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Posts posted by coma

  1. Hishammuddin warned it may take some time before the Australian find could be verified.

    This line sounds so worrisome to me . If the satellite has located the debris, than the location is known and this should a priority, so not take a long time.

    You have no concept of the task at hand. This is not the Gulf of Thailand. It is the southern Indian ocean. 2500 km from mainland Australia. Four hours flight time for an Orion. Of which can only stay on station for 2 hours before it needs to make the 4 hour journey back to Australia. There are 4 aircraft being used but on a rotation basis, so as to have 1 aircraft on station at all times. Not 4 aircraft searching at the same time.

    Patience is key here.

  2. Two objects possibly related to the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane have been identified, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says


    In the Indian Ocean south west of Perth?blink.png

    I would bet any money you like those objects are not related. they could never have floated that far even over 12 days

    The experts seem to think, taking into consideration currents and winds, that it is in the right area. Size of the biggest object it 24 meters. There are a few other smaller objects. RAAF Orion is on station now searching for it. Should know one way or another, sooner rather than latter hopefully.

    Apparently the weather is not helping

    The weather is "fair" but visibility is poor apparently.

  3. Two objects possibly related to the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane have been identified, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says


    In the Indian Ocean south west of Perth?blink.png

    I would bet any money you like those objects are not related. they could never have floated that far even over 12 days

    The experts seem to think, taking into consideration currents and winds, that it is in the right area. Size of the biggest object it 24 meters. There are a few other smaller objects. RAAF Orion is on station now searching for it. Should know one way or another, sooner rather than latter hopefully.

  4. These people need to be cleaned out like rabbits in a warren. Arrested or eradicated, then there place of work/ residence destroyed. Their choice of employment kills thousand every year and destroys live, not only those of the user, but that of the families of the user as well.

    The war on drugs has been a complete failure. Better to make it legal, so people know exactly what they are getting and it becomes cheap enough that they don't have to commit crimes to get their supply. Methadone is already legal for addicts, but it is much more addictive and dangerous than heroin. That makes no sense at all.

    I was more talking about dealing with the problem were it exists. Which is outside Thailand, mainly in north eastern Myanmar. Maybe conducting operations similar to those of the US in central America. In concert with "foreign "counter-narcotics organisations of course.

  5. These people need to be cleaned out like rabbits in a warren. Arrested or eradicated, then there place of work/ residence destroyed. Their choice of employment kills thousand every year and destroys live, not only those of the user, but that of the families of the user as well.

    You guys had someone who declared an all-out war on Drug lords, and suppliers, but you chased him out the country and condemned him for the killings. So live with it.

    What are you talking about ? "You guys". lol

    • Like 1
  6. Surely this is disgusting behaviour by the Malaysian authorities?bah.gif

    And now they have set up a line of police in the lobby of the hotel where all the international journalists are living to separate them from the Chinese relatives to stop them from talking to the media.blink.png

    So are they going to follow them if they clandestinely agreed to meet in a restaurant later on? Totally bizarre


    I would have thought that the Malaysian government is getting pressed by the Chinese government to keep its citizen away from the media. We all know how China feels about their subjects communicating with western media.

    Yeah but you think the Captain is 'as guilty as sin', because he has a flight simulator in his house and he dared to empty his cache 6 weeks ago..

    Why do you think this is from the Chinese government rather than just a badly briefed and badly trained bunch of security guards and policemen at the hotel. How do China keep it's citizens away from Western Media in Europe or the USA or Australia? You are failing 'Private Investigation' phase 1 here in that you are avoiding, embellishing or distorting facts. The simulator memory was cleared a long time ago, not 3 days before the event.


  7. The strict policing in Singapore will make it a "claytons' Songkran. And it would be 10 times more expensive for the average traveler.

    Thailand shouldn't be worried too much. If they have a good product they will come. I don't see the Chinese kicking up a fuse about Thailand having large Chinese New Year festivals . rolleyes.gif

    No u dont. Why?, because the Chinese actually have something to be proud of, and are slowly but surely developing the country forward.

    Which is completely in opposition to thailand, who have little identity, other than what Bangkok has driven onto everyone, and an international image that extends barely beyond "hey GI, love u long time".

    All very tragic really. What an image.

    O.K ! facepalm.gif Good to know with all that said, you are still "Thai at Heart".

    Well, you see, I get quite envious to see the potential and real progress that other countries make, as opposed to Thailand that thinks it is already top of the pile, and doesn't need to work too stay there. Who the hell is Thailand to dictate to anyone?

    I am with you on that one.thumbsup.gif

  8. Surely this is disgusting behaviour by the Malaysian authorities?bah.gif

    And now they have set up a line of police in the lobby of the hotel where all the international journalists are living to separate them from the Chinese relatives to stop them from talking to the media.blink.png

    So are they going to follow them if they clandestinely agreed to meet in a restaurant later on? Totally bizarre


    I would have thought that the Malaysian government is getting pressed by the Chinese government to keep its citizen away from the media. We all know how China feels about their subjects communicating with western media.

  9. The strict policing in Singapore will make it a "claytons' Songkran. And it would be 10 times more expensive for the average traveler.

    Thailand shouldn't be worried too much. If they have a good product they will come. I don't see the Chinese kicking up a fuse about Thailand having large Chinese New Year festivals . rolleyes.gif

    No u dont. Why?, because the Chinese actually have something to be proud of, and are slowly but surely developing the country forward.

    Which is completely in opposition to thailand, who have little identity, other than what Bangkok has driven onto everyone, and an international image that extends barely beyond "hey GI, love u long time".

    All very tragic really. What an image.

    O.K ! facepalm.gif Good to know with all that said, you are still "Thai at Heart".

  10. These days Thailand doesn't take execution lightly. It has been used very sparingly in the last 20 years.

    In fact 99% of death sentences handed out are commuted to life in prison. Some are commuted to life almost immediately if the individual admits guilt at trial. Even serial killers, men that have raped and killed children and drug kingpins.

    I think Thailand has got it right when it comes to capital punishment. Only carrying it out on the most unsavory criminals that deny guilt and go to extreme lengths to conceal their crimes. In most cases by trying to 'fit others up' for the crime that they committed.

    Trying to dump a death penalty on somebody else for something they did themselves shows an individual of extreme cunning that has no remorse,

    Thailand Death Penalty Statistics : 25th February 2014

    Some statistics on death penalties handed out /gender/ crime.


  11. Now if only they would have used tough retaliation against the Southerners........ how many years has the South been in turmoil, wanting to breakaway from Thailand - wonder why they only start talking tough when it comes from Northerners.....?

    They tried that in 2004 and largely failed. Since the assault on the mosque, things in the south have gone from bad to worse.

    Two years after the Thai army raid on Krue Se mosque in Pattani, which left 32 insurgents and three Thai security officers dead, the government has yet to initiate criminal investigations into the events


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