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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. No, there will be no extra  danger  for us people in Thailand,

    A bit of radioactive dust is nothing compared to the risk 

    of dying in trafic ...been bitten by a street dog....gonorrhea ....

    hepatitis... food poisoning ......jumping from high buildings ....

    drowning with 2 hands bound on your back.... 

    No,no .....e few atomic bombs in the region are no danger for us .


    "bombs away......."

  2. 9 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

    I lasted 33 years in Thailand and finally just had enough of the filthy Pattaya sewer they call a beach, garbage all over the streets and nobody picks it up. I have moved to the Philippines where other than Manila the country is clean and beautiful. A school full of kids walked by my house the other day and my wife told me they were cruising their jurisdiction area picking up whatever garbage they could find, and I can tell you there was not much to pick up. The authorities teach pride in your city and country from when the kids are just small.

    after 17 years , the Jomtien beach is still filthy ,life electric wires hanging down , put holes every where ,

    a beach full of rusty parasols , double parked cars ,dead fish and garbage on the sand ,broken bottles in the water,.....no improvement in 17 years.

    My kids NEVER swim in this sewage , we dont come to this beach anymore .

    Bud the real estate guys call it "location location" ????

    It will never improve ,even worsen ....the Spanish guy proved his right, the paradise is long gone ,

    the night life is what's left ,take this away  and all what's left are Thai families which dont see rubbish ,and are used to swim in murky water .

    I moved to Spain , come have a look , you never saw cleaner beaches .

  3. 15 hours ago, Foozool said:

    But better not doing that, because they might get back to him with machete or even worse than that. 

    That kind of Thai even don't hesitate to attack to their own people even more than 4 to 1. It is not only about foreign people.

    in that case : change the tear gas for a machine gun,or start to learn  How to fight of 50 armed attackers.........hm....that will learn them !

  4. 5 hours ago, chrissables said:

    Most of them never see the big bike coming and are scared by the noise when he passes them.

    This alone is enough to start a fight.


    They are scared and entitled to fight? That is so funny!

    So what is the reason they backtalend him early in the video?

    What is the reason they cornered him finally ?

    He made them loose face ...and yes they will beat the shit out of you( even kill you) if they can  .

    Nothing funny about it .

  5. the new Rage is "party -houses" 

    Almost broke farangs with huge houses for sale for years,

    rent out their house with swimmingpool to "hordes " of Thai people ,

    in a party-house they have complete privacy and can drink and smoke and.....

    After 2 days they go back home completely exhausted and happy.

    Not so happy are the neighbors , witch have  sleepless  nights due to the mega bass sounds on the party.

    But useless to complain , police is perfectly taken care off.


  6. before action ....try to think about the reaction .

    the first action ,weaving through traffic , made many drivers angry,they see it as loosing face.

    Same for the motorcycles he passed.

    Most of them never see the big bike coming and are scared by the noise when he passes them.

    This alone is enough to start a fight.

    But the big bike is too fast and escapes them all until......he is cornered.This was the reaction.

    Then (second action)the biker steps of his bike and confronts the car driver (who did not lock his car-door ,nor drives away). On this moment the car-driver is ready and prepared to counter,all he needs is someone shouting bad words to him.Exactly what the biker does.So the door opens and and the driver, not scared at all ,but very composed.He knows he has the backup of the little knife ,shows it,but will only use it when he is facing real violence .So there is some little sister punching until the biker hits him hard in the face .No point in waiting any longer to use the knife ,so he does .(second reaction)

    So the biker did a few stupid things ...he did not think about the reactions provoked by his actions .

    If he did.......he would not drive like that through traffic in Thailand ,

    he would not go to the door of a stopped angry car driver ,( he could have a gun...)

    .....would not start sissy fighting ,but finish it with one blow and go.

    .....would have backed off seeing a knife ....,


    in short , he made one mistake after another , he will not last for long here.

    The skinny professor ....made himself angry in traffic ....and reacted , also his reaction was very poorly.

    Never come out of your car ,the little penknife is normally not enough ....the biker could be armed also.

    This time he was lucky and stabbed only in self defence  , only my opinion though .


    So , best to stay calm , but i agree ,on these roads ,with such an amount of complete crazy drivers , it is not simple to ignore .It is stressing ,ok,but much better than ending up with a knife in your belly .

    So , relax and think about the big problems you are avoiding ,by just doing nothing .




  7. Airco's are simple things

    So google how they work,until you understand how simple they are.

    With a handful of tools you can do almost every job .

    Even take the air out the system without loosing the gas.

    The only thing you probably can not do is "ad more gas"

    For this you will have to borrow (or buy) the little canister with the connections.

    I would not thrust any simple thai to do this job .....

    cleaning means the unit has to come off the wall and dismanteled.....not their trick with the big plastic and a bucket...



  8. you can sell beer ,but not promote the drinking.

    So any advertisement is illegal ...even the sticker on the bottle has to be removed ,because it says "this is beer "

    So if a costumer ask your what is this unmarked bottle ......it is illegal  to tell him .....especially  to tell him to try it .

    So the right thing to say is : "dont drink this Chang beer ,and surely not the 2nd free one !!!!!"   

  9. ones you have your split-off land and have build a house on it ,

    the big landowner sells the rest of the land to a Thai,

    the Thai starts a pig farm (or garage...paint spray shop ......)

    And you are not going to be happy.........

    Advice1; buy land were the neighbors  are already settled , you can inspect it and then decide what you do.

    Advise 2: dont buy land from your wife's family , you can be tempted because it is cheap (even free) ...dont do it .

  10. 6 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    I have always found that if you "walk with purpose" and totally ignore them they rarely bother apart from the occasional territorial bark. 

    as if you are very thirsty and going to a bar?

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