Indian ocean ?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The press conference which is airing live now stated that the flight simulator has been seized by police and is now being analysed by 'experts'.

  3. If Turkey has agreed to take them after their claims have been verified - then let them go there soon. Thailand should stand up for human rights and not be dictated to by China. Unfortunately the record on human rights is not good - as the refugee camps on the Myanmar border would indicate. Whatever happened to compassion ?

    Dictated to by China ? I think you misread the article. The US is doing the dictating as usual. Not China. It is a matter for the Thais, the Chinese and UNHCR.

    • Like 2
  4. What a load of hog's wash. If it's what the Russian government, not the media thinks, then they would have evidence. Russians would do anything to discredit the US ATM as it makes its grab for Crimea.

    Russia grabbing back the Crimea shouldn't be any concern to the US or the EU as it was part of Russia until 1954.

    Anyway, I still feel that the lack of three letter agencies at the forefront of this investigation could be rather telling if the cause is not something similar to the Helios Airways crash.

    There was no such thing as Russia in 1954.

    I am sure the three letter agencies are doing a lot of work behind the scenes trying to find out what has happened to the aircraft.

  5. The Mail on Sunday says Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was an “obsessive” supporter of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and the pilot may have attended his latest trial just hours before taking charge of the missing Boeing 777.


    I personally think this angle is a little thin as iot would have taken more than just 1 pilot to pull this off. But interesting reading all the same.

  6. You are on the right track (in response to the recent post about freescale employees)

    Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The preparation required to hijack this plane would have taken a very long time. Months or even years as did the preparation for 9/11. So how would the culprits know so far in advance that said employees, or anybody else, would be on this plane at that time ? The only way this angle would fly is if they were prepared well in advance and waiting for a target/s of opportunity.

  7. By now ... some readers are saying....

    Thai Visa posters are ignorant.... and need not be posting ideas.

    Now, here is my opinion...

    Thai Visa posters think "Out of the Box". We may actually, in our own naive way, submit something that could be checked out.

    If the Plane was not "ditched" then time is of the essence. Why not throw some snowballs at the chimney and see if one sticks.

    Here's a snowball which will undoubtedly melt very quickly in this heat.

    The Malaysian pilot(s) or cabin crew are muslims and sympathetic to the Uyghur people's cause, thus they fly the plane to a friendly muslim state in central Asia, demanding in secret negotiations with the Chinese government favourable conditions for the Uyghur people.

    Once the conditions are met the passengers are later returned to China and Malaysia, but only after some time when the media has moved on.

    It's been seven days already. Wouldn't they have made their demands by now ?

  8. I completly agree. Its so many places in the indian ocean no human from our civilisation today has viist. You probl find aborignals as best. Such as Diego Garcia had the earliest african/asian population but they ship all to Madagascar ..to make a militarybase..most probl more islands of same senarios in these areas.

    And everything south of Maldives, US Navy has a strong gribb, they dont let people near these areas...they will send out a boat or treath to shoot or kill even fishermens if they are close to Diego Garcia

    RT@vaitor Map: These are the two new possible corridors to find missing MH370 with the current available information - pic.twitter.com/TmBUinPMxZ


    The south looks like a watery death to me. I am going to vote for the northern area.

    On a side note, why has the western area been excluded ?? Does Malaysia Airlines know

    something they are not telling ??

    I think because India/Sri Lanka would have picked up MH370 on radar if it had gone deeper into the Bay of Bengal, and Diego Garcia if further West into the Indian Ocean .. that's only a guess

    However, it now seems that MH370 had enough fuel for Beijing +2.5 hours, but flying at lower altitude increases consumption. IF the red ovals in the diagram are correct, then looking to the hight North and Deep south would suggest that it had, or acquired, even more fuel

    To me, only one of these corridors seems logical.

  9. I agree.

    However not sure if everyone knows . US, UK maybee dont even know all the possible landing and bases they created for WW 2. With right organisation, money, time i am sure some people could have made a own 10 000 foot landing strip if this was a planned hijacking. LTTE "Tamil terrorists" is well known for even succefully made submarines, attack airplanes that was better than even WW 2 standards from both Thailand and at hidden islands.

    Enough money and a good secret organisation could do and plan it for sure.

    Seems pretty simple. Instead of wasting time looking in the ocean, it is really a research project.

    With the simple question, what island in the Indian Ocean has a deserted 10,000 foot landing strip.

    Latest report from Malaysia was that the last ping was received after the plane had been

    in the air for 8 hours. I believe that is a longer time period than what the plane had been fueled

    for. So clearly it has landed, refueled, and taken off again. With the plane fully refueled

    somewhere in the Indian Ocean, the search area would be so large as to unsearchable...

    The don't need a runway. A long, flat piece of road would suffice.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Say no more.


    Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iranians on false passports, Pilots and crew from an Islamic state. Do the maths and join the dots. Recipe for disaster.

    Never let an investigation get in the way of a good xenophobic or islamaphobic outburst. It might be better to wait for some proven facts, if any can be found in this terrible situation. coffee1.gif

    It is well documented that Islamic extremists are notorious for hijacking and blowing up planes as a means [ attempt] to a political end. It is their MO and has been for decades. Fact !

  11. Two "new" links below....both very confusing.



    I mean...in which direction out of a possible 365 has it gone & who are we to believe?

    Or is all this stuff just disinformation?

    Interesting map from Reuters, has it been confirmed by the Malaysian military that it turned north?

    The Mal Mil has confirmed the aircraft did make a Northwards turn but then what about Sat

    ping data also putting the aircraft heading towards Perth WA? 7.5 hours flight from last known

    verified position makes for a huge circle. Hmmmmmmm. But the "Stans...Why? Perth WA...


    Asylum seekers ? Maybe they should check Ashmore reef for the wreckage.

  12. The plane could have more fuel on board then reported

    There has to be enough fuel on board to cover taxi time +margin (due to queuing delays), climb to altitude (uses the most), level flight to start of descent, descent time (less fuel used here), time to nearest capable alternate airport, pattern holding if delay at airport, taxing to parking, and a reserve of perhaps 30-60 minutes. Depends a lot on company policy as they would like the aircraft to be loaded with absolute minimums as the more fuel on board the heavier and the more fuel used in total for the flight.

    Either way Malaysia Airlines would know exactly how much fuel the aircraft had on take off.

  13. A military airbase....for refueling? And then on to where? Incredible story..... But wait.... why no ransom...why no warbling old ladies dancing around in the goat field? How could this be a hostage situation if no ransom notes/demands are made? Or are these being kept quiet? Perhaps for a surprise rescue?

    Did you give thought to the possibility that if it is a hijacking, the people behind it may want to use the aircraft as a weapon. Or as a weapon delivery platform.

    Scary isn't it ? Hope none of Syria's confiscated chemical weapons fell into the wrong hands.

    Though a possibility please remember that there are more geopolitical problems than just the Middle East. Western China has just committed (reputedly, not confirmed by the relevant group) a major "terrorist" attack at Kunming railway station of the type never seen before. A stabbing frenzy? That is cold and completely off-the-wall. Definitely a new chapter in the terrorist hand-book if not a new edition!

    You're not wrong.

  14. A military airbase....for refueling? And then on to where? Incredible story..... But wait.... why no ransom...why no warbling old ladies dancing around in the goat field? How could this be a hostage situation if no ransom notes/demands are made? Or are these being kept quiet? Perhaps for a surprise rescue?

    I posted before about those 20 employees from Freescale Semiconductor company about having some kind of weaponry hi-tech device (UWB) ultra wide band. Whatever it is, someone wants something from this plane.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    This thing, if it is what I think it is. Would have taken a hell of a lot of planning. And it would have taken plenty of time. I mean it is bordering on Hollywood stuff. How would they have projected so far ahead that these scientist were going to be on this particular aircraft at this particular time ?

  15. A military airbase....for refueling? And then on to where? Incredible story..... But wait.... why no ransom...why no warbling old ladies dancing around in the goat field? How could this be a hostage situation if no ransom notes/demands are made? Or are these being kept quiet? Perhaps for a surprise rescue?

    Did you give thought to the possibility that if it is a hijacking, the people behind it may want to use the aircraft as a weapon. Or as a weapon delivery platform.

    Scary isn't it ? Hope none of Syria's confiscated chemical weapons fell into the wrong hands.

  16. " U.S. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection"

    Love the theory. One that I put forward earlier on in the tread. If the Malay Military were tracking it and it did turned back, range, last heading and speed would put it possibly in Pakistan. Right ? Or did somebody shoot it down before it got to its final destination ?

  17. I would say the odds are very high that is a maritime raft very similar to the below maritime raft. The orange 'tent' is a give away. The one below even says Boarding.


    They would have a hell of a time getting that through the door of an aircraft. I wouldn't expect it is designed to be thrown out of the plane, then deployed on the ocean first, and then the survivors swim to it.

    As has been mentioned, I believe they use the emergency exit slides for life rafts. All these years of fly around the place I have never seen anything like the raft in the pic above in any pre flight safety brief. Just the big, yellow slip and slide.

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