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Posts posted by coma

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Not a joke at all. We all recall the February storm in Chiang Mai last year where at my house alone 21 huge trees, many old teak and flower-bearing beauties, were destroyed. Our 1,000 year old Banyan lost 1/3 of its huge crown that only now is starting to make a come-back! Our very large 20-year old sala was pushed over to a 15-20 degree list that took two months to repair. Many tiles were blown off the several roofs of this property. We kept the braces on many of our younger replanted trees for just this expected happening, and will take care our cars and dogs will be undercover if not inside.

    I am not aware there is much more to be done other than to hope it cleans the northern smoke-filled air, and clears the Bangkok streets of protesters.

    So we can assume by your........................".huge trees, ancient Banyan, very large 20 year-old sala, several roofs", that you enjoy boasting and are a typical ............"my dad's bigger than your dad" farang!

    You seem a typical penis envy type of guy...

    I don't see SLESQ making comparisons to anything anywhere in his post. You guys are drawing your own conclusions as to " who's is bigger than who's ".

  2. I've been racking my brain for weeks as to the intended meaning of 'All right' and now they change it to 'three seven zero'.

    Three times seven is twenty one or three times seventy is two hundred and ten. Could this be a GPS coordinate?

    The point is not that this says anything about the flight, but that it says something about the information coming from the government. They let an incorrect and widely reported "fact" or rumor stand for nearly 3 weeks. What other "facts" are they going to come out and claim are completely wrong next?

    Maybe they will finally fess up and come out with " it isn't in the Indian Ocean ".

    And yes Wooloomooloo. As another member posted. More coffee for you my friend. Racking your " brain for weeks" but you still aren't familiar with the flight number ? blink.png

  3. Every year we are called upon to rescue some person who insists on sailing around the southern ocean solo in the flimsiest of yachts.

    What ? Like this you mean ??

    A P3 Orion was on Sunday afternoon sent from the Indian Ocean search zone to look for a fishing boat in trouble about 3240km southwest of Perth and 650km north of the Antarctic mainland, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said.

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2014/03/30/20/10/plane-diverted-from-mh370-search coffee1.gif

  4. So, without any veiled speech. Why is the Captain considered by you to have a shadowed recent history?

    Much is veiled right now, particularly by Malaysian authorities.

    Tell me, assuming there was mechanical failure or a hijacking, has there been any indication that the captain took any evasive actions during the flight? Any distress signals? Not that we've heard of. Not a peep, nada.

    I carefully used the adjective 'shadowed' and it's immediately twisted to 'guilty as sin' by someone else. Does someone protesteth too much? Fersure, those who are interested have to wait until added (or as yet, unreleased) evidence comes forth. In the meantime, there's speculation by all concerned. Even mentioning the pilot was 'heroic' is speculation at this time.

    If a disaster has taken place, concerned people are going to speculate about what happened. That's human nature, and some of that speculation may even contribute to finding a viable explanation. The pilot is in the news. The investigative process should leave no stone un-turned. Malaysia Airlines, are understandably very sensitive about any evidence which may implicate the pilot (as not doing his job well, or worse; enacting a suicide/mass murder) - both for business reasons, and for national pride. If he's innocent and/or heroic, fine. Let the evidence point the way.

    GJ also seems to like to ignore the extremely suspicious movements of the aircraft after it diverted from its flight plan. And as you say Boomerang, the lack of any distress calls or attempted contact with ground stations only adds weight to the argument. It just doesn't wash that there was some catastrophic event on board that happened in such speedy circumstance that he had no time to get off an emergency call, but then the aircraft was still in such a condition that it was able to fly around avoiding radar, changing altitude, making turns and then flying thousands of kilometers more into the southern hemisphere before it came down off Perth.

    Some of the captains own friends have even claimed that he may well have been responsible. Or he was " not in the right state of mind" to be flying on that day. blink.png

  5. New radar data analysis has prompted authorities to re-focus the six-nation search 1100km to the northeast of its original location, and some 1850km west of Perth, following updated advice from the international investigation team in Malaysia.

    Surely the Australian over the horizon radar would have picked up this aircraft if it was only 1850km from Perth. So why are they only coming out with this information now ? blink.png


  6. Satellite images reveals nothing until someone actually picks up the debris floating around in the ocean.

    And to my surprise still no real evidence found.....

    This is what they are searching in, not hard to understand how difficult it is to locate white objects.


    The video was published on YouTube via Global Leaks, reportedly produced by a 'Salha Zain', and has had more than 100,000 views.

    "This footage shows a search vessel in the middle of the Indian ocean attempting to find clues," Global Leaks wrote.

    Tough job!


  7. Looks like the hard drive on the captain's simulator does not have any incriminating flight scenarios.


    "An ongoing FBI review of the missing jet's pilots' hard drives, including the captain's flight simulator, has not turned up a "smoking gun," a U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation told CNN."They have accessed the data," the official said. "There is nothing that's jumping out and grabbing us right now.

    "The official would not reveal what was on the hard drive, but said the Malaysia Airlines pilot did not encrypt any of the files nor did he appear to go to any great lengths to scrub the hard drive when he deleted files last month."

    On a side note, I am not impressed by the blurry blobs from the satellite images. If their resolution is actually

    that low, seems like they are a waste of money. I still have a sense they are intentionally blurring the images

    to protect the actual capability of the satellite.

    On a lighter note I wonder how large his porn collection was?

    But seriously, many pilots have fltsims at home so whatever he had on his HDD is not surprising,

    not even the erased stuff.

    With that said here's a report from the SMH yesterday that reveals more speculation on a much more

    serious note...links below...



    I'm not one for the pilot suicide theory but I do know Lindsay Murdoch (The Age) quite well and I will

    vouch that he wouldn't put his name to a BS story.

    In other news....

    Seems that what appears to be an aircraft fire suppression bottle (fire extinguisher) has floated

    onto a beach in the Maldives. In one report it has been dismissed as an explosive device. I have

    practical knowledge in many explosive devices including antiship mines and what has washed

    ashore in the Maldives is way too small to be an antiship mine. So what is it? I reckon it's

    an aircraft engine fire extinguisher bottle....but then again...I have only seen one of these in

    my life at that was a long tome ago....here's a pic & some links to verify what I have hacked

    here and to help you come to a conclusion on your own...





    Inmarsat & Doppler extrapolation says Southern IO.

    Eyewitnesses & some verifiable debris (even though

    some say explosive device) indicate otherwise. Why?

    The haystack is becoming rather hard to locate IMO.

    And yes the satellite images are purposly blurred to hide

    the true imaging capabilities of whichever satellite grabbed

    the images....especially if they originated from a Cosmos or

    KH series intelligence satellite.

    NB...edit to add an "A".

    Any link to the Maldives such as this alleged Engine Fire Extinguisher and the eyewitness accounts of what they saw, would surely put holes all through the current thought that it went down in the Southern Indian Ocean. There is no way it could have been seen there at the time the witness' say and then have enough fuel and time to go all the way down to where they are currently searching.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The captain of flight MH370 was facing serious family problems, including separation from his wife and problems with another woman he was seeing, according to a long-time associate who believes he may have taken the Boeing 777 for a "last joyride" before crashing into the Indian Ocean.

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/03/26/07/28/mh370-pilot-captain-zaharie-ahmad-shah-no-state-of-mind-to-fly-friend coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif>

    I have had serious family problems, including separation from my wife and children and problems with another woman I was seeing all resulting in financial problems, a divorce etc etc, and you know what at no time ever, did I even contemplate killing 300 people or even the possibility of taking my own life.

    I picked myself up, dusted myself down and took it on the chin and life is once again fantastic. Why do you guys think it acceptable to publicly besmirch someone, who until this incident had an unblemished record as a pilot and a Captain. 30% of people in the UK get divorced, much more here in Thailand. That would equate to about 1 flight in 3 being flown into the ground if 'troubled' pilots decided to take their own lives, and what about the train drivers and truck drivers and people working in offices in high rise blocks. The streets would be full of corpses. Why pick this incident to say 'it must have been his troubled life'? It does not make sense. Just because we do not know what happened should not give people carte blanche to simply make something up as a way of explaining what they don't know.

    Yes we need to investigate, but if the Captain is innocent then neither you nor I have the right to know the contents of any interview or discussion with his probably distraught ex wife, nor do we have the right to know anything about his private life if it had no bearing on this incident. The problem is we are being told everything now before any investigation or conclusion is complete and people are now just making it up.

    "ooooh he had a simulator" - loads of people do, especially pilots, if I had room , I would have one - I have no tendencies towards mass murder (apart from towards some members on the Thai Visa local news forum wink.png ).

    "oooh he deleted files on his simulator computer" - the amount of processing required is huge, if you don't empty the cache and memory frequently the flight sim would run about as fast as a bicycle sim. I have a high performance game on my computer and if I have more than 15 'saved games' in its memory the game crashes and wont work, so I have to frequently delete the old saved games.

    Whilst I kind of understand the need for people to brainstorm and gossip, all of this is conjecture and this is a real man everybody is discussing, who so far in his life had done nothing out of the ordinary, he had been the consummate professional, but had had self inflicted problems with his wife, how many men have fallen into that category at least once in their lives. The public scathing of this man is totally out of order. By the way I am not having a rant at you. Your post is simply the catalyst for me wanting to reply to everyone that is falling in to the witch hunt / find a scape goat mentality. If concluding that a personal issue with his wife and a tendency to delete files from his own private computer system is justification for calling a man a mass murderer then there is nothing anyone can do to stop you, does it make you all feel better? I hope so. The fact is at this moment in time it is not the truth and until we find out otherwise ALL the victims of this tragedy and their families deserve compassion.

    Gentleman Jim with all due respect, in this post it seems that you are implying pilots are somehow immune from reaching a state of mind where suicide is possible.

    It's only March and do you know that 12 bankers have committed suicide so far this year?

    Surely this state of mind can effect absolutely anyone, no matter what their profession or position in life?

    And once again until there is hard evidence to prove to the contrary, every avenue must be explored and when TV members are simply posting links and excerpts from newspaper articles engaging in this speculation, I don't think you can fairly accuse them of gossiping.

    When you harshly criticise and say “people are now just making it up “ one could equally accuse the authorities of the same thing and until we can prove otherwise, no matter how unpalatable you might consider it to be every aspect needs to be explored and discussed.

    Well put !thumbsup.gif

  9. The captain of flight MH370 was facing serious family problems, including separation from his wife and problems with another woman he was seeing, according to a long-time associate who believes he may have taken the Boeing 777 for a "last joyride" before crashing into the Indian Ocean.

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/03/26/07/28/mh370-pilot-captain-zaharie-ahmad-shah-no-state-of-mind-to-fly-friend coffee1.gif

  10. Has anybody canvased the idea of what happened to Egyptair Flight 667 in 2011 had also happened to MH370 at 35,000ft?

    An electrical fire (ie arcing) in the avionics bay occurred at the gate on Flight 667. This burned through an oxygen feed line beside the co-pilot's position.

    Oil rig worker Mike McKay sighted an aircraft to the west of his position in flames for 10-15 seconds before the fire went out.

    What if pilots had already turned back due to an electrical fault and took a heading for Djakarta or Singapore and whilst dealing with electrical failure were suddenly confronted by fire in the cockpit?

    Such a fire could have melted the fuselage skin like a blow torch and evacuated the pilot's emergency oxygen in seconds. This is like a cascading failure where pilots were pre-occuppied with one failure followed by a different type of failure.

    That sort of damage I don't think it would have survived a journey to the Southern Indian Ocean

  11. The attack at the hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 24 at 2.00 a.m. today prompted the former massage parlour king to come out with his five-round riot shotgun and declare he will never yield to any threat to his life and property.

    Five gunshots hit the glass panes at the entrance to the hotel’s restaurant but caused no injury to customer.

    He is wheeling a 5 round shotgun around about the time his hotel took 5 rounds. Open and shut case your honor... He shot his own gaff up laugh.png

  12. Go ahead & flame me, but I'm still just a little skeptical that all this actually ended way down there west of Perth... 'Guess I'm a hard case.

    If you think about it, the plane has gone down in the remotest area it could have reached in 8 hours. It's one of the most hostile, remotest areas on earth.

    Coincidence? Or pointed in that direction?

    It's quite obvious that there is more than meets the eye. From the time the aircraft switched from KL control to Vietnam control it has cast suspicion upon itself. It flew in a way that suggests it was being piloted manually. One cannot deny it. Switching off instruments, making controlled/evasive turns. Flown to ensure it evaded Thai airspace by flying just south of the border. Fascinatingly close in some areas. Too convenient for a auto pilot to plot by itself.

    The ghost ship theory only works for me as a result of whatever went on in the skies above the Andaman Sea and the greater Bay of Bengal

    I think the clue to it is working out what happened between the plane leaving Malaysian airspace to the west and the next turn it made.

    No matter how one looks at it "the rat smells to high heavens".

    P.S Malaysian daily brief on live shorly

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